  • Multiple pregnancy

    It is characterized by the development of two or more fruits in the mother's body( see picture)

    Rice Multiple pregnancy

    The reasons for the appearance of twins, triplets, etc. are numerous. For this, it is necessary that ovulation of several oocytes occurs simultaneously. In this case, it appears likely that they can be simultaneously fertilized with spermatozoa. To the release of a large number of ovaries from the ovaries can lead to their artificial stimulation by sex hormones, as well as hereditary causes. So, it is known that in some families twins are born especially often. The likelihood of their occurrence is greatest if both the mother's mother and her father's family had twins. Very often, multiple pregnancies occur in women aged, that is, over 35 years of age. In another case, twins are obtained from one egg when, at the earliest stage of fission of the fetal egg, the

    proceeds to separate it in such a way that a separate organism develops from each part. There are also cases when the egg already initially had two nuclei, which gave rise to two embryos. Gemini, developing from one egg, called odnoyaytsovymi. They will always be of the same sex, as opposed to the bipedal( see figure).

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    . Fig. One- and two-egg pregnancy.

    . The birth of conjoined twins is rare and occurs in multiple pregnancies in one case out of 700. Presumably the cause of this pathology is a consequence of incomplete division of internal cell massfetus in the early stages of pregnancy.

    With multiple pregnancies, many complications occur more often than in normal pregnancies. This is due to the fact that while the body of a woman experiences a much greater burden. All organs and systems work with a doubled voltage, since they must supply two or more living organisms with food and oxygen at once. Pregnant uterus with multiple pregnancies is much more than with single-fetal pregnancy. In this regard, it exerts great pressure on the internal organs, primarily on the intestines, stomach, and diaphragm. This contributes to the occurrence of shortness of breath, heartburn, belching. There may be abnormalities on the part of the heart, as it too experiences pressure from the diaphragm. The uterus also compresses the veins of the lower limbs, therefore, in case of multiple pregnancy, varicose veins almost always appear, which is manifested by the heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue. Pregnant women urinate faster. There are also disruptions in the development of twins. Sometimes a single fetus is observed with polyhydramnios, which increases the size of the uterus even more, while the other, on the contrary, has a small amount. Since the size of the fruit is limited by the volume of the

    of the uterus, the children are born with a body weight slightly less than normal. But this shortage of weight, they later on with good care quickly compensate. The more painful the fetuses are in the uterus, the smaller the weight of children at birth. Especially the lack of body mass is expressed in identical twins. This is due to the fact that they have one placenta for two, and they are forced to divide between themselves the nutrients coming from the mother. Very often, in case of multiple pregnancies, premature births occur, and the probability of this event is related to the number of fetuses to be born.

    Determine reliably that a woman will have twins easier in later periods, although now, with ultrasound, it is possible to identify this in the early stages. Despite the crucial importance of this method, there are a number of clinical signs that, when examined, allow the presence of several fetuses in the uterus to be established. So, with the systematic observation of a pregnant woman, the doctor observes that the uterus grows much faster than it is supposed to by the terms. This sign is not sufficiently accurate, since such a rapid increase in the uterus in size can also occur with polyhydramnios. If, on examination, the doctor discovers that the size of the fetal parts available for inspection does not correspond to the large size of the uterus, this may also be an indication that there is more than one fetus in the uterus. When listening to the uterus, two points are determined -

    ki distinct palpitation. In a midwifery study, the doctor probes several large parts of the fetus in the uterus: the head, the pelvic end, which also speaks of multiple pregnancies.

    Childbirth with multiple pregnancy often occurs with various complications, it is sometimes complicated by the weakness of the ancestral forces. This is due to the fact that the wall of the uterus is thinned by the pressure of several fruits at once and can not be actively reduced. In addition, the two placentas cover a very large area of ​​the muscle layer, which is thus turned off from the contraction. Fruits can occupy different positions in the uterine cavity, including not the most optimal one, which will interfere with normal childbirth, so in some cases the obstetrician decides to do a cesarean section. Born children require careful care and attention.