  • Methods for alleviating the condition

    Dr. B. Taitz notes that in the first place in terms of effectiveness in early toxicosis is the super-trick: air, hunger, rest. He also emphasizes that the best prevention is to constantly rejoice that you will have a child.

    Try to ensure that in the morning hours breakfast consisted only of light food.

    Variants of drinks:

    a real lemonade, a glass of apple juice or cranberry mors, a rose hip with honey and lemon juice( in the morning on an empty stomach);

    grape juice should not be confused with any other to avoid flatulence, which is especially painfully tolerated during pregnancy;

    a glass of hot milk, in which it is good to add a little lemon, orange or apple juice( for the formation of light flakes, then the milk is better absorbed);

    a slimy decoction of oatmeal, wheat, oats, rice( the latter - provided that there is no propensity to constipation) or broth of bran( 1 cup of cereal, 5 cups of boiling water, cook until liquid slimy broth, strain, pour and thermos, thread with honeyand lemon juice);

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    broth of mint( 2 teaspoons of boiled water, insist in thermos).Drink small sips of honey and lemon juice;

    you can try a glass of hot chicory with cream.

    If you have a severe attack of nausea, you need to call a doctor. In the meantime:

    make a small enema with a decoction of mint;

    if there is strength, take a warm shower and

    at the end to pour cool water;

    lie down, warmly hiding;

    open the window,

    try to relax and

    breathe deeply;

    wet the fleece in alcoholic tincture of valerian and, holding one nostril, deeply inhale another( several times).Then attach the cotton wool to another nostril and also breathe deeply;

    suck a slice of lemon;

    very well put on the right side, to the liver a warm( not hot!) Heating pad;

    make a compress on the belly: wet a canvas towel in cold water, carefully squeeze, wrap around the waist, wrap it around with a woolen shawl or a terry towel, and it should be wider than a wet towel;fix it, and put a heating pad under the right side.

    If nausea does not stop, in this mode - without any medication you need to spend a few days, guided by the main principle: do not rape the appetite, rest and peace are required!

    To return to food it is necessary only with the appearance of a real desire to eat, i.e.when the feeling of nausea passed. To introduce food gradually: first fruit, then vegetables( pumpkin pulp is an anti-emetic), then porridge;only when the toxicosis passes, it is possible dairy products, etc.

    The best regime for toxicosis: carrying out B. Jensen's purification diet. If it is difficult to endure all the days, you can reduce it to 4-5 days. If at this time of the year a lot of fruit, well a couple of days, until the nausea stops, there are only baked apples, apricots, blueberries, 1 watermelon, grapes, etc.

    For those women who are difficult to give such "severe" restrictions( although it is better to limit yourselfin food, than to suffer from a constant feeling of nausea), you can temporarily try to limit even the consumption of high-calorie foods, i.e.a few days there are only fruits, vegetables, cereals, black bread.

    To feed the baby in the first months of intrauterine development, you need very little additional food in terms of calorie intake;The main thing is that the food should be natural, rich in vitamins,

    mineral salts and microelements: fruits, onions, juices, fresh and dry greens, nuts, honey, flower soap, etc. The average baby carrying is increased by 10-15 grams.day, and in the first three months, when toxicosis usually manifests, and even less. The main thing is not the amount of food, but its quality and the body's ability to accept, process and assimilate it.

    In addition to changing the diet, for the prevention of early toxicosis must also comply with some other rules that will help to avoid morning sickness.

    Do not wear tight clothing, tightening belts, rubber bands, buckles and straps that dig into the body.

    Clothing should be light, comfortable, do not press anywhere, especially in the waist.

    Avoid stuffiness and unprotected premises, especially if there is a tendency to toxicosis. When an attack of toxicosis should immediately open the window and breathe deeply. Training deep breathing, which helps to rid the body of excess toxins, will also help to remove nausea. Naturally, it makes no sense to conduct training in a stuffy, unprotected room.

    Particularly easily can cause nausea smoking or when others smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman;This should be categorically avoided.

    Sometimes the smell of food causes nausea. Very good, when an air cleaner is installed in the kitchen, it is useful to use an ionizer in the room, and most importantly, to ventilate the room more often.

    It is especially important for a pregnant woman to go to bed at 10 PM;if you stay up after midnight, sleep can be restless and unsettling. Later fetching in bed, when a person does not sleep, also does not bring health, unless, of course, you feel good.

    It is very important to cut out at least a few minutes of rest after lunch, and if this is not possible, sit, relax, with an open window or window.

    Sometimes toxicosis can be caused by constipation( for prevention methods see Letter 10).

    In some cases, a sedentary warm bath can help.

    With headaches you need rest, relaxation, hot lemonade, cold compress on your stomach, cold towel or cabbage leaf on your head, always warm your feet with a warmer. First aid for migraine necessarily includes a small enema with a decoction of mint or


    In some cases, early toxicosis is associated with increased flatulence, when gases cause painful pain. In some women colic occurs due to poor digestion of food;In addition, it should be excluded from their diet white cabbage, mushrooms and legumes. Drink broths of herbs( carminative tea, peppermint or cumin plus dill seed), compress on the stomach, sessile baths. You can carry a bag of cumin and chew a few grains: it eliminates colic and relieves fatigue.

    When cutting early toxicosis it is necessary to massage:

    - the points between the breasts at the level of the nipples on the right and left, press the index fingers several times;

    - the point of "tszu san li";to find it simply: if you put your hand on the bent knee, with your fingers spread out, the ring finger will rest in the hole under the knee from the side, it should be pressed several times in succession on both legs;

    - point he-gu on both hands in the dimple between the forefinger and thumb.

    Look at any book on shiatsu or massage, there you will find more detailed recommendations about a massage with nausea.

    As for late toxicosis, this is a serious matter and you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Here one can not cope with one's naturopathy.