  • Proper breathing during labor

    The most important skill in labor is controlled breathing. It will help a woman in two ways.

    First, it will take and distract its attention during childbirth, which will be an active reaction, balancing the increasing activity of fights. Instead of focusing on the uterine contractions, the woman will focus on proper breathing and relaxation.

    And secondly, proper breathing will ensure the preservation of the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respiratory system.

    All workouts and exercises are associated with a specific stage of labor. Never train without a specific application. Accustom yourself accordingly to respond to contractions during childbirth. Only then will the necessary automatism appear.

    When you inhale, the chest rises and becomes filled with air;when exhale, the chest goes down. Between the thoracic and abdominal cavities is a thin, flat muscle resembling a disk, the diaphragm. When exhaled, it arches upward. In the first period of labor, it is important that the diaphragm does not press on the uterus. You will be able to achieve this if the lungs are only partially filled with air - through a slight shallow breathing. In attempts, the lungs need to be kept as full as possible so that the pressure of the diaphragm helps to push( expel) the child.

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    Place the arms below the bust, between the abdomen and the lungs, and imagine that they represent the diaphragm. Inhale, and your hands will lower with the pressure of the filled lungs. Now exhale, and hands will rise up behind the emptied lungs. Practice this exercise several times until you understand how the diaphragm moves when breathing.

    Do not start using controlled breath until you feel it is absolutely necessary. Take care of the power!

    While you can, breathe deeply deeply. Do not go to the next stage until there is no need. This will give you the confidence that you have more money left!

    The first stage is deep chest breathing. It is the main way of breathing. If you managed to pass the entire first period of labor, using only them, that's good!

    Always, when you can, go back to the first stage breathing. The same is true if other breathing techniques do not help.

    Keep an eye on the intensity of the bouts to match the intensity of your respiratory reaction to them.

    Always try to breathe as slowly and peacefully as possible.