  • Wardrobe of the future mother

    In our time, glossy photos of sexual stars in the last period of pregnancy turned it into a fashionable state. This glamor and chic spread to ordinary women, so from the point of view of fashion in history, there was no better time to be pregnant.

    After confirming your pregnancy, you may feel an irresistible desire to update your entire wardrobe, but try to do this after your clothes become uncomfortable for you. Pregnancy becomes evident approximately to the 20th week or to the 14th when repeated or multiply. If you wait for the moment when you have to wear clothes for pregnant women, by the time the baby is born, it will less bother you.

    With the growth of the belly, your clothes will become uncomfortable due to pressure on it. In your chest, you can also become cramped. A significant part of the clothes you have, you can adapt to your new state with a few simple adjustments. Trousers with an unbuttoned "zipper" cover with loose blouses, or wear suspenders. Something can be "borrowed" from your partner. Elastic bands on sports pants can be replaced with strings or sew buttons, providing extra space. But if you want to wear these clothes after the birth of a child, do not wear it too long, so that it will not lose its shape completely.

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    At a certain stage you will inevitably have to replenish your wardrobe. New clothes will receive a second life in the first few weeks and even months after the birth of the child, when your figure will gradually return to that which was before pregnancy. If you plan to breastfeed, pay attention to the fact that selected tops, dresses and nightgowns provide easy access to each breast - perfect fit spacious, with strings or buttons in front.

    In the initial stages of pregnancy, breast extensions can be useful if the breast size increases and the cup size does not. On the hooks, additional fasteners are attached, and the loops create more space.

    Pantyhose for pregnant women in front have extra space for the abdomen, and the belt is made high enough to be pulled up. If you have leg pain or varicose veins. They should be worn in the morning, even before you get out of bed.

    Mini-panties for pregnant women hug the thighs under the belly, and full panties have an additional insert where the abdomen is placed entirely.

    If you have back pain, get supportive panties for pregnant women with a semi-rigid insert in the back.

    Supporting belts are designed to support the abdomen, which facilitates the load on the legs of the

    and back. They are especially useful if you have a large child or a multiple pregnancy. If you get such a belt, do not wear it constantly, as the abdominal muscles can weaken.

    Swimming is one of the safest and most effective forms of exercise for a pregnant woman. Swimsuit for pregnant women is adjusted for a growing baby.

    The style that suits you

    There is no need to change your image just because you are pregnant - if you did not like colorful fabrics or huge bows before, why should they like now? Similarly, if you have not flaunted your figure before, then pregnancy is not the best time to start doing it.

    Long loose blouses and dresses will perfectly hide your belly, and a tracksuit is convenient for daily wearing. Check that your clothes are loose at the waist and have enough space for the abdomen, if it does not, the growing abdomen will begin to pull it, the dress from behind will begin to rise, making it look pretty unattractive. If you prefer more tight clothes, choose a cross-stitch from stretch fabrics.

    During pregnancy, try not to wear skirts, trousers, panties or tights with tight elastic bands of the belt. In addition to being inconvenient, the gums prevent the blood flow. Similarly, stockings on an elastic band, belts with elastic bands or tight knee socks can affect blood circulation in the legs and lead to varicose veins.

    Choosing clothes for pregnancy

    When choosing clothes, ask yourself the question when you will wear it. If your work requires looking ready for action, suit with several tops and blouses, plus some clothes for the weekend, will do. Simple and elegant things that are easy to put on and take off depending on the situation, provide a wide range of options. Clothing that does not require much care and ironing will save time in case of fatigue.

    The main advantage of clothes for pregnant women is that it is sewn for convenience in carrying a child. Skirts and dresses in front usually longer than behind, so that the growing abdomen does not deform them. Cords and darts provide a normal look of clothing when the abdomen increases in size. Rubber inserts and special stretch material will give comfort to the belly, without disturbing the style of clothing. Fasteners are usually adjustable and have several loops, the buttons are sewn with elastic thread. As a result, clothes will "grow" with you and look decent until the end of pregnancy.

