  • Our internal friends

    The tendency to constipation in most cases is associated with a violation of a healthy intestinal flora. Dysbacteriosis can manifest itself not only in the form of constipation, but also, for example, in the form of thrush.

    Treatment of a dysbacteriosis before delivery will provide the child with strong immunity in the future. Untreated during pregnancy, the dysbacteriosis will pass to the child.

    Analysis for dysbiosis gives the most accurate picture of the state of the intestinal flora. On the basis of this, the doctor will help you develop a program for the restoration of healthy intestinal flora with the help of high-quality biologics containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.

    The entire digestive tract is filled with a mixture of the food that a person absorbs, as well as digestive enzymes, gastric and other digestive juices, liquid and solid waste. In it constantly lives and depends on its contents countless bacteria, microscopic organisms. These "micro-spouts" are our normal microflora. They help to break down food and remove the remnants. They produce vitamins that our body needs.

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    Although this does not sound very elegant, but in effect, each of us carries his own sewer, his own compost pile, his own vitamin factory right inside his warm, native, single body. At the same time, a new Life ripens inside him. Is it any wonder that we perceive our gastrointestinal tract as vital to non-existence, our way of life? Whether it is necessary to transfer our shortcomings and problems with health to the future child already now?

    I hope that you have already tried to change the structure of your diet( move the accents and use more fruits, vegetables, cereals, fortified lactic acid products.)

    But, suppose you have a gastritis or used antibiotics before pregnancy,hormonal drugs, led a sedentary lifestyle, abused burgers, fried potatoes, "snickers" and "mars." Is it any wonder that our internal friends - acidophilic bacteria remain in less

    It should be noted that one of the main causes of digestive disorders and, accordingly, the syndrome of insufficiency of absorption is a deficiency of nutrients in itself, and this is especially characteristic for winter and early springIf your pregnancy happened in these months, then all of the above applies to you in the first place. Remember, our task is prevention.

    For each hostile force, there is a certain opposition. The predominant stock of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is an antidote that allows balancing the constantly accumulating load of toxic factors that destroy our health.

    Lactic acid bacteria( lactobacilli) are abundant in nature and are extremely useful. They have a key role in the formation of curdled milk( when milking), yogurt, kefir, cheese. Normally lactobacilli are present in the skin, digestive tract and mucous membrane of the vagina of a pregnant woman and perform many important functions, protect her and her future child from the effects of harmful, pathogenic bacteria.

    And if they are not enough or not at all, and the child in the process of birth goes to the Light of God, grabbing these pathogenic bacteria along the way? !Is it any wonder that the staphylococcal infection is rampant throughout the maternity hospitals. Any germs and viruses were, are and will be. This is the law of Nature. The true cause of the infection is that the future mothers did not use the nine months he released to strengthen his and her baby's immunity and did not fully restore healthy intestinal flora. If there were enough friendly bacteria in their bodies, they could defend the invasion of staphylococci! When lactose( milk sugar, contained in milk) under the influence of bacteria turns into lactic acid, it acts as an antiseptic in the digestive tract. In addition, thanks to lactobacilli, calcium and phosphorus, found in dairy and other foods, take on a form that is better absorbed and used by the body.

    One of the serious scientific researches of recent years has proved that bifidobacteria effectively act against salmonella, staphylococcus, dysentery bacillus, if infection and other bacteria, if they are in the body in large quantities. Salmonella is mainly affected by those who have had an intestinal flora before. Regular use of these friendly bacteria, really real helpers, can improve health in general, and especially in the field of digestion, and also help the body fight against fungal and bacterial infections.

    The amount of lactobacillus in the intestine increases if the pregnant woman takes, for example, specially prepared( frozen, dried) dietary supplements containing live, biologically active acidophilic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Then the body improves the synthesis of vitamin B6, which in turn contributes to the formation of vitamin B3.Thus, BAA supports the immune system and improves the body's resistance. You see how everything is interconnected!