  • Pregnancy and medications

    According to statistics, 80% of expectant mothers at least once in these nine months take the medicine, buying it in a pharmacy or taking advantage of what is at home. Is it possible to do this? No, and that's why. There is a universally recognized rule: during pregnancy, you should take as little medicine as possible.

    Norman Cousins, in his book Anatomy of the Disease from the Patient's Point of View, writes: "There is no deeper error than the widespread view among the general public that the medicine acts like an arrow shot at a specific target. The actual effect of the medication is similar to that of the porcupine needles. Admitting, any medicine( like food) is split in the body into its constituent elements. Consequently, there are practically no drugs that would not have at least some side effects. "

    "Pharmacological rampant century"( according to the apt expression of the French naturopath Vivini) led to a misconception that the drugs are mostly harmless.

    Practically pet medicines that would not have side effects.

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    This is especially unpredictable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Even popular aspirin, considered "harmless", can cause ulcerative bleeding with a weakened mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

    We always emphasize that the mother and the future child are a symbiosis, a single organism. Until recently, it was considered nonetheless that the placental barrier is impenetrable and protects the unborn child from the harmful substances that enter the mother's body, including drugs.

    In recent years, it has been proven that the penetration of viruses, microbes, toxic substances, alcohol, nicotine and many medications( over 400 substances in total) through the placental barrier is possible from the mother."Because of uncontrolled intake of penicillin, tetracycline, acetylsalicylic acid( aspirin), reserpine, amidopyrine, levomycetin, quinine, sulfanilamide preparations, etc., infants are often born during pregnancy( or before its onset).

    It is known that tetracycline and its derivatives at the beginning of pregnancy can cause developmental defects in a child. In later terms, it affects the growth of the child and the formation of teeth rudiments, because of which children often have severe tooth decay.

    As for levomycetin, it has a poor effect on the organs of the hematopoiesis of the future baby, and large doses of streptomycin can cause deafness.
    Acetylsalicylic acid does not cause malformations in children. But it can not be taken for another reason: like all anti-inflammatory drugs, it acts on the heart and kidneys of the child. That's why if you have a cold or have a headache, use paracetamol. In addition, aspirin increases the likelihood of bleeding.
    The World Health Organization( WHO) does not recommend taking pregnant women, because analgin, that it has a very bad effect on human blood, including very little.
    Usually using reserpine reduce high blood pressure. However, it is worth remembering that a long reception of the drug can cause depression in the newborn, lead to excessive drowsiness and even the so-called "rezinpine" cold. Although these manifestations take place within a week after birth.

    There are doctors all over the world who warn against irresponsible absorption of drugs without strict control, especially by pregnant women and children: "Many medicinal substances, along with useful( desirable) actions, cause harmful side effects - disrupt the flow of metabolic processes, the activities of various organs,endocrine glands. For example: such well-known "harmless" drugs as amidopyrine, salicylic sodium( aspirin), widely used not only for treatment, but also for canning fruits and vegetables, can cause more or less severe side effects. These medicines are very slowly removed from the body and accumulate in internal organs in concentrations dangerous to health. Therefore, uncontrolled use of amidopyrin sometimes promotes the development of anemia. Preparations of salicylic acid( aspirin) even in small doses strongly irritate the gastric mucosa. There are cases when frequent use of salicylates led to gastric ulcer and 12-perststut gut and ulcer bleeding. Drugs containing atro pin( besalol, bicarbonate), in addition to their direct action - pain reduction and gastrointestinal tract - have a side effect on intraocular pressure in people with glaucoma. The most dangerous adverse reactions can occur with inept use of sulfonamides and antibiotics. For example, prolonged use of penicillin is often accompanied by severe lesions of the oral mucosa, skin, internal organs, blood system.

    It has now been established that throughout the entire pregnancy period the antibiotic treatment of tetracycline series( oletetrine, etc.) and streptomycin is highly contraindicated due to the danger of adverse effects on the fetus( bone skeleton, circulatory organs, organs for maintaining balance and hearing).Prolonged use during pregnancy of these drugs can lead to the occurrence of congenital malformations( nezaraschenie upper palate, underdevelopment of the upper jaw, shortening of limbs and other horrors).

    To use antibiotics for common cold is like "to shoot from cannon on sparrows"( as the wonderful pediatrician - the first naturopath in our country GF Ryabyshev said).Antibiotics are an effective remedy in extreme circumstances, as they destroy pathogenic bacteria so quickly that it seems a miracle for those who first observed and experienced their magical effect on themselves. Many diseases that were previously considered very dangerous and threatened the life of the patient are now easily amenable to antibiotic treatment.

    But antibiotics literally mean "against life."When "life", which is destroyed by antibiotics, consists of microorganisms that harm a person, everything is fine and good. True, it must be taken into account that antibiotics do not act selectively, and just like air bombardment, they destroy everything in a row, sparing no one and choosing friendly bacteria or hostile pathogens( causing the disease).Therefore, as a result of even one course of antibiotics, the intestinal flora is seriously disturbed and both good and bad microorganisms in the intestine are destroyed.

    As one of the measures to prevent the negative consequences of taking antibiotics, many people for millennia have learned to add lactic acid foods to their diet.

    But if you still have antibiotics, try to follow the following tips.

