  • Vegetables and greens

    In addition to the standard set for Russia: beets, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, green peas, there are also lots of vegetables, from which wonderful salads are obtained. Use salad pumpkin, zucchini, raw colored and red cabbage, turnips, broccoli, croutons), corn, head lettuce, beans.

    In general, the preparation of salad is an art. Perceive the kitchen as a creative laboratory. Experiment with salads, arrange competitions, write down recipes, but do not become attached to them. If not some ingredients, it does not matter - you can always replace it with something else. There are different culinary schools: some are cut large, others - shred fine, others use cutting techniques, this changes the taste.

    Remember the famous joke: "A true woman can make herself 6 dresses from her husband's old trousers."In my opinion, for a real modern woman, especially living in Russia, the art of preparing a salad from nothing is a vital necessity.

    Vegetables preferably used raw, sliced ​​or grated and finely grated, but you can try stewed or baked in foil

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    The main principle: the salad should be freshly prepared. Do not cook much. Leave the salad does not make sense, all of its benefits quickly evaporates: half an hour after slicing, the amount of vitamins is reduced by half.

    What to put : two or three different vegetables, it is desirable for the beauty of different colors;any vegetables are suitable, except for black and green radish, which is undesirable for pregnant women, especially in patients with kidney and nephritis. You can not have a lot of onions and garlic is not recommended at all;

    unrefined vegetable oil( regardless of mayonnaise or other dressing);

    any sour juice( you can squeeze a little lemon juice, add a little bit of natural apple cider vinegar);

    fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, lettuce, basil, mint, watercress( spring), tarhun, etc. Note that garlic and garlic are not recommended for pregnant women. Dry greens rub between palms or grind in a coffee grinder;

    spices: ground cumin, dill seed, coriander, hops-suneli, sea kale - that is, at the tip of the knife;

    mayonnaise, sour cream, yogurt or yogurt - to taste;

    for taste( and use), you can add grated cheese, soaked cheese, ground nuts, ground sesame - that is;

    for piquancy( and use), you can add olives or olives( pitted);

    salads can be pure vegetable, with the addition of meat, fish, seafood, fruit.

    Try to eat vegetables every day. Fresh salads from raw vegetables - the best snack before dinner and dinner. Increase the proportion of vegetables in the daily diet gradually. Do not forget about the greenery.

    Of course, it would be nice to use organic vegetables from your garden. But if you do not have this opportunity and you use vegetables from the nearest store or market, wash them thoroughly with running water and cleanse thinly. Root crops cut off near the root and top, do not eat cabbage and exotic leaves( they accumulate most of the nitrites).

    When the patient has a digestive tract, when the body does not absorb a large amount of raw fiber, the vegetables can be put into a colander for a salad, warmed for a couple of minutes for a couple of minutes, so that the fiber softens. You can lightly boil the vegetables and make them puree.

    Vegetables can be cooked steamed, or oven( uncleaned!), Or simmer in a small amount of water with the addition of cumin, laurel leaf, dill seed, hops-suneli and other spices( not sharp).

    Stewed chopped vegetables on a small fire, in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid, in a small amount of water, use the most modern utensils preserving all the vitamins. Wonderful vegetable dishes can be prepared from frozen vegetable blends by adding a little unrefined vegetable oil. To improve the taste, do not forget to put spices;add vegetables and mushroom broth at will. Dried vegetables should not be digested, it is better to cook them until half cooked, and then using a mixer to make a mash.

    Bake vegetables in the oven is best in the husk, just before this, wash them thoroughly with a brush, and then with the finished vegetables, remove the thin peel film. Pumpkin cut into large pieces, only cleaning the inner layer, which contains seeds( watermelon), and then take out the prepared pulp with a spoon and mash. Very tasty is a pumpkin with herbs, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Potatoes in a peel bake to the oven, cutting it into halves. You can sprinkle them with ground cumin - it's not only delicious, but also very useful! In baked potatoes and caraway it is a lot of potassium, which is absolutely necessary for pregnant women and people with a sick heart! Try wrapping vegetables in foil, this will speed up their cooking.

    It is very useful to prepare a vegetable broth( for details, see the next article).In Pego all mineral substances and microelements, all vitamins contained in the tops are extracted( at times they are more than in the root crops to which we are accustomed).How sad to see the mountains of the tops ejected by buyers, no idea about its value:

    beet tops contain proteins;

    in green outer leaves of cauliflower is more vitamin C than in cabbage itself;

    juice from the tops of carrots and beets when added to other juices enhances lactation in nursing women;

    leaves and roots of parsley are an excellent source of vitamin C;

    celery greens - one of the best sources of iron;

    in nettles is twice as multivitamin as in black currant( and how much cheaper!);

    cumin and dill seed are the most valuable sources of potassium - constituents of milk tea, etc.

    Please note that the potato is best cooked in the husk in the oven, since the potassium is directly under the peel.

    During the war, the art of economically cleaning potatoes, removing the thinnest layer of peel, helped people save the necessary minerals. Cutting potatoes, it's easy to see a thin wavy circle, near the outer border. This is the potassium ring, about which even yogis knew! Everything is useful outside of this ring. Inside it - pure starch, increasing weight without any benefit to the body. Now it is easier to live, and we are cleaning the thick layer of the husk with a finger thick and thus practically depriving ourselves and the loved ones of all the useful elements contained in the potatoes. In addition, many prefer to fry potatoes, and at 150 ° C, vitamin E is also destroyed, protecting against miscarriages.

    In winter, when the need for hot food is natural, you can cook vegetarian, vegetable soups, also with the addition of spices;you can actively use sauerkraut, dried nettle and any greens - natural sources of vitamin C.