  • Recipes for dishes for pregnant women

    Hot soups

    Dairy soups are very nutritious and well digested. They can be cooked in whole milk, on diluted milk with various cereals, pasta and vegetables.

    To prepare a milk soup, you need to peel the rump and rinse it in warm water, cut and rinse the vegetables. Ingredients of the soup are pre-brewed in water and then boiling milk is added. In the ready-made soup put sugar and salt to taste. Butter is put into slices in a bowl. Soup with manganese soup with carrots. For a portion take: milk glass with a quarter, semolina 25 grams, carrots 60 grams, sugar 5 grams, butter cream 5 grams. Milk soup with noodles .A serving is taken: a milk glass with a quarter, 0.25 eggs, butter 5 grams, wheat flour 30 grams, sah pa 5 grams, water glass. The method of cooking homemade noodles is as follows: from flour, eggs and water knead the dough, thin it roll out and so that during cutting, the noodles do not stick together, dry on the table, and then thinly shred( straw).You can also use ready-made noodles - 40 g.

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    Vegetarian soups. Vegetarian soups are prepared from various vegetables and cereals without the addition of meat or fish broth. Soups, which include cereals, noodles and a few vegetables, it is advisable to cook not on water, but on a specially prepared vegetable broth.

    Vegetable broth for vegetarian soups is prepared from suitable for eating various vegetables: carrots, parsley, and other roots, cauliflower leaves, green leaves and cabbage cabbage stalks. For the same purpose use decoctions of cauliflower or potatoes going for mashed potatoes. Vegetables are cleaned of spoiled parts, rinse 2 times in fresh cold water, drain into boiling water and cook with a slight boil under the lid until cooked. The ready-made vegetable broth strains the through a sieve or m arlyu. From 250 grams of vegetables, you get 0.5 liters of decoction. Vegetarian vegetable soup. Carrots and white roots are cleaned, washed, cut into strips and stewed in 2 tablespoons of vegetable broth or water until half cooked, and then poured hot vegetable decoction or boiling water. Then, peel potatoes, cabbage and zucchini, cut into cubes and pour into boiling cy n with to rennami, continuing to boil it with a weak boil until cooked. In the finished soup put finely chopped spinach, tomatoes, canned peas, salt, season with oil. At the table, sour cream is put on the plate.

    10 grams of butter, 15 grams of sour cream, 30 grams of tomatoes, 20 grams of carrots, 50 grams of potatoes, 40 grams of cabbage, 10 grams of spinach, 15 grams of white roots, 15 grams of canned grains, 20 grams of canned vegetables, 5 grams of vegetable, vegetable brothabout two glasses. Freshly vegan soup. Carrots and white roots are cleaned, well washed, finely chopped, stewed in a small amount of vegetable broth or water, poured hot vegetable decoction or boiling water, then put chopped cabbage and cook until ready. In the finished soup, add sliced ​​tomatoes, salt to taste and season with butter. At the table, put the sour cream on the plate and sprinkle the soup with finely chopped dill.

    Cabbage 150 grams, carrots 200 grams, white roots 15 grams, tomatoes 25 grams, sour cream 15 grams, 10 grams of oil, dill greenery 5 grams, vegetable broth about 2 glasses are used for cabbage. Vegetarian borscht .Carrots and white roots are cleaned, washed twice in fresh cold water, cut and stewed with tomato until cooked in a small amount of vegetable broth. Then, separately, the beets are washed, cooked uncooked in the whole in water and after peeling is cut. Potatoes, cabbage cleaned, washed, cut and boiled in boiling vegetable broth, and then added cooked sliced ​​beets, stewed carrots and roots, vinegar, sugar. Season borsch dried and carefully stirred in a small amount of vegetable broth flour, then salt it and bring to a boil, put the oil. Sour cream and finely chopped greens are added to the plate at the table.

    To make the borscht better color, you can prepare a beetroot broth with vinegar. To do this, beets must be cleaned, washed, finely chopped or grated, poured hot vegetable decoction, adding vinegar, brought to a boil, removed from the plate, let stand for about half an hour and strain. Beet broth is added to the prepared borsch.

    80 grams of beet, cabbage 80 grams, carrots 20 grams, white roots 18 grams, potatoes 50 grams, tomato 10 grams, greens 5 grams, butter 10 grams, sour cream 15 grams, sugar 5 grams, flour 5 grams, 5 milliliters of 8% vinegar, vegetable decoction and a half cup. Rice soup with vegetables .White roots and carrots are cleaned, washed, cut into small cubes and stewed with butter in a small amount( half a cup) of vegetable broth or water until half cooked. Prepared vegetables are poured with vegetable broth or water and brought to a boil. The rice is peeled, washed in warm water, covered in a boiling vegetable broth and boiled until half cooked. After that, put in the soup peeled chopped potatoes, cook it until ready and salt to taste. At the table add sour cream and finely chopped dill greens to the plate.