    In order not to harm a future baby, an antibiotic to a pregnant woman should be prescribed only by a doctor. He will choose the most effective drug, necessarily taking into account his influence on the child. Each antibiotic selectively acts only on certain types of microbes. In this regard, distinguish antibiotics with a wide and narrow spectrum of action. The first suppress various microbes, the second - only microbes of any one group. To select the most effective antibiotic, the pathogen is first identified and its sensitivity to a particular drug is determined. If for any reason this study is impossible, use a wide range of antibiotics.
    The dosage of an antibiotic during pregnancy is almost the same as usual. In no case can you yourself reduce the dose of medicine, which sometimes do some women, afraid to harm the future baby. After all, this dose is calculated in such a way as to suppress the reproduction of microbes as much as possible, otherwise it is foolish to take the medicine.

    Antibiotics are effective only for bacterial infectious diseases. In all other cases, they are not only meaningless, but also harmful.
    Antibiotics will not help with:
    ?as already noted - the flu, acute respiratory-viral infections( these diseases are caused by viruses, against which antibiotics are powerless);
    ?elevated temperature( antibiotics do not have antipyretic or analgesic effect);
    ?inflammatory processes( antibiotics are not an anti-inflammatory drug);
    ?coughing if cough is a consequence of a viral infection, allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchial reaction to external stimuli;
    ?an intestinal disorder.

    How does antibiotics affect the fetus? Numerous studies have established that some groups of antibiotics can have a so-called embryotoxic effect: disrupt kidney function, insert teeth, and damage the auditory nerve. The most unfavorable effect of antibiotics in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the laying of all organs and systems of the child. Therefore, if possible, antibiotic treatment is postponed to the second trimester of pregnancy. If there is no such possibility( that is, when treatment is urgently needed), the doctor prescribes antibiotics that are the least toxic to
    and strictly controls the condition of the future mother and baby. In the second half of pregnancy, a set of antibiotics, which can be taken by a woman, significantly expands. But even during this period, only a doctor can prescribe medicine.
    Taking medication during breastfeeding also causes significant harm to the child. It is proved that about 400 substances enter the blood of the child with the mother's milk. For example, erythromycin gives the mother's milk a bitter taste and can cause gastrointestinal disorders in newborns.

    Doctors, when studying the data of 3,500 healthy women given medications during delivery, found that these drugs adversely affect children for seven years after childbirth. In particular, the intellect is reduced by four units.

    We are accustomed to immediately take medication, and the more they work, the "faster" in our opinion will be a cold, and we just need it. In fact, the long-term negative effects of some potent drugs are unpredictable.

    Pregnant women can take medicines only in extreme cases, under the constant supervision of a doctor.

    This also applies to women with chronic diseases who need constant support with medication. It is, for example, diabetes. A future mother should receive insulin. True, it is better if this happens under the supervision of a doctor: it is known that at certain stages of pregnancy certain doses of the drug are needed. By the way, it is for this reason, as soon as a woman with a disease that requires constant medication, comes pregnancy, she needs to immediately go to the doctor. Perhaps, while waiting for the child, the doctor will advise to take another drug.

    Drugs are especially dangerous in early pregnancy. The fact is that in the first 6-8 weeks the main organs and systems of the embryo are formed, and some substances can cause malformations. In addition, the child's body is not yet able to protect itself: its "purifying" systems( liver, kidneys) are still not coping with this task. At 16 weeks, the finally formed placenta begins to perform a barrier function, and some drugs are deprived of the ability to penetrate the child's body.

    So, pregnant women are contraindicated:
    ?X-ray. Refuse this procedure, especially in the first trimester, when the organs and systems of the baby are formed. If this study is still necessary, the doctor must take the most precautionary measures. For example, during an X-ray at a dentist, a lead apron is put on a woman's belly.
    ?Vaccinations. Vaccination should be performed before the planned pregnancy. Do not forget to tell your doctor that you are waiting for the baby before he suggests that you get vaccinated.
    Rules during pregnancy:
    ?Never take medicines without the advice of a doctor, even if they very much helped you before pregnancy.
    ?Do not exceed the dose prescribed by the doctor. If you are not getting better, contact a specialist.
    ?Tell the doctors you are referring to, that you are pregnant( or that you are planning to become pregnant).It is especially important to do this in the first weeks, when nothing is visible.
    ?Try to change the way of life to dispense with drugs. Do not be nervous and walk more often so that your head does not hurt. Eat light foods to avoid heartburn. Enjoy life.
    ?Before you take the medicine, think about whether you can do without it.

    But you can actively use non-medicines.

    Doctors-naturopaths for centuries have developed many non-medicinal methods of healing. Try first these "grandmother's" means, "znacharian" methods from the treasury of age-old folk wisdom, before using fast-acting and powerful( but, alas, often having negative consequences) pharmacological drugs.

    It is important to remember the following: during pregnancy the body of a woman is more stable not only to non-infectious, but even to infectious diseases. Nature does everything to preserve the nascent life, but the mother must do everything in her power to give the child at birth the maximum health.

    This means, for example, that during a flu epidemic you should not go to visit, movies and other places where there are many people. It is necessary to constantly strengthen immunity, temper, use all known non-medicinal preventive measures against influenza, try not to contact patients, especially patients with rubella, which is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, etc.