  • The first signs( symptoms) of pregnancy

    Some women just intuitively know that they are pregnant, and even able to clearly identify the moment when it happened. As for others, for them it is not so obvious.

    You should not "feel" a pregnancy until you really become pregnant and until certain obvious symptoms of it appear, and it is not necessary that you feel all the possible signs.


    You can experience one or two or all of the signs of pregnancy. For example, morning sickness is a classic "treacherous" sign, but you can be one of the lucky ones, from whom it practically does not manifest itself.

    In the photo - pregnancy - 35 weeks

    These unpleasant phenomena for a woman usually soon pass without requiring any treatment.

    In any case, the absence of menstruation is another classic symptom, but if your periods are always irregular, it will be difficult to understand the delay, whether you are pregnant, or simply because of the irregularity of the cycle.

    Absence of menstruation

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    This is one of the obvious signs of pregnancy. However, there are other reasons for the absence of menstruation. Stress, illness, as well as after infectious diseases, with severe overfatigue, anemia, endocrine disorders, early menopause, feeding, severe weight fluctuations, an increase in it, or anorexia, or stopping oral contraceptives may temporarily stop the appearance of menstruation. Even severe mental experiences can cause the termination of menstruation, sometimes for a long time. Irregular periods are a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, in which the monthly can occur every few months.

    Breast Sensitivity

    Changes in the size and feel of their breasts are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy .Just a few days after conception, your breasts will begin to increase, preparing for feeding, and you will probably feel their heaviness and sensitivity. Many women say that their breasts become very sensitive and they feel an acute tingling, although this often disappears a few weeks later. Changes in the breasts may be less severe if the pregnancy is not the first.

    When pressed on the mammary glands, they may be emitted droplets of light-whitish liquid( colostrum), similar to milk, but differing in composition from it.

    Nausea and vomiting

    Nausea is the most common complaint in the early stages of pregnancy, and most women experience it at the 5th-6th week of pregnancy, but nausea may appear two weeks after conception. Although "morning sickness" is usually said, it can appear at any time of the day and range from occasional, weak urges to an all-encompassing feeling of nausea and vomiting. In general, such symptoms disappear somewhere in the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

    About half of pregnant women experience early toxicosis associated with the fact that the body adapts to a new condition.

    Enhanced saliva separation


    Many women complain of a feeling of fatigue during pregnancy, especially at its initial stage. Usually, after work in the evening, the only thing you want is to fall into bed, or by midday desperately want to nibble. But by the 14th week your energy level starts to rise.

    Frequent urination

    Two or three weeks after conception, you will find that you often want to go to the toilet. This is due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder, which literally reduces its volume. Approximately to the 14th week the uterus will pass into the abdominal cavity, and this often alleviates the irritating symptom mentioned until the last few weeks of pregnancy, when the head of the child takes its place in the uterus, which again causes pressure on the bladder. Increasing in the process of pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone also stimulates the contraction of the muscles of the bladder, creating a feeling of fullness, even if there is little urine in it. In addition, in pregnancy, the kidneys work more strenuously, as the blood flow of the body increases by 6-7 liters.

    Changes in perception of taste and odors

    Do not be surprised if some types of food suddenly cause you to feel nauseous or you will strongly want some special food, or even inhale some smell.

    So, some women in the first months of pregnancy avoid eating meat and especially fatty foods, saying that they make them feel disgusted. Sometimes at this time, pregnant women tend to acid or salty foods, there is an increased need to eat sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, etc.

    A strange metallic taste may also appear in the mouth.

    Some pregnant women do not tolerate a ride on the steamer, by rail, can not stand the smell of gasoline, tobacco smoke, which they previously treated completely indifferently.

    Such signs are associated with a change in the functions of the endocrine glands, the nervous system and the metabolism of women.


    Constipation is a typical early symptom of pregnancy, it is caused by a high level of progesterone, which relaxes the intestines and slows the digestion process.

    Mood Changes

    High levels of hormones overfill your body in the early stages of pregnancy, making you very emotional, and sometimes tearful.

    At external examination of the pregnant woman's , she sometimes has a dark brown coloration of certain areas of the facial skin, nipples and nipples, midline of the abdomen.

