  • External changes in pregnancy

    Of course, most women expect a fast growing abdomen and enlarged breasts during pregnancy, but you may not know that the structure of your skin changes and that teeth, hands and feet can also undergo changes.

    Many physical changes that you experience during pregnancy will be positive: soft body contours, a blooming look and thick shiny hair that will make you feel more sexually attractive than ever. However, be prepared for the fact that some changes will not add to the attraction: swollen ankles, varicose veins and flaky skin, which is common in pregnancy.


    One of the very first and most amazing changes in your body will happen with the breast. Once you find yourself pregnant, you will notice that the breasts become fuller and more sensitive. By about the 16th week, the nipples and areoles( dark areas surrounding the nipples) will become significantly darker. The nipples will begin to protrude more, and the areola glands, known as the hillocks of the Montgomery , will increase to form "goosebumps."

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    These changes are caused by the appearance in the body during pregnancy of a large amount of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones lead to the development of a branched duct system in the chest in preparation for milk production and breastfeeding after the birth of the child.

    With the development of pregnancy, the veins on the chest become clearer, providing a flow of blood. Nipples from time to time can produce a clear or golden fluid, known as colostrum. It is the child who will first consume it before the real milk begins to be produced. A good breast care during pregnancy will help prepare it for breastfeeding and remove the discomfort that you may feel.


    During pregnancy, the nails on the arms and legs are likely to become stronger than they were before, and will grow at an incredible rate. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation due to pregnancy hormones. How to take care of nails,.

    Pregnancy also accelerates the growth of hair on the head, which begin to look thicker. However, hair can appear where they were not previously, for example on the stomach or face. The best way to remove them is to pull out or apply a wax. Perhaps it is better to avoid the use of creams for hair removal or bleaching, since the skin can react poorly to the chemicals that they contain.

    During pregnancy, electro-and laser hair removal is not recommended, despite the fact that they are not contraindicated.

    Healthy weight gain

    Ideally, you should start a pregnancy with a normal weight and gradually gain it, which will help you stay healthy. The weight you gain depends on several factors, including how many children you wear.

    Before you start working on the recommended weight gain during pregnancy, you should know the body mass index.

    Your body mass index Note your weight before pregnancy on the vertical scale of the table, and the height on the horizontal scale. The intersection of the lines will show the body mass index( BMI).The area of ​​cream color reflects the ideal range of BMI, with which a woman should enter into pregnancy.

    ♦ If your BMI is 19 or lower, then you have a lack of weight.

    ♦ If your BMI is between 19 and 26, you have a healthy weight.

    ♦ If the BMI is 27-30, then you are overweight.

    ♦ If you have a BMI above 30, you are obese.

    Weight gain. The table at the top shows the recommended weight gain for the body mass index. However, remember that this applies to pregnancy with one child. The speed at which you will gain weight can vary from week to week. And, unfortunately, little is known about the best time for weight gain during pregnancy. In some studies, it is suggested that a small increase in weight at an early stage, when you may suffer from morning sickness, has less effect on embryo growth than a weak weight gain in the second or third trimester. Some women gain weight unevenly - at first a lot, and later much less, which is not considered abnormal.

    Also remember that the figures given are just a guide, because women who gain weight less than or more than average can have healthy children. But, if you have a lack of weight or a large

    excess, you may be advised to contact a nutritionist or nutritionist for advice from about how much and what you should eat .In Ch.4 details the principles of healthy eating during pregnancy.

    It's important not to overdo with your weight. In the UK, doctors have stopped weighing women who come for prenatal exams every time, because the development of the child is more effectively determined by the size of the fetus.



    Less than 19( lack of weight)

    12.5-18.0 kg

    19-26( normal weight)

    11.5-16.0 kg

    27-30( excess weight)

    7.0-11.5 kg

    30 or more( obesity)

    7 kg or less

    The figures given refer to the total weight gain throughout the pregnancy, so until the time of delivery, you do not know if they have achieved their goal. The recommendations are for women waiting for one child. If you have twins or triplets, you can gain significantly more weight. The average weight gain, which is 15.5-20.5 kg for twins and 20.5-23 kg for triplets, probably depends on the duration of pregnancy.


    In general, you may find that the skin has become softer due to the ability to better retain moisture and that you have a pregnancy-characteristic "blush" that is partly caused by an elevated level of hormones. However, you may notice other changes in your skin. Many of them will disappear in the first six months after the birth of the child, but some may remain forever.

    Pigmented during pregnancy white belly line

    You can notice a dark line running from the pubic bone to the navel. Called "linea nigra", it is usually more common in women with darker skin.


    The skin around the cheeks, nose and eyes can also darken. These yellow pigment spots on the face are called chloasma, or "pregnancy mask", they are dark in light-skinned women and light in black skin. Chloasma occurs due to hormonal effects on skin pigment cells.

    Staying in the sun can cause darkening of the stains.

    Spider-like hemangioma

    Tiny red spots, called a spider-like( stellate) hemangioma or spider-like nevus, can suddenly appear anywhere in the body. These specks, which acquire a white color when pressed, represent a congestion of blood vessels that arises from the high level of estrogen in the body.


    Some women with acne find that their skin improves during pregnancy. In others, it worsens, and in women who do not usually have them, acne and blemishes may appear. You can control the appearance of stains, reducing the intake of fat and regularly performing physical exercises. Before taking medication to treat acne, always consult with your doctor, as they may contain chemicals that can affect the baby. Acne and spots usually disappear in the second trimester.

    Itching of hands and feet

    The palms and sometimes the soles of the feet can turn red and itch. This phenomenon is called palmar erythema, its cause is an increased level of estrogen. If skin itching is intolerant, consult your doctor as this may be a symptom of cholestasis.

    Full-layer skin flap

    Warts on the skin often occur in places of great friction, although it is not entirely clear what makes them appear. Hurry to the dermatologist to remove them - the thought is not too good.

    Stretching occurs when the tissues of cutaneous protein collagen are broken due to rapid stretching of the skin or hormonal changes or tissue destruction. Stretch marks appear in three out of five pregnant women. Most likely they will be on the stomach, on the sides of the breasts and on the hips, that is, in those places where fat is usually deposited. First the stretch marks look like pinkish-red stripes that fade to silvery-gray or white within a few months after the birth of the baby. There is a high probability of their appearance, if you already had children, if you gained excess weight during pregnancy or have a genetic predisposition to them.

    There is no specific way to prevent their occurrence. It is better to avoid excessive weight gain and exercise regularly to support muscle tone, which will soften the pressure of the uterus on the skin around it.