    In addition to the specialized stores for expectant mothers, many department stores sell clothes for pregnant women, there are a large number of directories that send out clothing by mail. The wide choice leads to confusion, so approach the purchase of clothing reasonably. There is no need to acquire hundreds of items, just a few carefully thought-out items will provide you with style during and after pregnancy. Some companies "Goods by mail" offer a "wardrobe in the package", consisting of several matching elements, often a set includes a dress, a skirt, a blouse and trousers that can be combined with each other. It's good to visit commission shops selling second-hand, but good-quality clothes for pregnant women, as there is a huge choice in them. However, never buy used bras because they should support the breasts well. Immediately after the birth of the child, we recommend cleaning and hanging the clothes of the future mother in the closet in case the next child is born or to give it to a good friend.


    For the expectant mother, breast care is very important. The breast itself does not have muscles and is supported by the muscles of the chest wall. On an unsupported or poorly maintained chest, stretch marks will most likely appear or it will hang. Even if you have never had a need to wear a bra before, now you should do it.

    Buy a good bra

    Check the size of your bras and tops, and if they do not provide good support or are tight anywhere, measure yourself and buy a few new and well-fitted ones. By the end of the ninth month, the size of the breast cup can almost double, and the size of your bra( the volume of the chest under the breast) is likely to change, as the ribs part to receive the growing baby. After giving birth or after stopping feeding, your breasts will begin to decrease in size.

    There is no need to wear special bras for pregnant women for most of pregnancy, but you should buy a new bra every time the breast size changes and you begin to feel uncomfortable and clammy. Some women need a new bra by the 8th week, others do not have any changes until the 24th. Most women by the 36th week again require a new size, such a bra will be useful in the first weeks after the birth of a child, because you can buy a special bra for feeding. Each woman is individual, so be guided by your changes, not by the calendar. If the breasts become very large and heavy, a night bra( a light bra for sleeping) will help. When buying a pregnant bride, consider the following: ♦ Wide adjustable straps They are more comfortable than

    narrow and will not crash into the skin, as the weight of the

    is distributed evenly.

    Take care of the comfort of your breasts and provide them with good support at every stage of pregnancy. Perhaps, it is better if a specialist helps you with the purchase of a bra, but a wide variety of "goods by mail" requires that you know your size. First of all, measure the volume of the chest directly under the breast.

    1. This is the size of your bra. Then determine the size of the fullest part of the breast.

    2. The difference between this figure and the size of the bra will give the size of the cup. The correspondence between the difference and size is given in the table.

    High content of cotton Natural fabrics give the skin the ability to breathe.

    Wide elastic under cups Will hold the chest when they become heavier.

    Adjustable fastener Ideally, it is better to have four fastener positions so that you can increase the volume of the bra when expanding the ribs.

    No "bones" Rigid "bones" can damage the breast tissue, so choose softer fixatives.

    Choosing for feeding

    If you plan on breastfeeding, bras that you purchase by the 36th week should be special. A good nursing bra has all of the features listed above, and allows you to extract one breast while feeding the baby.

    Several types are available for sale, including: with a drop-off cup, when each cup is unfastened from the shoulder strap;with cups on "lightning", when the bra is unbuttoned under the breast;with a fastener in the front, when each cup is fastened to the central part on the fastener. If you prefer top-bodice tops, then those who possess all the properties necessary for pregnant women are sold. Try on different types to find the most convenient for yourself. Make sure that the one you choose is easily unbuttoned and fastened with one hand - the other you will hold the child.


    It's nothing unusual if the feet are swollen, so you might need bigger shoes. In some women, after the birth of the baby, the leg remains somewhat larger. When buying shoes, always remember the following:

    Avoid high heels Apart from the fact that it is inconvenient, heels disrupt the posture, forcing to take the stomach forward, which leads to pain in the back.

    Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes It is better if it is a cloth that gives the skin the ability to breathe. Avoid shoes without heels, which does not contribute to balance.

    Do not purchase shoes with shoelaces or buckles In the last stages of pregnancy, the

    will be difficult to bend down to fasten or fasten your shoes.

    Change shoes As a rule, it is better not to wear the same pair of shoes for two days in a row. Have at least two more pairs in order to give the shoes "breathe" and dry out.

    Wear cotton socks and tights Cotton or materials with a high content is preferable to synthetic, as the skin in them is breathing. Try not to squeeze the foot. The shortened socks( up to the ankles) do not press veins on the calves, but ideally at home go barefoot as much as possible to train the muscles of the feet and improve blood circulation.