  • Your reaction to pregnancy

    Your feelings during pregnancy, partly due to hormones, in part because of the enormous physico-psychological stress, will become rampant, affecting all aspects of your life.

    After learning that you are pregnant, you may feel the real pleasure that a long-awaited child will appear;you will rejoice at the realization of the law of nature and gentle affinity with the partner, since it was your physical union that created this child. Conversely, pregnancy can give rise to a huge problem. If you do not feel ready for the appearance of a child, then a natural reaction is anxiety or even panic.


    Even if you have been thinking about giving birth to a child for some time, it is absolutely natural for a few less positive feelings to appear in the general picture: you may think that it happened too quickly;you may find yourself trapped;you can think about whether the body will cope with pregnancy, and get scared of childbirth;you may be overwhelmed by a sense of responsibility for another human being for the rest of your life.

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    At first, emotions will boil nonstop to rework all the changes that occur, but after a few weeks the power of some feelings will fade. Like many women, you may have a different look at your body and, despite the discomfort of the initial stage of pregnancy, which can adversely affect your feelings, you will be surprised at the work that your body will perform to create a new life. If this is the first pregnancy, your emotions will go the other way-you will be happy from joining the commonwealth of mothers.


    CHANGES The waiting period of the child will sometimes seem endless, but nine months is the time given to you to adapt to the huge changes that are taking place, not only affecting your body, but also your lifestyle. You will suddenly notice that it is very important to take care of your own safety in order to protect the tiny human being inside of you. You may find that drive more carefully and try your best to avoid accidents. Probably, you will change eating habits, you will limit the use of alcohol and stop smoking. Even your social life can change.

    Changes in the way of thinking and acting can make you feel like a completely different person, this feeling can increase if you quit your job and no longer assess yourself as professional achievements, but you will not consider yourself as a mother. Perhaps the new state will be easier to perceive if you begin to present yourself with a future child. It is also good to keep a diary, which will help to cope with a changeable mood.

    Respect your body

    Pregnancy is the time of continuous physiological changes. Some of them are expected and manifest externally, for example, breast and abdomen enlargement, others are less visible and will be unexpected, for example, when the hair becomes fatter and the feet swell.

    Emotional reaction to pregnancy is exclusively individual and unpredictable, but it is almost impossible not to react to changes in appearance - you may like your new image, or you absolutely hate it.

    Some women, concerned about their figure, are horrified by the increase in themselves during pregnancy. If you have such a feeling, try not to be embarrassed by your stomach: you do not get fat, but raise a child, which is a physical task that continuously requires energy and hard work of all systems of your body.

    Take your new image for granted

    Over time, you will come to "agreement" with your changing form. First, probably, you will be depressed because of the fact that you "do not look without tears".In the second or third month, when clothes become tight, you will probably be impatient, because you will not be the same as you were, but you still do not recognize a pregnant woman in you. By about the fourth month, you may sigh with relief, as the stomach will be clearly visible. Since pregnancy becomes obvious, you will find that people, without hiding, look closely at your figure or even want to touch your stomach. Some women take offense at invading their privacy, while others like the participation of people. In the last months there can be a strong belief that the body continues to grow, and the stomach is very hard. You will seem cumbersome and experience an internal shock from the terrible struggle in an attempt to get out of the chair. Take it easy and look to the future, waiting for the baby to appear.

    Estrogen and progesterone play an important role in the harmonious combination of all the physical changes necessary to conceive and maintain a pregnancy, having a profound effect on the psychological state of a woman. Some of them experience complete peace of mind and withdraw into themselves, creating a protective shell around their child. Others experience a "swing" of emotions: sadness turns into a stream of tears;there is an increased sensitivity to the suffering of others, and the joy becomes so capacious that it also goes into tears. It is very difficult to understand, because of what such mood fluctuations arise - because of hormones or it is only a psychological reaction to a new condition. But whatever happens, for the next nine months take it as a reality, perhaps it will be more difficult for you to manage your emotions. Imagine that hormones have revealed the emotional part of your soul, preparing you for the perception of a future child.

    It is difficult to be completely relaxed at all times regarding the child's health, even if there is no cause for concern. In the initial period of pregnancy, you may be concerned about the probability of a miscarriage, especially if this happened before. And this is quite natural until the moment when you will pass the term at which you had a previous miscarriage. No matter how hard, try to be calm and trust your body.

    It is very exciting to see a tiny, but already formed child inside or sucking thumb with an ultrasound examination, however, antenatal checkups are a common source of unrest for parents expecting a baby. Despite the fact that ultrasound is designed to confirm the data, the actual test can generate new alarms. Remember that the surveys are designed to identify problems at an early stage, so that the child has the maximum chance of being born healthy. But if you are frightened by any test, discuss its necessity with your doctor.

