  • How can you help a future mother

    In the first months after conception, a woman may be in a tense emotional state, so it is very important not to take seriously her excitement over trifles.

    You will need your help with the au pair to make it easier for her. Especially it should be remembered that a woman in this position can not carry heavy bags, raise large children in her arms, move heavy furniture.

    Try to cut out at least half an hour before going to bed to walk with her in the fresh air, make her bedtime soothing foot massage, pour a warm bath.

    On the weekend I recommend to take for the rule: no household chores! Devote him to active outdoor recreation( in the park or outside the city).Or go to an exhibition, a concert, a theater, a dance, a restaurant, finally, if there is a good reason. All the same, all domestic chores can not be changed. The most important thing is the health of mother and child. Try to walk on foot in the forest, run barefoot, take a fresh forest aroma, sit and relax by the fire - the sun, water, air, earth will give their strength and energy to a pregnant woman. She will be pacified and calm, especially in an atmosphere of caring, affection and love.

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    The friendly atmosphere in the house, jokes and laughter, patient and indulgent attitude towards small weaknesses, which are a continuation of the virtues of a beloved woman, the ability to relieve tension and get away from family conflicts, hiding for saving humor and forgiveness - that is the invaluable merit of her husband in this responsiblefor the family period.

    In the joyful and hard work on the creation of the Family and the Home Hearth( not only apartments!), The husband, the wife, their older children, and their parents must take part.

    A smoking man should have something better to stop smoking, so that the

    can prove to himself and his family that he is ready for a serious responsibility, WHOM, to be a father. But if a man can not cope with himself, he absolutely should not smoke in the presence of a pregnant woman, and then a child.

    How often you can see a "touching" picture when a young father proudly takes a fashionable wheelchair and simultaneously smokes on all sides of his baby, being firmly convinced that he is walking a child in the fresh air.

    Moderate food, lack of alcoholic beverages in the house, restraint in manifestation of their "marital" requirements - all this is the best way to promote a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the house, all this will show the wife that not only she is waiting for the child, but also the husband too.

    The main thing is to help a woman all nine months, relieve her pain with a massage of painkillers, walk with her, prepare her juice, read books on education, study in special schools of future parents to look after the child.

    Unfortunately, the universal feminization of our lives, when children are surrounded from the first days only by women - at home, in the manger, in the garden, at school, even at the institute - leads to the sad fact that the extremely important role of men in upbringingboth girls and, in particular, the boy. Therefore, an enchanted circle turns out: the farther away, the more pampered, sluggish, inert, weak-willed modern women, who are charred by women.

    However charming and easy life together, the family begins only when the children appear in the house, and the intelligent wife must constantly emphasize the serious and responsible role of the husband in the upbringing of the child, which starts from the very first days.

    Exceptionally important is emotional support and physical contact during the process of delivery, when the husband takes on a part of the trials and experiences. At the same time, the father himself experiences an incomparable sense of familiarizing with the secrets of Life. This is the first touch to the child, what psychologists and biologists call "imprinting"( the first impression), establishes a close emotional connection with the child. Such families are much more resilient to all emotional storms of life precisely because their inner connection is inseparable from the very beginning of their life together. This is the meaning of the father's participation in the process of giving birth.

    Now in many countries, and we, including, allow fathers to see the process of childbirth. But the main thing is not to be a spectator in the "play".If the father is trained and familiar with various aspects and phases of childbirth, if he knows and feels when and in what he can help his wife, he thereby provides her with irreplaceable emotional support, facilitating her own process and supporting her child. In many cultures, the birth of a child is considered to be as intimate a family process as the sexual relationship between husband and wife, and there should be no outsiders in this

    .Perhaps this is, of course, only if there is a special relationship to pregnancy and the process of the "pregnant couple" rhodon. The main condition is love, care and the husband's desire to share everything that gives life to meaning, together with his wife.

    Now in many cities of our country there are centers for preparing for the birth of a child, universities for parents and family clubs, which play an exceptionally important role in restoring men in the difficult duties of the father and head of the family.

    Remember: it's very difficult to be a father, it's very difficult to be a whole life. I wish you courage and patience in this difficult but joyful work!