  • Do not lose form!

    Everybody knows what a joke maternity can play with a figure. Excess weight, lost muscle tone of the abdomen, stretched chest muscles, weak back, aching waist, varicose veins. .. With the help of fitness, these troubles can be avoided or at least minimized. Regular physical training allows you to strengthen the muscular corset, which takes part in the generic act, improve the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to become calmer and more organized. They allow you to quickly restore the figure in the postpartum period, so now physical education is recommended in the women's consultation to all healthy pregnant women.

    Doctors do not tire of repeating: how fast after birth you will be able to come to the previous form, depends on how you spent 9 months waiting for the child - lying on the couch or in a more or less active mode. Moreover, the maternity process itself is easier for athletic moms than unsporting mums. First, the trained heart, lungs and appropriate muscles at this crucial moment help both the woman and the child. And secondly, in response to physical stress in the body, the hormone endorphin accumulates, which subsequently acts as a kind of analgesic.

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    And yet to forget that your body has changed and requires a special approach, it is impossible. Even the most experienced and competent
    visitors to the gym have to learn about their body a lot. In essence, the training program during pregnancy should be a bit like your usual activities. Remember: now you are not alone, but you two, and it is this second creature that will dictate your fitness style for the next few months.

    First, the intensity of training should be moderate. Keep in mind : during pregnancy, the pulse is increased and without physical exertion. During classes, you are breathing hard and sweating, so you can not feel the overheating, but in fact the fetus is greatly overheated, but you can not allow this. On a physical load, the fetus reacts by increasing the pulse rate by 10-30 beats per minute. In addition, intensive work of the muscles requires an increased influx of blood to them, which means that the blood coming from the blood may not be enough for internal organs.
    Tight training can lead to sad consequences: a decrease in fetal body weight, premature birth and even miscarriage. The general rules here are: to raise the pulse rate is allowed no longer than half an hour, and no more than 125 beats per minute. And do not forget about the full rest between sets( or even repetitions).
    The program of both aerobic and power exercise complexes will have to be reviewed. In the , the black list of gets twisted, as well as a variety of slopes - something that can cause the uterus to become hypertensive and provoke a miscarriage. Beginning with the second trimester, one will have to turn out to be exercises that are performed lying on the back. In this situation, there is a risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus, and blood supply to the mother's brain may also worsen. From the vertical position, it is also better to refuse, replacing it with a stand on the lap with an emphasis on the hands. In swimming, sharp movements and flies are forbidden( so the crawl is left overboard), as well as strong bending of the back. In yoga for pregnant women are contraindicated asanas in an inverted posture, when the legs are above the head, and a strong stretch, which can cause a miscarriage. In the third trimester, it is necessary to be extremely cautious during stretching exercises because of the following reason: during this period the body begins to produce a special hormone relaxin, which makes the joints more malleable, to facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal. A lost sense of measure is guaranteed dislocation.
    Finally, completely excludes traumatic movements - jumping, running, mahi, deep squats. For this reason,
    will have to give up tennis, horse riding, squash, bicycle, roller. .. In short, a lot from what.
    And what then remains? For example, moderate aerobic exercise such as walking. It would seem nothing special, but how much good. .. You strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop flexibility and endurance. All this is very useful to you: an actively working heart increases the supply of oxygen to both muscles and the fetus;the circulation of blood improves, which means that one can say goodbye to swelling and fears about varicose veins. Modern doctors say that those mothers who spent pregnancy lying on the couch are much more often faced with the need for cesarean section than active ones. Well, the fact that competently selected physical activities help to keep the figure during pregnancy, you already know.

    The main principle that should be guided in the classroom during pregnancy is common sense and consideration of those changes that occur in your body.

    The following should be considered:
    ♦ Weak joints due to relaxin. Therefore, training weights must be reduced. Exercises should not cause joint overload, and are performed sitting, with support of the back.
    ♦ Reduction of training intensity. You can not abuse complex exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, especially in the second third of pregnancy.
    ♦ Regularity of training. Do 3-4 times a week, most importantly, regularly. You can not train from time to time. And if you did not do athletic exercises before pregnancy, then you should not start them at this time.
    ♦ Proper breathing. Do not hold your breath while doing the exercises. This rule must always be observed, but it is especially important not to forget about it during pregnancy. Holding the breath can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.
    ♦ Body position. Avoid lying and standing exercises. Preference is given to exercises in the sitting position with support of the back and on the knees with the support of the hands.
    ♦ Body temperature. Do not overheat during exercise. This can threaten the health of the baby's future.
    ♦ Aerobics. Do not exceed the heart rate exceeding 125 beats per minute. In addition, it is recommended to limit the duration of the session to 15 minutes, including warm-up and hitching.
    ♦ Dehydration. Drink water before, during and after exercise without any restrictions.
    ♦ Is pregnant sport available? Of course. Chess, checkers, solitaire. ..

    Classes are also organized in women's counseling and are held in groups of 7-8 people. In addition to them or instead of them you can successfully do and at home.

    The advantages of home studies are convenience, the ability to choose your favorite music and follow the capabilities of your body, not adjusting to the class.

    Cons is the lack of control over the correctness of the exercises, so all women are recommended at least several times to attend classes in the women's consultation, and then, when all the necessary skills for the exercises will be acquired, if you want, you can go to classes at home.

    Sports, fitness, physical education are contraindicated for women suffering from acute inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, heart defects, heart failure, angina pectoris and other acute diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, contraindications include kidney diseases: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, etc., and all the complications that arise during pregnancy: the placenta, bleeding, toxicosis, etc. In the cases listed above, doing sports instead of good can seriously damage the health of a future mother.