    For a serving of soup, take 20 grams of rice, 10 grams of butter, 15 grams of sour cream, 75 grams of sour cream, 3-5 grams of dill or parsley and 15 grams of white roots, vegetable broth 2 glasses.

    Cold soups

    Cold soups are a type of vegetarian soup. If you need to use a salt-free diet, the sour or sweet-sour taste of cold soups makes them especially valuable. The beetroot is cold. Beets are cleaned, boiled, chilled, thinly sliced. Finely chop fresh cucumbers, green onions and hard boiled egg. All these products, as well as sugar, vinegar and sour cream are put in a cooled beet broth, salt and mix. At the table, a finely chopped dill is added to the plate with the beetroot.

    A beetroot portion is taken with 80 grams of beet, 80 grams of fresh cucumber, 20 grams of green onions, 5 grams of dill, 5 grams of sugar, 40 grams of sour cream, 0.5 eggs, and a teaspoon of 3% vinegar. Beetroot cold beetroot( from raw beet) .Beetroot is washed, cleaned, grated, poured half a glass of cooled boiled water and a glass of curdled milk, added to taste sugar, salt and eggs, mixed with beet infusion and cooled. At the table in the beetroot add sour cream and chopped dill.

    Fruit and berry soups

    These soups are made from fresh and dried fruits, berries and fruit and berry juices. Soup from dried fruits and fresh apples. Dry fruits are sorted, washed, cut, poured cold water, put sugar and cook for 40 minutes. Ready soup allowed to brew for 2 hours. Then cook the rice in large quantities of water and flip it over the sieve. Before serving in the soup put rice and grated on a large grater apples. Soup can be served cold and hot.

    For a serving of soup, take dry fruit 50 grams, apples 70 grams, rice 15 grams, sugar 20 grams. Cranberry soup with semolina dumplings. Cranberries are sorted, washed, squeezed. Boiled squeezed out the filter, adding sugar and raw cranberry juice, then put it in the cold. From pearl barley prepare a slimy broth, for which in a glass of water boil the rump to get a mucous fluid, decoction filter, cool and combine with cooked cranberry broth. To make dumplings, in boiling milk is covered with semolina, add sugar and cook, mixing a viscous gruel. Porridge is spread on a plate moistened with water, dividing into flagella thick with a finger, cooled, cut into diamonds and placed before eating in soup.

    For a portion of soup take cranberries 70 grams, pearl barley 10 grams, sugar 30 grams;for dumplings take semolina 20 grams, milk a third glass, sugar 5 grams.

    Rosehip soup with strawberry jam and raw apples. Dry rose hips are sorted, washed, drained with hot water, cooked for 10 minutes, allowed to stand for 4-6 hours and filtered. In the decoction of the rose hips, put jam and grated apples on a large grater.

    The portion is taken dry fruit rosehip 20 grams, jam 20 grams, fresh apples 75 grams. To this soup, dried bread slices or fresh breadcrumbs are recommended.

    Dishes from meat and fish

    Schnitzel meat chopped with fried onions. Meat is cleaned of tendons, excess fat, skip 2 times through a meat grinder, mixed with soaked in water and squeezed white bread, again passed through a meat grinder. The made schnitzel or cutlets are boiled a little in water, and then fried. Onions are cut, poured with boiling water( to remove the etheric substances that irritate the kidneys), bring to a boil, tilted on a sieve or colander, fry and put in schnitzel.

    For a portion take meat 75 grams, bread 15 grams, fish 15 grams, onions 15 grams, butter 10 grams. At the table on the schnitzel put a piece of butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.


    For the preparation of fresh fruit jelly( apples, apricots, plums, etc.), the peeled and washed fruits are cut, dipped in boiling water, boiled until cooked, wiped with liquid and, as indicated above, mixed with water diluted in potatoflour, sugar, bringing to a boil. Finished kissel is poured into glasses and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    To prepare the jelly from dried fruit, they are sorted, washed and cooked until ready. Kissel is cooked on a single fruit broth or the prepared fruit is prewashed with a decoction.

    Cranberry jelly .For a portion take cranberries 25 grams, sugar 20 grams, potato flour 10 grams, water 3/4 cup.

    Kissel cherry. For a portion take cherries fresh 60 grams, sugar 20 grams, potato flour 10 grams, water 3/4 glass.

    Kissel from dried compote. For a serving take dry compote 25 grams, sugar 15 grams, potato flour 10 grams, water 1 glass.

    Milk jelly. For a dose take milk about 1 cup, sugar 15 grams, potato flour 10 grams, vanillin to taste and a tablespoon of water.