    Allocations of

    Vaginal discharge is also intensified shortly after passing the menstruation: they become lighter, thicker, more viscous and sticky. At the first changes in the discharge, the doctor should be consulted immediately, since these discharges may be a symptom of the onset of the inflammatory process. If the doctor certifies that there is no inflammation, try to wash away the strained serum from under the milk and kefir, since there is a lactic acid bacterium close in composition.


    Two weeks after conception, your child is just a lump of cells the size of a pinhead that begins to develop in the mucous membrane of the uterus. The placenta is formed, and a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin( HG) is produced, which enters the bloodstream from the first day after the termination of menstruation.

    Pregnancy tests in at home

    Now there are special tests that allow a woman to determine herself at the earliest possible date, whether she is pregnant or not. From the moment of conception, the hormones of the ovaries, the cortical substance of the adrenal glands and the placenta begin to actively work in the mother's body. As a consequence, in the urine of a pregnant woman, the presence of a specific hormone( chorionic gonadotropin) secreted by the placenta can be determined, which makes it possible to confirm the fact of pregnancy in 98% of cases. Similar tests, which you can buy in most pharmacies, confirm the pregnancy with the detection of HC in the urine. They are very accurate, so do not be surprised if your doctor to confirm the pregnancy will be based on such a test. Usually doctors only confirm the test if there are any complications, such as the probability of a miscarriage. However, if you received a positive result, then visit a doctor for an appropriate medical examination.

    Rectal temperature test

    One of the most accurate methods for determining pregnancy is the rectal temperature test( in the rectum).If the temperature keeps above 37 ° for longer than 14 days, then there is almost no doubt about the onset of pregnancy.

    You may have "menstruation" after the onset of pregnancy. Some women experience mild bleeding for about nine days after fertilization of the oocyte. After embryo implantation, 20% of women experience slight bleeding, and they mistakenly can take this bleeding for the menstrual period and subsequently start counting the pregnancy days from this point. An error in the calculations will be about a month.

    Pregnancy blood test

    A doctor can also use a blood test to determine the pregnancy and the date of its onset. The test gives a positive or negative result, using it you can determine the level of HC depending on the symptoms and the history of the disease. When using more complex blood tests, it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy two weeks after conception. If you measure the level of HC, this will help determine the date of pregnancy, as the value of this hormone in the blood changes with the increase in the gestation period. Nevertheless, ultrasound examination is still the best way to determine the date of pregnancy, and it can be suggested to you at the first antenatal visit to the doctor.

    Blood tests for pregnancy are useful if there is a risk of miscarriage or if the doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy. In such a situation, the level of CG usually rises not so fast and can even fall, indicating that the pregnancy did not take place.

    Internal examination of

    Pregnancy is confirmed by data from a so-called internal( vaginal) examination, which reveals such probable signs of pregnancy as an increase in the size of the uterine body, changes in its shape, density, etc.

    Pregnancy lasts approximately 280 days, ie 40weeks, and its calculation is conducted on "obstetric months", of which each is 28 days( 4 weeks).With this calculation, the duration of pregnancy will correspond to 10 obstetric months.(By the way, date of birth you can find out today).

    And four to six weeks after conception, the health worker who works for you, if necessary, can receive a certain confirmation of pregnancy by conducting an internal examination. He will look for such defining signs as softening of the uterus or changes in the tissues of the cervix. The vaginal tissue thickens, the secretion glands work more actively, which leads to the release of more mucus. The uterus grows so quickly( by the eighth week it becomes the size of a small orange) that the doctor can accurately determine the onset of pregnancy. ( see the pregnancy calendar) .However, if you are sure that you are pregnant and the pregnancy test is positive, the doctor does not need to conduct an internal examination.

    Only very rarely menstruation persists in the first 1-2 months of pregnancy, but in these cases they tend to be different than usual - usually less abundant and less prolonged.

    When the first signs of pregnancy appear, a woman should immediately consult a doctor to find out if she is really pregnant and, in case of pregnancy confirmation, get the necessary advice from the doctor. Do this as soon as possible: this will benefit both you and the child!

    And if all the same, you became pregnant, firstly, accept our congratulations, and secondly, you have the opportunity to now learn the gender of your child !

    In the photo - pregnancy is 32 weeks.