  • Premature birth

    This is a birth that occurred between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy. The child in this case is born prematurely and is less resistant to unfavorable environmental factors, infections, than the baby who appeared on time. The earlier birth occurred, the more different functional and organic disorders the child will have.

    The following factors predispose to premature birth: infectious, especially viral, diseases, such as measles, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever, influenza, transmitted by the mother in childhood;chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitals;congenital malformations of the uterus and vagina;severe co-morbid diseases of other organs and systems. Preterm birth can result in injuries of the pregnant woman's belly, as well as her young age - up to 18 years.

    In case of multiple birth, premature birth is very common. Numerous abortions, spontaneous abortions damage the cervix and lead to its failure, and that in turn does not give the pregnancy to the end. If the pregnancy has not flowed quite smoothly, for example, with the development of late complications, then the risk of giving birth prematurely is very high. It is now believed that the fetus also participates in the delivery mechanism. So, under stress, his adrenal glands

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    release substances that are the starting element for the onset of labor. Any malaise that leads to a fetal condition, for example, mother poisoning, trauma, stress, leads to the fact that the baby is born before the term.

    At the very beginning of labor, a woman suddenly feels pain in the lower abdomen. The uterus strains, her excitability rises sharply. There are changes in the cervix, which are absolutely necessary for the normal course of childbirth: it becomes softer. If you have these symptoms, you should urgently call an "ambulance", which takes you to the maternity hospital. At this stage, you can still try to extend the pregnancy to normal. The future mother is prescribed complete rest, soothing, antispasmodic therapy. If the cervix is ​​inadequate, it is necessary, especially if premature births have occurred earlier, and special seams are applied to it. They will not let her open and prevent the beginning of labor. Later, when the pregnancy is complete until the end, these sutures are easy to remove and the course of labor will not be disturbed. At a period of more than 35 weeks, pregnancy does not try to prolong. Premature birth can begin quite unexpectedly and occur very quickly, rapidly. In this case, the fetal head moves quickly along the genital tracts of the mother, which creates conditions for injuries and hemorrhages in the head

    brain. For a woman in labor, such births are also dangerous for vaginal, cervical, and clitoral ruptures, so a woman should be taken to a specialized hospital as soon as possible.

    Premature birth can be arbitrary or artificial. Artificial childbirth causes, if continued pregnancy threatens the life and health of the mother or fetus.