    To prepare compotes of fresh fruit, the washed fruit is cut, poured with boiling water, added sugar, brought to a boil and cooled. To prepare compote from dried fruit, the picked and washed fruit is boiled for 15-20 minutes, adding sugar, and cooled.

    Fresh fruit compote. 35 grams of apples are taken for a serving, 35 grams of pear, 30 grams of sieve, 15 grams of sugar, 3/4 cup of water.

    Compote from dried fruits .For a portion take dried fruit 30 grams, sugar 15 grams, water 1 glass.


    For the preparation of jelly, fruits and berries are processed, as for jelly or compote. Gelatinom soak in cold water, recline on a sieve, and then dilute in hot water, berry juice or fruit broth. Jelly lemon. For a portion take 0.5 lemon, gelatin 3 grams, sugar 15 grams, water 0.5 cup. Jelly Cherry. For the portion take cherries 60 grams, gelatin 3 grams, sugar 15 grams, water 0.5 cup.


    To prepare mousse, which is a whipped jelly, fruits and berries must be treated as for jelly, but after cooling, whip in the cold until a uniform foamy mass is formed. You can prepare mousse from berries without gelatin, using semolina.

    Cranberry mousse with semolina .In a strained broth of Cranberry Extracts, add sugar, bring to a boil, cover with semolina, cook for 10 minutes, stir previously cranberry juice, cool to 40 °, whisk, pour into molds and put in the cold.

    Cranberries are taken for a portion of 20 grams, 10 grams of semolina, 15 grams of sugar and half a cup of water. Mousse made of strawberries with semolina. For a portion of strawberries take 50 grams, semolina 10 grams, sugar 15 grams, water half a cup. Prepare as cranberry mousse.

    Vitamin drinks

    Vitamin drinks are prepared in the form of various infusions, decoctions and juices. Juices must be squeezed directly before using them. To squeeze the juice is recommended to use enameled or metal squeezers of non-oxidizing metal;in the absence of wrenches apply gauze, hair sieve.

    Natural lemonade with . From the lemon squeeze the juice, diluted five times with boiled water and add sugar to taste, 0.5 lemon is taken for a serving.

    Tomato juice . From the chopped tomatoes squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth into a twist. You can use the commercially available tomato juice.

    Carrot juice . Carrots are cleaned, washed, grated and squeezed through gauze in a twist.

    For a serving of 0.5 glasses take 200 grams of carrots.

    Morse cranberry . Fresh cranberries are sorted, washed in boiled water and squeezed. Squeezed juice in porcelain dishes under the lid put in a cool place. The spinners are boiled in water, filtered, cooled, mixed with raw juice and added sugar to taste.

    Decoction of dogrose . Dried rose hip fruit is washed and dipped in enameled dishes with boiling water, boiled under the lid for 10 minutes. After that, the broth is insisted in a cool place as far as the hours, filter and add sugar to it.

    15 grams of dried rose hips and 10 grams of sugar are taken per cup of the broth.

    Broth of wheat bran . Bran is dipped in boiling water and boiled for an hour, then filtered twice through a sieve or gauze, first pressing, and the second without pressing. Broth from wheat bran can be added to sauces, soups or cook kvass from it. To prepare kvass in the broth add 2 grams of yeast, 10 grams of sugar and put in a warm place for fermentation.

    A glass of broth takes 200 grams of wheat bran and 1 liter of water.

    Preparation of bread with bran . Take 3/4 cups of milk, 1/4 cup of water, 50 grams of flour with bran and prepare a spoon with 10 grams of yeast and tea sugar. When the opara rises, the remaining half a cup of water, the rest of the flour with bran is added to it and the dough is kneaded. When the dough comes up, give it a little to rise and bake bread from it in the oven.

    A total of 150 grams of wheat brine is taken for 50 grams of bread, 150 grams of wheat flour, 150 grams of milk, 3/4 cups of water, 3/4 cups of water, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of butter, 10 grams of yeast.

    Note . Ground bran in the amount of 10 grams per serving is recommended to be added to various sweet dishes and biscuits, for example, in chocolate jelly, gingerbread, shortbread, fruit mousse is recommended to add a decoction of wheat bran.

    Dishes of from of the hematogen . Dishes from the hematogen. Dry hematogen is a valuable food product containing over 75% of proteins, a lot of iron and other minerals. As a source of iron, enough to consume 5-10 grams of dry hematogen per day. The easiest way is to add the hematogen powder to a layer of jam, which begins pies or interleaves of biscuits.

    For preparation of dishes requires dry hematogen in the form of a powder. If the hematogen is purchased in tablets, then it must be well-thinned to a powdery state. After that, the powder is gradually poured into cold water( 6 teaspoons of water are taken on a teaspoonful of water), stirring until a uniform mixture is obtained within 20 to 30 minutes, give the hematogen to swell and filter through a clean sieve or gauze.