
The role of the women's consultation in preserving the health of the mother and child

  • The role of the women's consultation in preserving the health of the mother and child

    Among the medical institutions providing obstetric and gynecological care, a special role belongs to women's counseling. They perform very important tasks for medical monitoring of the health of pregnant women and puerperas, and, if necessary, provide them with medical care.

    These institutions are very popular among the population and are rightfully considered to be the forefront in the system of institutions for protecting maternal and child health.

    The basis of the activity of women's consultations is based on the principal attitudes characteristic of all health care institutions, and at the same time there are a number of features in the organization of their work.

    All the activity of the consultation on the examination of pregnant women is aimed at providing them with a favorable course of pregnancy and the outcome of labor - for the birth of a full term healthy child.

    However, the outcome of pregnancy and childbirth largely depends on the women themselves.

    Women should consult with the appearance of the first signs of pregnancy. This is extremely important for preventing possible complications, for timely detection and treatment of existing diseases, as well as for the timely provision of antenatal leave for women, as the most accurate way to determine the duration of pregnancy can be with an early visit to a women's consultation.

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    If a woman first visited the consultation in the middle of pregnancy, even an experienced doctor finds it difficult to determine the period of pregnancy.

    It is well known that significant mistakes in setting the time of prenatal leave are most frequent in cases where women are not in counseling at the beginning of pregnancy. It is also well known that these women, as well as women who have irregularly attended the consultation, are more likely to have severe complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

    A pregnant woman undergoes a general and special obstetric examination in consultation. All pregnant women in the consultation are measured bone pelvis, the size of which largely determines the outcome of childbirth. Narrowing the pelvis sometimes requires adherence to a special regimen, a special diet, and sometimes this woman is placed in the maternity ward - in the department for pregnant women - before the birth.

    The obstetrician-gynecologist regularly monitors the state of health of the pregnant woman, the gradual increase in the uterus, and the development of the fetus. In the second half of pregnancy, he determines the position of the fetus in the uterus. Earlier it was said that in the transverse position spontaneous delivery is impossible and in these cases the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the maternity hospital before the onset of labor. From the second half of pregnancy the obstetrician-gynecologist listens to the fetal heartbeat with the help of an obstetric stethoscope( tube).If necessary, this can be done at an earlier time, using special equipment.

    The heartbeat of the fetus is heard first of all in order to determine if it is alive. In addition, when listening, it is possible to reveal the condition of the fetus, in the known measure to clarify its position in the uterus, to determine twins, etc.

    Each pregnant woman is examined not only by an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also by a therapist. A woman is examined by a therapist at the earliest stages of pregnancy in the second half( if there is no indication for a more frequent examination).This makes it possible to detect the disease in a timely manner, to determine the possibility of carrying out pregnancy in sick women, to determine the tactics of managing pregnancy and childbirth and the methods of treating the patient.

    It should be borne in mind that under certain unfavorable conditions, pregnancy can go from a physiological process to a pathological imperceptible for a woman. Most often it is observed in pregnant women suffering from any common

    diseases, the presence of which young women do not always know.

    The obstetrician and the therapist are especially careful in monitoring pregnant women suffering from heart defects, hypertension, kidney disease and other organs.

    Pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy examines the dentist consultation or the nearest clinic( in the direction of the consultation), and if necessary and doctors of other


    In the antenatal clinic, the pregnant woman regularly measures blood pressure( on both arms for reveals vascular asymmetry), a significant increase in which with

    pregnancy is a sign of a serious illness requiring special treatment and treatment.

    In the pregnancy consultation laboratory, urine tests are performed, which allows one to judge the work of the kidneys, whose function is most often disturbed during pregnancy and especially at the end of it;perform a general blood test, examine the discharge from the genitals, etc.

    Syphilis infection is extremely rare among the population of our country. Despite this, all pregnant women in the consultation make a blood test for syphilis in order to be able to begin treatment in case of a woman's infection with syphilis. This is the cure of the woman and the birth of a healthy child.

    The consultation establishes control over the increase in weight of a woman, which is very important for determining the correctness of the course of pregnancy and is necessary for rational recommendations on dietetics and regimen.

    In this way systematic monitoring of the pregnancy is achieved, and for some women this observation is conducted not only in the walls of the consultation, but also in women at home. Pregnant women are usually visited at home by health attendants, and, if necessary, by doctors. With these visits, it is possible to form a correct idea of ​​the situation in which the woman lives, and, if necessary, take measures to improve this situation.

