  • what is harmful for pregnancy

    Now that you are pregnant, you probably want to take more care of yourself to protect and feed the little man inside you. By making only minor amendments, you can continue your daily life.

    During pregnancy, many women begin to understand more about how their lifestyle affects the body. What you learn from the media or from friends and relatives can create the impression that health hazards are lurking everywhere. But in reality there are only a few spheres where you have to make changes. However, it is vital to pay attention to what you put into your body;In addition to eating and drinking, this includes the amount of cigarettes you smoke and the use of medicines. And because certain diseases can affect your child, you should be aware of their effects.


    Medications used for pleasure - legal or illegal - can affect your child and damage him. Drinking alcohol is the main concern of many pregnant women, and experts agree that the best way is to avoid alcohol during pregnancy. If you really drink, limit your intake to one or two drinks a week. Other drugs, and smoking in particular, carry a greater risk.

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    When you smoke, you put yourself at risk of lung cancer, emphysema and heart disease, among other diseases. However, smoking during pregnancy means that you are seriously at risk and the health of your baby.

    If you smoke during pregnancy, the nicotine of cigarette smoke will reduce the blood flow to your baby, since carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen contained in this blood. As a result, a woman who smokes during pregnancy increases the likelihood of having children with low birth weight. Children weighing less than 2.5 kg risk to die during the first year of life 20 times more often than children born with normal weight. They are also more likely to have development problems. It is believed that children born of smokers, on average, weigh 0.25 kg less than children born to non-smokers. The difference in weight at birth depends on how many cigarettes your mother smoked.

    Smoking during pregnancy is also associated with a greater risk of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, premature birth, placenta previa, placental abruption and premature rupture of the membranes. According to studies, smoking during pregnancy can even be associated with the sudden infant death syndrome immediately after birth.

    Quitting smoking is extremely difficult, but it's the best thing you can do for your child. If you stop smoking in the first trimester, the risk of having a baby with a low weight falls to the level of non-smoking mothers. If it turns out that you can not completely quit smoking, even reducing the number of cigarettes smoked will go to the child's benefit. Substitutes for nicotine and anti-smoking drugs are not suitable during pregnancy.

    Prohibited drugs

    During pregnancy, you should avoid taking any illegal drugs. Studies have shown that they expose a prospective mother to the risk of preterm delivery or the birth of a child with low weight. Some drugs can cause developmental and behavioral problems.

    Marijuana There is no clear data on marijuana, but it is believed that pregnant women taking marijuana are at an upper-risk risk with respect to the birth of a premature baby or the birth of a baby with a low weight.

    Cocaine and crack These are drugs that cause a strong dependence. Their use during pregnancy exposes you to a high risk of birth of a premature baby and placental abruption. It has also been found that cocaine increases the chances of a child with congenital defects and suffering seizures, neurological problems, developmental problems and sudden death syndrome. In addition, a woman taking cocaine has a high probability of thrombosis, hemorrhage, heart attack and very high blood pressure.

    Drugs and Opiates This drug group includes heroin, methadone, codeine and morphine. Taking drugs for medical treatment and under medical supervision - for example, to relieve pain after surgery - will not harm your child, but their continued intake in significant amounts will do him harm. Drug dependence exposes you and your child to very serious risks. It is associated with problems of fetal growth, prematurity, infant death and small head size. And, perhaps more importantly, drug dependence increases the likelihood of complications after the birth of a child, and even death, due to excommunication. If you are dependent on drugs or opiates, treatment during pregnancy can minimize the impact of drugs on the unborn child.♦ Amphetamines and "stimulants" This group includes crystalline methamphetamine and blue ice. Since these substances have not historically been used as widely as drugs and cocaine, there is less evidence of their side effects during pregnancy. However, they actually reduce the appetite, which, in turn, can lead to poor fetal growth. There is also evidence that drugs in themselves increase the likelihood of problems associated with fetal growth, including those with small head size, placental detachment, seizures or infant death. It is worth remembering that there are additional risks associated with taking drugs. Women who use drugs are more likely to eat worse than other women and generally are more likely to have sexually transmitted diseases. All these factors that arise from the use of drugs can cause problems for pregnancy and child.

    MEDICINES Some women are against taking any medication at all during pregnancy, for fear that it could harm their children. Many drugs do not affect pregnancy in any way, but it's always worth discussing with the doctor who treats

    , it's better to go to the first antenatal visit, what medicines you may have to take in the next nine months. If you visit another attending physician, for example, when you are assigned to a hospital on an outpatient basis, be sure to tell him that you are pregnant.

    If you have a long illness, such as high blood pressure or thyroid problems or any other long-term illness requiring taking pills, it is better to visit your family doctor before conception and discuss the best way to treat it. Do not stop taking your prescribed medications and do not change their dosage without doctor's advice.

    On many medicines there is a warning "Do not use during pregnancy", because their effect is not sufficiently studied in relation to pregnant women. However, this does not necessarily mean that they negatively affect the fetus or that you can not take them. If you have any doubts about any medicine, it is better to ask advice from your doctor. Do not be surprised if the opinions of different doctors differ, because there is not always an unambiguous answer.


    During pregnancy, there is still a chance of getting sick. Serious diseases that can affect your child are described in the antenatal index, but even common problems can have consequences. It is especially important to inform the attending physician if you have been in contact with an infectious patient.


    Surprisingly, a cold will not harm your child. Ask the pharmacist,

    , if you can take some cold treatment options, as some of them are not recommended for pregnancy. At the same time, rest as much as possible and drink liquid in large quantities in the form of juices, soups and water. If you have a respiratory infection that does not pass for a week, talk to your doctor.

    Diseases accompanied by a rise in body temperature

    Although heat is the defense of an organism from a disease, it can pose a threat to the child, especially in the first weeks when the main development is under way. If you have a high temperature, you need to reduce it by taking a cool bath, putting on a few sweaters and drinking cold drinks. If you have a temperature of 38.9 ° C or higher, consult a doctor.

    Stomach Disorders

    It is unlikely that gastrointestinal disorders will affect the unborn child. Fortunately, they are short-lived and last one or two days. Rest and plenty of fluids are the best medicines for most intestinal viruses. You can continue to eat, but it is better to switch to light and fast-digestible food. If symptoms continue to persist for more than 48 hours, you may have food poisoning or an infection picked up during the trip. And then and require other medical treatment. Such manifestations as high fever, blood in the stool, severe abdominal pain or dehydration, require immediate medical intervention if you are pregnant.