
Vitamins for pregnant women: artificial or natural?

  • Vitamins for pregnant women: artificial or natural?

    The modern science of vitamins has brought to the attention of the masses the importance and necessity of keeping the vitamins in the diet of a pregnant woman who wants to give birth to a strong full-fledged child and to maintain her health with a yoke. Most literate people now know( at least theoretically) that a sharp deficit of vitamin C causes scurvy, vitamin-rickets, vitamin-beriberi. Such obvious clinical manifestations of avitaminosis are under the control of the doctor.

    But few people know that lack of vitamins in food leads to serious ailments and poor health of pregnant women. Hypovitaminosis, chronic, accumulating daily( and, before the onset of pregnancy!) Lack of organic vitamins due to insufficient intake of raw fruits and vegetables does not always give obvious "explosions" of vitamin deficiency with characteristic clear clinical symptoms.

    Vitamins and micronutrients are especially needed during fetal development, as well as during breastfeeding, with physical and emotional stress, during illness, depression, including postpartum, during significant physiological activity, when the need for"Building materials".

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    Unfortunately, the generally accepted, lifeless, unnatural diet of a modern urban dweller, especially the so-called "fast food", often leads a pregnant woman. Strong toxicosis, weakness, lethargy, fast-spoiling teeth, falling hair, bad mood without any reason, whims and "bziki" are very much caused by the inadequate nutrition of pregnant women.

    . On the other hand, "vitamin psychosis" and unscrupulous advertising led to the fact,that pregnant women and, unfortunately, children in huge quantities, sharply exceeding the norm, uncontrollably absorb tablets, "balls", "sweets" with vitamins, without a second thought that artificially synthesized vitamins are also medicines, andRitom potent. When taking artificial vitamins, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of itching, hives and other unpleasant symptoms.

    For most sensible specialists it has long been clear that pregnant women need to take medicine very carefully. But the unobstructed absorption of artificial vitamin preparations is still outside of medical control. How, pregnant women need vitamins - for two! Really, we need them, they are vital! But vitamins are needed in a natural, organic, natural form, in proportions that are balanced in living, natural products, which contain not only the well-known but not yet discovered vitamins and mineral salts.

    For the prevention, especially in winter, natural products must be supplemented with natural biologically active food additives to food and vitamins, naturally, on the advice of specialists. And the more important these natural biologically active additives, the less quality and natural products you can afford. Now experts on preventive medicine all over the world agree that the food of the century's man must necessarily include: traditional food plus natural products of the prescribed health-improving composition plus biologically active food additives( BAA).

    If a pregnant woman takes too much of a dose of artificial vitamins, they can act as poisonous as the most dangerous drugs. And after eating 2-3 apples, having drunk a glass of fresh juice, having eaten a salad portion, biokefir, taking dietary supplements from natural ingredients( for example, pollen, dried oat juice, spirulina and chlorella, sea kale powder), it gets its "solarenergy ", and she just does not want to do it anymore. In addition, plant sources of vitamins( dog rose, black currant, nettle, etc.) do not give, with rare exceptions, adverse allergic reactions.

    It is also important to remember that some vitamins can be stored in the body for future use( all fat-soluble), and the stock of others must be replenished daily( all water-soluble).Summarizing all that has been said about the importance of vitamins, we again emphasize the following: a pregnant woman and her baby vitally need vitamins, but it should not be eaten with pills, but with live foods that store sun, fresh air, spring water and life juices of the Earth, ready to give to itand her child their vitality and energy.