Importance of nutrition for pregnant women
Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the pledge of the birth of a healthy child
For normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, the full and proper nutrition is paramountduring pregnancy, because the child receives all vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary for its development solely from the mother's blood.
And there is just enough so that the nutrients enough for her and the fetus, observing the right balance between lack of nutrition and its excess, which is equally undesirable for the favorable carrying of the child.
Importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy ^
Judge for yourself - for generations of pregnant women, older relatives, mothers and grandmothers, suggested that during pregnancy one should eat as much as possible, for two, because otherwise, the child will not get everything necessary.
As a result of this misconfiguration, women often accumulated excessive body weight, which led to disastrous consequences, such as labor and maternity and child injuries.
- Physicians have established a direct relationship between excessive weight gain and the occurrence of toxicosis( gestosis in pregnancy), the main danger of which is that it can cause a delay in the development of the fetus.
- Another extreme, in which the nutrition of a pregnant woman is not enough, is no less dangerous for a child who may be born prematurely or severely lag behind in development.
Therefore, a normal weight gain during pregnancy is a very important indicator of its safe flow.
- The optimal figure when the body weight of the expectant mother for the entire period of pregnancy increases by 8-11 kg, and it should be noted that these kilograms are recruited starting from the fourth month, because in the first months the weight, as a rule, does not increase.
- For regular monitoring of your weight, weigh twice a week and be sure to write down your indicators in the diary.
- On average, for a week the body weight should increase by 300-350 grams.
- If you add significantly more, you need to review your diet and avoid overeating.
It is especially important to monitor your diet for the expectant mother in the second half, because it is from this time that the intensive growth of the fetus begins and the load on all the organs of the woman multiplies.
- If in the first half of the diet pregnant, as a rule, three meals a day, then in the second half of pregnancy it is better to eat more often, but less abundantly, and a healthy woman can eat everything except for alcoholic drinks.
- Try not to lie down immediately after eating, it's best to rest actively, as this will improve the digestive tract and prevent constipation, which is very common for expectant mothers.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy ^
How to eat during pregnancy: advice from doctors
A full and balanced diet of a pregnant woman should include the following important products:
To prevent constipation and symptoms of hemorrhoids, proper nutrition during pregnancy must include cereals,coarse bread, vegetables and fruits that contain fiber, which provides regular and trouble-free work of the intestine.
Categorically it is not recommended to eat fast food, half-finished products and carbonated drinks, because such food is very harmful for the future mother, and her diet should consist of healthy freshly prepared home food without preservatives and colorants.
It is also extremely important to observe the correct drinking regimen by drinking at least two liters of water every day, purified through a filter.
During the birth of a child, the need for protein - the basic building material necessary for the growth of the child - increases.
- In the diet of a pregnant woman, there should be at least 100 grams of protein every day, ideally 60% of the protein is animal proteins, such as meat, fish and dairy products.
- The remaining 40% should be collected from cereals, vegetables, fruits and legumes.
In no case can not be excluded from their diet of fat, which is often mistaken for women, struggling with weight gain.
- The necessary amount of fats in the nutrition of the expectant mother is 80 grams per day, of which about 25-30 grams should be vegetable oil, which is not only an energy supplier, but also contains vitamin E, essential for the flow of normal pregnancy and prevention of its complications.
When threatened with miscarriage, doctors immediately prescribe pregnant women with vitamin E to maintain their pregnancy, so the use of vegetable oils should become a habit for you all the time you are pregnant.
- The body's demand for carbohydrates is greatly increased, on the day of them it is required about 400 grams.
- The amount of carbohydrates also can not be limited, even if you are obese.
- In this case, doctors advise that a pregnant woman should include 100 grams of rye bread, which will provide 70% of the required daily amount of carbohydrates, and replenish the remaining amount of carbohydrates at the expense of fruits.
It is necessary to monitor the presence in your diet of products containing the necessary minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.
- A lot of iron is found in meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.
- The need for calcium is best provided, as is known, by dairy products.
- Phosphorus is traditionally found in fish, dried mushrooms and green peas.
- Magnesium is abundant in cereals, eggs, bran, coarse bread.
Increasing in the second half the need for vitamins , especially in vitamin C, it is desirable to replenish with natural products, such as apples and broth of dogrose. Apples in general are a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, they contain magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, C and many others.
- Inclusion of several apples in a pregnant woman's daily diet will not only raise immunity, but will also be an excellent prevention of colds, which are extremely dangerous for a future mother.
- Also useful are various fruit and berry juices, but not store, containing dyes and preservatives, and freshly squeezed out of seasonal fruits.
Unloading days for pregnant women ^
Doctors advise periodically, not more often than once a week, to organize in the second half of pregnancy so-called unloading days. If your doctor recommends that you do a day off, listen, do not take his advice into bayonets, because this is a great way to regulate a normal weight gain and to remove frequent edema in pregnancy.
The most useful fruit and curd fastidious days, especially for expectant mothers with low and low hemoglobin, because apples are an excellent source of not only vitamins, but also iron, cottage cheese gives a long feeling of satiety, so at such a discharge you will feel very comfortable.
- Daily portion of food, for example 800 g of apples and 400 g of cottage cheese, divide into 5-7 receptions and eat when there is a feeling of hunger, thoroughly chewing food.
- Do not forget to drink ordinary water, which can be increased to 3 liters per day on a fasting day.
Fruit and cottage fasting days are very useful, safe and provide the body with everything necessary, so they can be arranged in the future, while breastfeeding. But to sit down on all sorts of diets - rice, buckwheat and others, doctors of pregnant women are strictly forbidden, as this can be detrimental to the health of the future mother and child.
Proper nutrition during pregnancy should be carefully thought out, complete, perfectly balanced and containing everything you need - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins - all that is necessary for a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.