  • Healthy sleep

    First of all, take care of the bed.

    Very harmful to sleep on a soft, springy bed. The best option are beds or sofas with an orthopedic mattress. The worst variant - foam rubber is especially harmful to people suffering from allergic reactions, asthma, etc., since approximately one year after purchase, allergens are formed in the foam rubber, which can provoke an attack of asthma. If you really can not get rid of foam rubber, a bed or sofa should be made a dense coating of dust-proof fabric.

    In summer, when it's hot, you can just sleep on the carpet, on a cotton mattress, especially with severe back pain.

    For nervous women, it is recommended to put a bed or a sofa so that to sleep your head to the north, in the direction of the magnetic needle.

    It is very important( especially with a weakened thyroid gland) that the pillow is small, not too soft, and it should be laid so that it supports the shoulders and that there is no empty space under the back of the head. If a woman sleeps on a high soft pillow, then due to the wrong position of the head, the chin presses on the thyroid gland, and wrinkles are formed much faster.

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    Chinese in ancient times made flat pads stuffed with rice bran, they had a groove for the ear( on the auricle there are about 120 biologically active points).Now there are various orthopedic pillows, cushions stuffed with medicinal herbs, buckwheat husks and even juniper chips( the smell of juniper is one of the most curative in the world, it's probably a pleasure to sleep on such a pillow, and the head will not hurt).

    Insomnia is a signal that you can not relax( this will be discussed below) and, perhaps, your body lacks calcium( how to deal with it, read in the next article).

    In the last months of pregnancy, sleep becomes intermittent: the grown uterus presses on the bladder, forcing you to wake up and visit the toilet. Let it not frighten you: in fact thus the organism gradually accustoms to the future postnatal rhythm of a life( to rise at night to the kid it is necessary often).