  • Hygiene in pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a natural condition for the female body. Nature has created a woman so that she can easily bear and give birth to a child. In addition, the very expectation of the baby is very useful for the health of the future mother. It helps to open all the possibilities of the body, to improve and even cure some chronic diseases of female genital organs. But do not forget that during pregnancy, the load on all internal organs doubles, so it is worthwhile to help them to fully perform their functions. This is precisely the direction of the proper hygienic care for the body and the sensible regime of the day. All measures used in this period will prepare the body of a woman not only for childbirth, but also for subsequent breastfeeding.

    Doctors do not recommend to limit their physical activity to zero during pregnancy, spend a lot of time lying down. Moderate exercise is very useful, they help to stimulate the heart, lungs, other organs and systems, and, therefore, to facilitate their work. Hypodinemia, on the contrary, promotes the progression of constipation, muscle atrophy and subsequently often is one of the causes of weakness in the ancestral forces. But it should be remembered that in order to avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy, you can not lift heavy objects, greatly overwork. It is prohibited to work in the night shift, in harmful industries, overtime. Also, the negative impact on the developing fetus is due to work associated with vibration, a sharp change in body temperature, and strong noise. Out of sports, all of its forms, connected with jumps and concussions, are excluded. You can not ride a bicycle and other shaking transport. Walking in the fresh air is very useful for a woman's health, preferably in the forest. They not only positively affect her emotional state, but also are a good physical exertion. And fresh air ensures good supply of the fetus with oxygen, preventing the development of intrauterine hypoxia. Especially beneficial influence is such a walk before going to bed. Sleep must be full, not less than 8 hours, but better and more. It is necessary to know that it is better for a pregnant woman to get used to sleeping on the right side or on the back, because in this position the pressure on the uterus is excluded. The bed should be firm enough, but not too much to prevent the development of osteochondrosis, which often occurs in this period. You can not smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to avoid being in smoky rooms, since inhaling tobacco smoke also affects the fetus as well as the usual use of cigarettes. Try not to communicate with people with infectious diseases, because during pregnancy, any infection can be very dangerous for the life of the fetus or cause complications during childbirth. Also avoid contact with people suffering from purulent skin diseases, pimples and acne.

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    As during pregnancy, the intensity of the work of all the excretory organs and skin, including sharply increasing, it is necessary to help them to effectively perform their function. To improve her breathing, the skin needs to be cleaned regularly, -better is better in the shower, and not in the bath, because in this case, contaminated water can get into the vagina and cause inflammation. A hot bath is especially contraindicated at the very beginning of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks the embryo is very sensitive to high temperature, which can easily cause a disruption of the development of the nervous system of the fetus, so it is better to give up the hot bath already at the time when you just assume you are pregnant or plan to have a baby. For the same reason, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time on the beach under the scorching sun. Air and sunbathing are very useful for health. Air baths are carried out on the balcony or on the street. The main condition is the security of their location from direct sunlight and wind. Gradually, the time spent on fresh air is increased from 5-10 minutes to 15-20 minutes. The air temperature should be approximately 22 ° C.Sunbaths can be started only after consultation with a doctor, because they have a stronger effect on the body than pregnant women. With some diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, sun baths can be categorically contraindicated. For healthy expectant mothers in moderate doses, ultraviolet rays are very useful, since they subsequently reduce the risk of rickets and vitamin D deficiency in a newborn baby. Women who have had a pregnancy in the autumn-winter period, doctors recommend sessions of ultraviolet irradiation.

    In addition to the shower, the complex of water procedures must necessarily include wiping and washing. They help increase immunity and increase mood.

    During pregnancy, the care for the external genitalia should become much more thorough, because right now any contamination can turn into an inflammatory process, which is extremely undesirable during this period. The future mum should in the morning and in the evening make dampings warm flowing, boiled water with mild soap or better gel for intimate hygiene. Hygienic syringings during this period are contraindicated.

    It is very important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. All problems with the teeth are better to solve even before pregnancy, because an extra source of infection to your baby is absolutely not needed. In addition, the anesthesia used during the treatment of teeth is not at all useful to the child. If you do not have time to put your mouth in order, you can do it during pregnancy, but be sure to tell your doctor about your condition. In this case, he will choose the methods of treatment that will be most safe for you and your future child.

    Since the muscles of the back during pregnancy account for a significant load, often in expectant mothers there are pain in the back and waist. To avoid them, you need to observe some simple rules. You can not raise your hands high, for example, when you are hanging clothes. In this case, you need to stand on a stool or other stand. You can not lift weights. If you still need to lift some heavy object, then instead of bending over, sit down, take it in your hands and go up. Under the mattress on which you usually sleep, it is better to put a thick plywood or board, because the excessive softness of the bed adversely affects the condition of the muscles of the back. When you wake up and get out of bed in the morning, you need to do this slowly, having lowered both feet to the floor, and not turning over on your side. Back pain is significantly increased if you are forced to stand for a long time. To prevent such pain, you must put one foot on any low stand or step. This will relax the muscles of your lower back and soothe the pain. The load on the back increases with weight. During pregnancy, this is inevitable, but you need to ensure that your weight does not increase excessively.

    Sitting future mothers also need "wisely".Long sitting on a chair leads to tension of the muscles of the waist and the appearance of pain, so it should not continue without a break for more than 1 hour. Then you need to get up and warm up. The chair should be with a firm seat, have armrests and a firm, comfortable back. Categorically not recommended! If you are accustomed to sit like this, then rather get rid of this bad habit. This position of the legs causes a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the legs and aggravates the heaviness in the legs and other vascular disorders.

    Even during pregnancy, many women do not abandon household chores and continue to shop. And consequently, they are forced to carry heavy bags. For carrying products it is better to use two bags so that the weight is distributed evenly. If this can not be done, then a heavy burden should be shifted from one hand to another every 3 minutes. The bag should be held in such a way that the fingers, clenched into a fist, look outward with the outside. Only under this condition will the load on the spine be distributed correctly. Heavy bags should not be worn on the shoulder. It is necessary to transfer at least part of the cargo to the package. It is best to use a backpack to carry heavy purchases. After you come home with shopping, do a set of relaxing gymnastics. This will help relieve tension from the muscles of the back.

    When pregnant, a woman should carefully perform many household tasks. It is very harmful for the child and contributes to the occurrence of premature births and miscarriages washing the sexes when the woman strongly bends to the floor. If it is absolutely necessary, then you can wash the floors, but only on all fours or using a squeegee. It is better to temporarily assign this duty to another member of the family.