  • Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days

    Miracle of Conception

    If you want to conceive a child, you must use suitable days. In this case, take into account that the egg lives half a day or two. Well, and what has already been proclaimed: spermatozoa mature within two to three days. And we add one more important information: live spermatozoa also two or three days. It is easy to understand that if we want a child, from the 9th day from the end of the cycle with a constant rhythm of menstruation, it is advisable to refrain from ejaculation for the maturation of spermatozoa. On the eve of the 6th day from the end of the cycle - a sexual act, with the spermatozoa will be active for the 6th, 5th and 4th days from the end of the cycle. During this period, abstinence is needed to mature the second batch of spermatozoa. Sexual intercourse - at the turn of the 4th and 3rd days from the end of the cycle. Spermatozoa will be functional for the 3rd and 2nd days, and even for the day after the end of the cycle( but the 3rd day does not interest us any more).

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    This is the basis of knowledge necessary for the conception of the child. It's easy to calculate everything. And if hit does not happen on the first attempt, then on the second or third it will happen. If, of course, everything is good with physical health. If, God forbid, before there was gonorrhea or trichomoniasis, it is worth checking the patency of the fallopian tubes( in women) and doubt the patency of the vas deferens( in men).And if the cycles of a woman are not the same in duration, do not be sad: more complicated calculations should be used. And here all this is said for orientation in the matter. After all, it seemed that it was necessary to count from the beginning, but it turned out that it was from the end.

    But it happened. Hooray! We are pregnant! This is not a reservation. We.

    Healthy pregnancy - healthy newborn

    Congratulations, my good! Rejoice that you and your family are expecting a child, and get down to work so that "no day without a line" - a day without taking care of your health, which is the foundation of your baby's health!

    The main thing for a pregnant woman is a positive attitude, an inner mandate, a task for safe bearing and the birth of a healthy child. The joyful expectation of a new person, a friendly climate in the family - that's what is important to a pregnant woman no less than juices, fruits and vitamins. Calmness, balance, cheerfulness and optimism of the woman herself and benevolent support of family members, and her husband's first priority, will ensure the best child's future development conditions.

    Symptoms of

    As a rule, a woman begins to suspect that she is pregnant when the next menstruation does not come on time.

    But even in the first days before the month you suddenly notice changes in your taste preferences. Yes, and the appetite itself is greatly increased. For one food you "pull", other products that you used to love, you can not see. Sometimes there is a desire to eat an inedible thing, for example, chalk. In the morning, immediately after awakening: or throughout the day, nausea and vomiting are troubling. There is disgust for various smells, even pleasant, intolerance to cigarette smoke.

    Others say that you become irritable, nervous, crying, or vice versa, apathetic, sleepy. You yourself notice the first signs of pregnancy on your body. The sucking mugs became darker than usual. Often there is skin pigmentation along the white line of the abdomen.

    Breast already from the first days of pregnancy significantly increases in volume, it becomes very sensitive to touch. Many people notice that they have recovered greatly.

    Sometimes, when pressed on the mammary glands, droplets of white opaque liquid are released from them. This colostrum, which begins to form in the early stages of pregnancy.

    After a while after conception, vaginal discharge of white and yellow appears. Begin to disturb the frequent urge to urinate. Upon examination, the gynecologist sees that the mucous membrane of the vagina has acquired a cyanotic color, and the uterus has changed its size, consistency and shape: it increased in size and became soft.

    Each new pregnancy is perceived in its own way

    These changes are natural, because the appearance of a new child is perceived not so dramatically if you already have two or three, but medical experience indicates that a woman can experience negative feelings during any pregnancy. There are obvious reasons that one pregnancy causes more stress than others: it may have occurred too quickly, or the father has a complicated relationship at work, or someone in the family is seriously ill, or there are disagreements between the father and the mother. On the other hand, there can be no apparent explanation.

    Sometimes there is an internal crisis during the second or third pregnancy in parents who sincerely want to have five or six children. A mother who sincerely wants more children may have subconscious doubts whether she will have enough time, physical strength and inexhaustible reserves of love for one more child, and more, and more. Or the inner doubt is felt by the father who feels abandoned, because the wife is forced to give more and more attention to the children. In any case, the depression and irritability of one spouse are necessarily transferred to another. In other words, each person, giving, wants at the same time and receive.

    These are not statements that such reactions are inevitable. I just want to assure you that they are even among the best parents and in the overwhelming majority of cases with time pass. When a child appears, he usually gives less trouble than his parents imagined themselves. Perhaps this is because you, in anticipation of the inevitable, had time to get stronger in spirit.