    In general, the consultation is not therapeutic, and preventive work. Doctors and midwives consultations increase the sanitary culture of women, teach them the rules of pregnancy hygiene, give advice on the rational use of prenatal leave, prepare them for the upcoming motherhood, to care for the newborn child.

    In the health education work of women's consultations, the so-called schools of motherhood became widespread. They consist in conducting 5-6 sessions with groups of women, most often in the first half of pregnancy or in the middle of it. Visiting such classes( usually 1 - 1.5 hours), the pregnant woman acquires the practical knowledge of caring for herself and her child, which is especially important for first-rate women.

    Much importance has been gained by the psycho-preventive preparation of pregnant women for childbirth conducted by counseling. Many women, especially the first-born, still feel a fear of the forthcoming birth long before the termination of pregnancy.

    During childbirth, this fear is often intensified, and against the background of its aggravation, painful sensations increase. This leads to anxiety, the initiation of parturient women, they cease to follow the instructions of medical personnel, which adversely affects the course and outcome of labor.

    The goal of psycho-preventive training is to develop a clear understanding of delivery in women as a natural process, to teach them how to behave properly during childbirth. Experience has shown that women who have received psycho-preventive training are not frightened at the appearance of the first fights;in the process of childbirth, they remain calm, knowingly follow the instructions of medical personnel;the duration of labor in them is shortened, and the complications of both the mother and the child are less often observed. Many women who have received psycho-preventive training do not experience pain during childbirth or have little pain. In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman should visit the consultation in the first half of the pregnancy every month, and in the second half - 2 times a month, if there is no indication for a more frequent visit.

    Each woman at the end of pregnancy( and 30 - 32 weeks) receives a so-called exchange card in consultation, which she later presents, entering the maternity hospital. The card consists of three vouchers. In one of them, the information about the state of the woman's health and pregnancy, the results of various studies, etc. are recorded in the consultation.

    In future, at each visit, the pregnant woman should bring this card so that the doctor can record the results of new examinations and tests on the first coupon. This ticket is intended for the information of the on-call doctor of the maternity hospital.

    The second and third coupons are filled in the maternity hospital before the mother and the child are discharged home. One of these coupons

    is designed for female consultation( it is also the answer to the first coupon).It records basic information about the course of labor and the postpartum period. These data are needed to address the issue of the duration of postpartum leave. The last coupon the woman subsequently transfers to the children's polyclinic. In it, in addition to the nature of the course of labor, it is written about the state of the newborn child, the features of its development during the stay in the maternity hospital.

    This is how the information is shared between the women's consultation, the maternity home and the children's polyclinic.

    Sometimes pregnant women have to be hospitalized in maternity hospitals or other hospitals long before delivery. Each maternity hospital has a department for pregnant women. There are women who require during a pregnancy a special examination or treatment in a medical hospital, as well as those in need of special preparation for the forthcoming birth.

    These are the general outline of the activities of women's counseling, aimed at ensuring a normal course of pregnancy and a favorable outcome of childbirth.

    A pregnant woman should remember that a child does not start from the moment of birth.40 weeks he develops inside the mother's body, not for a moment without losing contact with him. From him, he gets everything he needs. The well-being of the fetus depends to a large extent on the condition of the mother, on her health, on the conditions surrounding her environment.

    Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period in a woman's life. How can you at this time remain without the supervision of a doctor or midwife, without their advice and help, and thus frivolously take their health and the health of their unborn child?

    All women of our country are given the opportunity to be during pregnancy under the systematic supervision of medical personnel and to give birth in maternity hospitals or maternity wards of hospitals.

    There is no city, no rural area, where there was no women's consultation. In addition, in the structure of polyclinics and medical and sanitary units, with many industrial enterprises, there are special gynecological rooms that serve employees of these enterprises. In rural areas, tens of thousands of feldsher-midwifery stations and collective farm maternity hospitals also function as women's clinics.

    Women's consultation is a friend and adviser of a woman on her health issues.

    To provide effective assistance in protecting the rights of women and children in women's consultations, social and legal offices have been created.

    The task of these offices is to provide pregnant women and mothers with social and legal assistance on the basis of current Soviet legislation. Social and legal assistance in women's counseling is provided on issues related to marriage and family conflicts, improvement of the living conditions of the pregnant woman, protection of labor, receipt of state benefits for large families, etc.

    Thus, the activity of the social and legal office is multifaceted.

    All kinds of social and legal assistance are provided free of charge.

    In our country there can not be a situation where a pregnant woman or a mother with a child would not receive the necessary assistance and would be ignored.