  • Your active child

    Your child in the uterus is like a small acrobat, and by the time of his birth he will master the many movements necessary for his new life.

    Child movements play an important role in the development of his joints and muscles. The continuous movement of the developing joints forms the surfaces of contiguous contours, making the bones easy for the and to move smoothly. The child does the same thing that you do when you try to keep the body in shape;his movement is a kind of program for training muscles for development. The child must be in good shape to overcome the birth canal on the day of his birth.


    The child begins to move on the 7-8th week of pregnancy. At this time, its length is only about 2.5 cm, but he already has muscles along the spine. Because the child is very small, you can not feel it, but these movements are determined by ultrasound. Scientists describe them as "twitching" and "hesitation."

    By the 12th week the child rolls and tumbles and even frowns, and in just a few weeks he is able to perform a large number of movements. It is established that at the early stage of pregnancy a child makes more than 20 different types of movements, including sucking, yawning and hiccoughing. Between the 13th and 17th weeks, the toddler tensely learns the entire range of movements.

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    Activity picture of the

    The child's movements, starting around the 9th week, can occur in series lasting up to 7 minutes, but mostly they last 1-2 minutes. Probably, the child has a favorite place of rest, where he will return after a flash of activity. Usually this is the lowest part of the amniotic sac.

    After gaining control of the

    The baby's first movements occur solely due to electrical activity in his

    muscles: the brain does not yet give commands to the muscles. At this early stage of pregnancy, the baby's movements can be prolonged and energetic. However, with the development of the nervous system, the spinal cord, the brain stem and the centers of higher nervous activity assume control of the movements. Larger movements( for example, roll back and rolling) pave the way for more accurate movements( for example, eye movements and pulling one leg).So, the movement of the hand is more complicated than the somersault, because each joint of the arm has muscles that ensure its stretching and flexion. The child must learn to control both groups of these muscles before his movements become more elegant and manageable.

    Will your child be left-handed or right-handed?

    Some of the earliest movements of a child are single independent movements of the hand that occur around the 10th week. At this time, about 90% of children move with their right hand more often, and the remaining 10% prefer left movements - the same ratio Your child trains breathing In a mother liquor filled with fluid, the child can not breathe air, as the oxygen it needs comes from the systemblood circulation of the mother in his blood through the placenta. However, starting from about the 9th week the child will do regular and rhythmic respiratory movements with diaphragm and thorax;by the 30th week he will "breathe" about 30% of the time. Such movements are necessary for the development of the physical structure of the child's lungs, they serve as the beginning of the automatic reflex required for survival in the air.

    for adults. This preference is maintained throughout the pregnancy - the right-handed children remain right-handed until the 36th week, and statistics state that this is for life.

    It was believed that differences in the structure of the left and right hemispheres of the brain determine the left or right hand of a person, but preferences in the movements of the child arise even before the indicated differences appear in the hemispheres. But in reality it may turn out that, when choosing movements with the left or right hand, the child himself forms differences in the structure of the hemispheres of the brain. In other words, the physical movements of the infant determine the shape of the brain.


    The first baby movements that you will feel are one of the unforgettable cornerstones of the

    pregnancy stones. If this is the first pregnancy, you will not feel any movements until about the 20th week, and possibly up to the 24th. The first movements will be perceived as a trembling or flutter in the abdomen, and first you can decide that these are gases. If you have already given birth to children, you will be able to determine the movements of the child a little earlier, because you already know their manifestations.

    Your feelings will largely depend on how fast the baby grows, which should be big enough for you to realize its presence by jolting and jabbing inside, when you really feel the movement, it will not be in the mucous membrane of the uterus, because thatdoes not contain the necessary sensitive nerve endings. But when your child kicks, the uterus strikes muscles or organs, for example

    . By the 3rd-38th week, the life of your unborn baby is already well recognized, it determines the periods of activity and rest, and he, like the newborn, sleeps most of the time.

    Studies have shown that during sleep, unborn babies have rapid eye movements, which in adults indicates dreams. This led some scientists to think that children in the uterus can see dreams related to their activity during the day. Probably, the child dreams, as he extends the legs, hears your voice or plays with the umbilical cord.

    According to scientific data, the child spends most of the time in the following states.

    Calm sleep Approximately 40% of the time a child is practically passive, his movements are episodic, as if he is sleeping.

    Active sleep Approximately 42% of the time the child seems to be asleep, but it moves and makes some chaotic sweeping motion with arms and legs, perhaps when dreaming.

    Active wakefulness The child moves vigorously, this will be noticeable for you. Although this condition only takes 10% of the time, it usually occurs late at night when you are trying to fall asleep.

    Calm wake

    About 2-3% of the time the child does not move very actively, but his eyes move constantly. This behavior is similar to the behavior of a newborn when he is calm, but is believed to be monitoring what is happening.

    the abdominal wall or bladder, and this creates a sense of movement. The sensation is influenced by the position of the placenta. If it is located closer to the front of the uterus, you are unlikely to feel strong movements of the baby.


    Growing up, the baby will not move so often, but you will feel it more clearly when he begins to do it. In the late stages of pregnancy, you can feel strong enough strokes in the ribs and bladder, indicating the presence of the child. Although the decrease in activity is partly due to the increase in the size of the child's

    , it is also affected by the fact that for more subtle movements, the strengthening and development of the nervous system of the future person is required.

    Nature of activity

    You can notice that the child becomes more active in response to the food you eat( the sugar-containing food will give him a charge of energy, which is expressed in a flash of movements), your feelings or just to make yourself comfortable,when you change the position of the body. Probably, you will often feel the child at night, when you become free from the worries of the day and will calmly and relaxedly lie in bed.

    Studies have shown that the peak activity of unborn children - closer to midnight, perhaps this marks the periods of sleep and wakefulness that will be in the newborn.

    Awareness of one's self

    The movement teaches the child to realize his "I", to understand himself as a separate organism. Through his own movements, the movements of the mother and the limited space of the uterus, the child gets an idea about the different parts of his body, about their relationship and about where his body begins and ends.

    We also need to know where our hands and feet are at a certain point in time. For example, to take a cup, one should be aware of the position of the hand and hand, the position of the cup and the path of the hand from its current location to the cup. For the child, the very action of touching the foot of the uterus wall fills the nervous system with vital information. Any movement activates the neural pathways and forms a growing sense of self.

    It is believed that children form a sense of orientation in space. By the 25th week, most of the children demonstrate an "adjustment reflex", which pushes them to take their position in the womb with their head down. In his water world, the child gets acquainted with the force of gravity. When you move, the child will recognize this movement;doing your own thing, you create a feeling for the child, like riding on a roller coaster. All that you do is sit, lie, go, run and lean, your child will also experience.

    in recently conducted studies examined the effect of the mother's emotional state on the behavior of the child. Italian scientists observed mothers who survived the earthquake, and found that their children were more active. According to data obtained in Australia, unborn children were more active if their mothers watched an exciting film, and not some not provoking interest. The brighter the mother's psychological response to what is happening, the more clearly the child's reaction. However, this is not a "psychological" connection, but simply a reaction to chemicals that are produced by the mother's body and enter the bloodstream with mood changes. Similar mood swings will not harm the baby, but maybe some relaxation techniques should be used to even out emotions and make the child's world stable.