  • Basics of good pregnancy care

    After the first burst of joy and excitement about pregnancy, you will have to take proper care of yourself and your child, that is, organize prenatal care.

    The ultimate goal of any prenatal care program is a healthy pregnancy, for both the mother and the baby, and the successful birth of a new life. Never before has it been safer to have a baby than nowadays - if you are currently healthy, the chances of having a healthy baby are more than 95%.But this is not the reason for missing regular visits to the doctor;studies show that there is a direct link between early prenatal care and the birth of a healthy child with a good weight.


    Analyzes and medical examinations that are the essence of prenatal care are designed to get as much information about your pregnancy as possible. They allow:

    To give a picture of the general state of health of a pregnant Surveys and analyzes will reveal any available medical problems, for example high blood pressure. If the problem is found, doctors will follow it, they will tell you how the situation can change during pregnancy and how it can affect your child.

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    Test your health Prenatal care professionals will be able to track your physical and mental health during visits.

    Check the status of your child The schedule for the analysis will allow you to monitor the normal development and growth of your child. If anything unusual is found, you will be asked to take other tests to confirm the problem and determine its cause. The midwife or doctor will explain to you the possible development of the situation and will help to take the steps necessary to preserve the child's health.

    Detect complications of Common complaints in pregnancy such as heartburn or hemorrhoids are insignificant, although they are no less troublesome. Your health care provider can advise you on how best to cope with the mentioned troubles and, if possible, prevent their relapse. Prenatal examinations are designed to identify all hidden problems, such as gestational diabetes, so that they can be successfully addressed, minimizing the risk to the developing child.♦ Provide you with knowledge and prepare for parental responsibilities You need to learn so much to be a parent, and your doctor will advise you how to join this class.

    Prepare you for the birth of a child Maybe now birth seems distant, but you will be surprised how quickly the day of approach of delivery will come. The staff serving you not only exists to help you and your partner make a competent choice about how you want to give birth, but also to support both of you during the magical experience of giving birth.


    Most general practitioners offer general prenatal care at a local hospital if you give birth in the hospital. There you will see your doctor and midwife, and future moms visit the hospital during pregnancy usually once or twice and for scanning.

    In some areas of the UK, women who are all right with pregnancy are only seen by a midwife. Midwives perform prenatal care in full, and also take delivery in the maternity home or at home, and also carry out postpartum care. Such an

    approach is called community obstetrics or "low risk" care. If there are any problems during pregnancy, your midwife will refer you to the hospital.

    If you have prior medical indications, a previously complicated pregnancy or childbirth, or there are factors that classify your pregnancy as a "high risk", then your prenatal care will be supervised by a maternity obstetrician.

    There is also the possibility of private care when an obstetrician-consultant in a private hospital where ante-natal care is being carried out, childbirth and postnatal care are supervised.

    Your first visit to the attending physician, and for many women it occurs at 6-8 weeks, is likely to confirm the news that you are pregnant. Then, when the next visit is scheduled in a few weeks, you will undergo a complete physical examination. This will include blood tests, blood pressure check, will also get familiar with your medical history. An ultrasound may be prescribed to determine the date of delivery. On hand, you will be given a personal card, which will record in detail the results of all tests during pregnancy.

    After this, visits to by the treating physician will be determined by him or medical necessity. In a normal pregnancy with a low risk of complications, you are likely to visit the doctor on a monthly basis before the 28-32 week, and then start doing it more often, once every two weeks. At each visit, perhaps you will be measured by blood pressure, you will take urine for protein and sugar, will also check the size of your child and his position. From the 16th week they can begin to measure the frequency of the child's heart beats.

    At certain stages you will undergo special examinations. So, an ultrasound examination is usually conducted around the 20th week for the checking the anatomy. Your Rh factor. Who is who in your prenatal care team.

    General practitioner.

    Most of them carry out prenatal care.

    Obstetrician. This is a person who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth. He is usually a specialist in solving complications of pregnancy in all the above areas.

    Sister-midwife. Sister-midwives have a special education to take care of mothers and children in normal pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth. They may have a midwife certificate or a degree,

    depending on their preparation. Midwives usually work in maternity wards of hospitals, being attached to a general practitioner. The latter deals with all issues of prenatal care, childbirth at home, sending children to the hospital or to the maternity ward.

    Medical students. In large hospitals, it is common practice for medical students to receive special training in obstetrics and / or gynecology, and they are present when you visit an obstetrician. You can object to the trainees, but their presence is usually considered justified. However, you may require that certain procedures be performed by a licensed physician. Anesthesiologist. This is the specialist responsible for pain relief. An anesthesiologist can play a decisive role if complications arise in the process of the birth of a child. So, if a woman has severe bleeding, an anesthesiologist will monitor her vital signs, and if a woman has severe preeclampsia, the anesthetist may be responsible for controlling blood pressure.

    Other health professionals. Ultrasound specialists and radiologists provide ultrasound investigations. Physiotherapists can give you advice, provide support in matters related to pregnancy-related pain, and recommend exercises that will speed up your recovery after delivery. Phlebotomists are specialists in blood tests.