  • Culture of healthy skin

    Of all the organs of excretion, the most accessible for care and care is the skin. The great Russian physician A. Zalmanov calls: "We will support the resistance and youthfulness of the skin, and we will become more fit to fight against all aggression".He also owns an unusually capacious formula: "The skin is the second liver, the third lung, the third kidney."Alas, there are few modern women whose liver, kidneys and lungs would be in such a wonderful condition that they themselves would completely cope with the overloads of the period of pregnancy! Therefore, skin care will facilitate the work of other organs of excretion.

    The task of a pregnant woman is to maximize skin functioning.

    The importance of this is exacerbated by the fact that during pregnancy( especially if it occurs in the summer, in the heat), sweating is more abundant, and then various slag waste leaves. Moreover, in modern women( especially in connection with the popularity of clothing made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through), the skin almost never breathes properly, and therefore can not completely isolate the metabolic products.

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    Try to use less, alas, now fashionable deodorants, which stop sweating. Understand, the allocation of sweat is a protective function of the body. If a person stops sweating, he will quickly die from poisoning with those harmful substances that his body allocates. So to sweat to the pregnant woman( as well as all) is simply necessary. Just need to wash more often, that's a simple and trivial secret!

    Modern sweat remedies often only block the body's defensive response to the release of toxins along with sweat. At the same time, the chemicals contained in these drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream. After all, the skin has an extraordinary ability to soak. In cases where secretion channels are blocked through the skin( for example, with the help of strong cosmetic agents), uremic poisoning may occur, since the kidneys will not be able to cope with excessive load.

    Do not forget, unpleasant body odor and bad breath - clear "signals" of the body that the organs of excretion work badly! It is necessary to intensify the work of the skin more vigorously. And with a smell from the mouth - in the first place to adjust the work of the liver and gallbladder, as well as cure the teeth.

    Some famous perfumer claimed that "the only thing a woman should never change is spirits."Spend some time and

    pick up the smell, which we lower "per capita. It is very important that our husband likes your spirits. If you have money for expensive perfumes, add to the perfumes that you liked, literally one drop of quality essential oil: pink, sagebrush, eucalyptus, which you like. Experiment. Remember: the smell plays a very important, albeit subconscious role in human relationships.

    Careful daily skin care removes excessive stress from other internal organs of excretion, especially from the kidneys. I hope you remember that during the critical period of pregnancy, they are under double load.

    Skin care includes water procedures for hardening, water procedures for cleansing, dry grinding and self-massage to improve capillary circulation, air baths, sun baths, home baths, bath.