  • Infectious diseases

    Infection with infectious diseases is extremely dangerous during pregnancy. Infectious disease can be transmitted from mother to child, which threatens the development of deformities and intrauterine fetal death. The most dangerous are rubella, viral hepatitis, influenza, herpetic infection. Infectious agents are able to penetrate the placenta.

    Rubella is mostly affected by children, but if the infection occurs in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, it can almost certainly be said about the infection of the fetus. It threatens the child with such developmental malformations as deafness, cataract, heart disease, kidneys, blood.

    These problems can be avoided if a woman is immunized against the rubella virus before conception. Appropriate programs have been developed in many countries. Rubella in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy is an absolute indication of its interruption.

    Herpes is a viral disease. It is believed that most of the world's population is infected with herpes. When pregnancy, the herpes virus can penetrate the placenta, but the risk of infection is not very high. The probability of infection of the fetus increases if a woman who does not suffer from herpes before pregnancy, tolerates this disease for the first time during it.

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    If the herpes affects the female genitalia, the birth is performed by caesarean section to avoid infection of the child when passing through the natural birth canal.

    Flu during pregnancy is dangerous for its complications, fraught with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, a woman's weakened body is more susceptible to other infections. Influenza should be treated by a doctor who needs to contact the first symptoms of the disease with

    and be sure to report their pregnancy. It is impossible to say for certain whether the flu will affect the health of the child. The virus presents the greatest danger in the early stages, up to 12 weeks. If the pregnancy after the flu is normal, all tests and ultrasound are normal, then, most likely, there is nothing to worry about, the child will be born healthy.

    If the future mother falls ill with acute viral hepatitis, then the probability of infection of the child already before delivery is very high. Avoid infection of the fetus can be, if in the early stages of pregnancy, go to a specialized medical institution, where the necessary antiviral therapy will be prescribed.