    If you find problems during the test, try to stay positive. If you are told, for example, that the probability of your child having Down syndrome is one to ten, turn over the statistics - consider that your child has a 90% chance of avoiding this disease.

    Also may be concerned about the impact of your lifestyle on an unborn baby. The harmful effects of smoking, alcohol and other factors are deeply considered in the literature. The best way to reduce your anxiety is to adapt the way of life to a new state, so that a healthy environment is formed for a growing child. If you think that there is any risk, for example, if you, like many women, think you drank too much before pregnancy, tell your doctor about it;he will always discuss possible risks and inspire confidence.

    Talk to other prospective parents. Many will gladly share their feelings and experiences, and it is for this reason that a large number of pregnant women attend antenatal courses.

    Try to find an expert on prenatal problems, having experience of discussing problems. You should not strive to know everything, but you should not be afraid to ask questions - this is what the designated specialist is for.

    Read about pregnancy as much as possible. The more you are informed, the easier it is for you to control your feelings, which means that you will become less worried.

    Go to the doctor who is watching you. If something bothers you, do not let fear grow. Most likely, there is nothing terrible, but you need to be reassured.

    Remember, awareness of possible problems is the best way to solve them, and absolutely safe time for bearing a child does not exist. Medicine and society can not eliminate all dangers, but healthy women who have provided themselves with good prenatal care have excellent prospects for the birth of the baby.


    You can treat your parents' responsibilities with antipathy or be clearly nervous about this untested role. If marriage and moving to a partner are a difficult step, the appearance of a child is an even more dramatic change in life.

    Any person needs time to become a parent. You do not become a good mother or a good father only because a child was born. Pregnancy, in addition to being a waiting period, is a preparation for parental responsibilities. Talk to other parents and use any opportunity to communicate closely with newborns. The best way to learn is to "touch" everything with your own hands, ask your friend to be a nanny, learn how to hold a baby, change diapers and clothes, play with him. Your friend, maybe, will be grateful, and when you have a baby, he also nurse him.

    Pay attention to relatives and friends

    Pregnancy often brings women closer to parents, father-in-law and siblings. Perhaps you will need to ask your mother about how you were born, or look at your partner's children's photos to find out what your child might look like. Relatives often support the expectant mother during pregnancy, especially if her partner is absent.

    However, if during pregnancy you are going to do without the support of your mother, then you can experience a heightened sense of loneliness. This emptiness will be filled with great pleasure by an aunt or girlfriend who already has a child. In addition, you can find an organization acting on the basis of mutual assistance.

    During this period, you will also probably remember your upbringing: what aspects of your childhood would you reproduce for your child and what would you avoid? Experts believe that we need an open conversation with a partner regarding the contribution of each in a new situation. Consider the question of how from mutual expectations, based on the principles of your families, you can woven an integral philosophical system of education of the unborn child. Remember that it is impossible to develop a detailed strategy until a child appears, as a significant part of the parental experience comes from new situations and from the child himself.

    Waiting for the second child

    If this is the second pregnancy, you already know a lot. However, there are additional questions related to the emergence of a second child. Many mothers say that they are much more tired during the second pregnancy, since there is another child to look after. The practical side of educating two children is that it takes more labor and additional costs.

    Some parents, expecting a second child, are worried whether they will love it as much as the first. This situation seems to them a betrayal of the first-born. However, as soon as an infant is born, parents are surprised to discover a new source of love for the youngest member of the family.

    Your older child may feel unprotected when he realizes that the family is expected to be added, so take the time to prepare him for the appearance of a brother or sister. So, the oldest child can secretly be afraid that parents will have less time for him, that he will not be so much loved or that a new baby will sleep in his crib. All these fears are very real for a small person, so talk to him as soon as pregnancy becomes apparent. Calmly explain to him that soon there will be a baby who will love him very much. Often embrace the first-born and smile to him so that he develops a positive attitude towards future events.

    Regardless of whether a pregnancy is planned or not, staying in it without a partner is very difficult, while the prospect of sole responsibility for the child is also depressing. The absence of a man in caring for a child and making various decisions can form a feeling of isolation and loneliness. That is why it is necessary to have the widest possible support. Many single mothers believe that their parents provided them with immense support. Of course, the benefits to the child are obvious if it grows in a safe, loving environment of caring relatives.

    If you have no one to rely on, find organizations that provide mutual assistance, they will help you make contact with other single parents who will provide psychological and practical support. Friends will be needed not only for communication, but also during childbirth and after them, so that in a society of like-minded people from time to time receive assistance to care for the child.