  • Second trimester

    Most women in this period already fully enjoy their position. The child and mother have adapted to each other, the early toxicosis for the most part passed. The woman is already rounded, the feeling of fatigue and malaise( provided that she observes hygienic health rules) passes. In this period, not only the stomach begins to grow, but also the forearms, shoulders, hips are rounded-the whole body is gaining weight. If a woman eats a healthy vitamin-rich food, with high biological value, if she does not eat high-calorie, harmful foods and moves enough, she may nottoo upset if the weight increases( but not more than 1-1.5 kg per month).One can consider the increase in weight( within reasonable limits!) As a reserve, one of the natural ways in which Nature protects the young sprouts of the future.

    Physical exercises, tension-relaxation, auto-training combined with a friendly, affectionate, peaceful atmosphere of the house allow her to prepare with joy and satisfaction for the reception of a new life.

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    Physical exercises are needed not so much for weight control as for strengthening and elasticity of muscles, improving metabolism and preparing a woman for the delivery process.

    It is important to develop your muscles well, because in six months they will have to cope with the rapidly increasing load. In this exercise is not recommended for an empty stomach. It is best to eat or drink something that quickly gives energy: steamed and washed dried fruit, a glass of juice, water with honey and lemon juice, yogurt, dry biscuits.

    By the 13th week, unpleasant manifestations of early toxicosis disappear. It does not make you sick in the morning, it's disgusted with some products. Appetite comes back, and with it the risk to gain extra pounds. Do not overeat and watch for weight gain.
    The baby is also an important event: embryogenesis was completed. Now the baby has to grow, and its internal organs - to improve. He needs more vitamins and other valuable substances. They also need the placenta, which now actually replaces the baby's intestines and lungs and plays a key role in its growth and development. It is not surprising that in the middle of pregnancy hypovitaminosis often occurs.
    It's time to check the content in your blood of vitamin C( norm - 1.2 mg / 100 ml) and folic acid( 0.6 ng / ml).The lack of the latter is found in 40% of pregnant women living in Moscow. The baby started the process of own hematopoiesis, and in your body began to deplete iron stores. It's time to take the test for its serum level and monitor hemoglobin.
    There are no special restrictions in this period - everything is still ahead. Do not eat much salted, give up smoked foods, marinades, coffee. Tea, too, do not abuse, especially after meat dishes: it prevents the absorption of iron, which is more necessary to the baby day by day. Meat and fish in boiled or stewed form should appear every day on your table.
    And the future baby needs eggs, cottage cheese and other dairy products.
    Have a snack with fruit and vegetable salads, sprinkling them with herbs, drink apple juice with celery, which is fond of expectant mothers in France. After all, in the green parts of plants, there is a key vitamin of pregnancy - folic acid( its name comes from the Latin word "leaf").
    To prevent iron deficiency anemia, eat beef liver, buckwheat porridge, apples "Antonovka", drink tomato juice. Limit the sweet and flour to not get better and do not provoke the development of diabetes mellitus of pregnant women - its danger becomes especially real from the 21st week, when the release of insulin increases the pancreas of the future mother.
    The most important compounds in this period:
    ?Vitamin C - the need for it is increased 2-3 times;now he is particularly active in capturing from the blood of the placenta.
    ?Folic acid is necessary for the proper formation of blood cells and the central nervous system of the baby.
    ?Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are required for the baby's teeth and bones, and for digestion, boron and vitamin C. are needed.
    ?Iron protects against anemia, and its absorption is promoted by vitamins of group B and ascorbic.
    ?Chromium, zinc and B vitamins reduce the risk of diabetes in pregnant women, as well as excessive weight gain by the mother herself and her baby.
    ?Vitamin A affects genes that are responsible for the growth and development of cells of bone tissue, skin, mucous membranes and retina of the child's eyes.

    By the 16th week of pregnancy, the laying of the internal organs of the future child and the formation of the placenta is about to end. Now she will be responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, and take out the waste products of the exchange. In addition, the placenta will begin to produce hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy, and will try not to let harmful substances from the environment escape to the baby.

    At about 18 weeks, start listening very carefully to what is happening inside of you: it is usually at this time that the child's stirring becomes noticeable. If you wait for the firstborn, you will feel his movements on the 20th week. Remember this date and tell the time of the first stirring of the fetus to your doctor.
    Since the 20th week of pregnancy, doctors often advise future moms to wear a bandage that supports an enlarged abdomen, preventing the threat of abortion and the appearance of stretch marks. By the way, with stretch marks on the abdomen and on the chest, you can fight, making massage with light superficial tingling of the skin.
    After the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby's activity can cause short-term uterine strains resembling contractions. Usually they do not deliver to the future mother of unpleasant sensations, last 1-2 minutes and repeat 10-15 times a day. What is the reason for the appearance of "fights"?The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth, learns to shrink and relax. Lie down on your side and wait for the tension to pass. If it gives you unpleasant sensations, be sure to tell the doctor about it.
    The main thing - do not consider yourself sick and lead an ordinary way of life, just spare yourself a little. If possible, in the summer live outside the city. Try to devote more time to active rest: move, walk in the open air, and do not go shopping, do gymnastics, physical education for future mothers at home or in a special group. Try to avoid noisy companies, smoky or stuffy rooms. Holidays are better to meet with your family.
    Can I have sex during pregnancy? If it proceeds normally( there is no threat of interruption and the placenta is located normally), then yes. Sexual life does not harm either pregnancy or the future baby. Moreover, in the second trimester, discomforts, ailments that often occur at the beginning of pregnancy, pass, and the spouses of
    can know the amazing moments of love. And one more pleasant moment: now you do not need to think about contraception and worry about the consequences.

    By the end of the fourth month, the Great Moment comes, when a woman first feels the fetus moving( 18-20 weeks).Some people do this earlier, others have it later, but all the members of the family should share the joy of the future mother. Gradually, the movements become so strong that you can see and feel them if you put your hand on your stomach. The more actively the child moves, the better it develops.

    Research in the laboratory of Professor IL Arshavskii showed that the wiggling of the fetus is the same internal physical exercise that allows the child to develop physically and mature physiologically. And the child also moves, earning himself a "piece of bread" when the mother has active physical activity and a low-calorie diet. After 1.5-2 hours after breakfast the child "rests" and does only 3-4 movements in 20-25 minutes. And if the mother skips meals and vigorously walks on foot, the child "kicks" 10 times more. With active stirring, more blood passes through the placenta. With the excess nutrition of the mother and the lack of physical exertion of the child, there is no need to move, as a result, too much physiological immaturity.

    On the fifth month the doctor can already listen to the heartbeat of the baby, and in the seventh month this palpitation can already be heard by the husband or the older child. The sound is deaf, as if through a pillow, the speed of 120-160 beats / min, almost twice as fast as the pulse of an adult. Sometimes you can feel( just very carefully!) A leg or head. The child grows and develops.

    At the end of the trimester, do not do a lot of exercises on the back, because in this position the whole weight of the uterus presses on the veins, which can interfere with the full blood circulation in the mother and, most importantly, in the child. It is not recommended to stand for a long time and lift weights.