  • Care during pregnancy

    Sometimes it is difficult enough to cope with all the physical changes that occur during pregnancy, but if you focus on positive changes - smooth contours of the body, shiny hair and gorgeous complexion, you can completely change your attitude to the new state.

    When they say that a woman blooms during pregnancy, they mean a radiant appearance and gorgeous hair, but often do not mention less pleasant things - pain in the breasts, swollen legs and flaky skin. Once you understand that these changes are only an integral part of the state of pregnancy, they will lose their meaning. Therefore, it is important to take good care of yourself in the "new" body.

    To have good skin, do not buy expensive products: careful, regular and daily care is the foundation of healthy skin, which will allow you to look the best. Cosmetics specially designed for pregnant women, despite advertising, does not contain any magic ingredients, so use it if you are really happy with the result. However, the occasional purchase of some kind of cosmetic stuff for the "soul" can provide you with a good mood.

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    Increased metabolism and faster circulation of blood and lymph can cause accelerated hair growth, while their loss will slow down. Energetic hair growth will mean that they will look thicker and brighter than normal. However, in some pregnant women, the hair becomes either fatty, or too dry, or lifeless. Do not worry if this happened to you: all the changes are short-lived and very soon the hair will return to its normal state.

    Tips for hair care

    Be attentive to your hair. You must ensure that most of the thick, living hair is preserved as long as possible, since they, alas, will disappear within six months after the birth of the baby. The following may be useful: ♦ Use special shampoos If the problem is the greasyness of the hair, wash your head with shampoos with a special formula and try not to comb them too vigorously, since this helps the sebaceous glands of the scalp to produce even more fat.

    Provide good hair condition If they become dry and naughty, once a week, do hot hair treatment with an oil preparation or conditioner with a deep effect on the skin. With the help of mousse, you can increase the volume, improve the condition of hair in "bad days" and save your hair. But in this case do not comb often, as this will lead to the splitting of the hair.

    Take a good haircut With increasing pregnancy and especially after the birth of a child, you probably will not want to bother with complex hairstyles, so make yourself one that will be easy to handle. Thanks to this, the hair will look healthy during and after pregnancy.

    Hair Care

    Although some health professionals are cautious about coloring and using decorative hair remedies during pregnancy, there is no evidence that this has any risk for the baby. Many years ago, hair colors contained some potentially dangerous substances, for example formaldehyde, but today most of them have no such compounds. The only component of paints that you might want to avoid is coal tar, which some experts suspect may be carcinogenic. If you are very worried in this regard, use products with a vegetable base, but on one condition: remember that the hormones produced during pregnancy can react differently to the paint, so that as a result you will not get the color that you expected.

    There is also no evidence that the chemicals used for curling harm you and the developing child. However, your hair can react to permanent in the most unpredictable way, and instead of wavy hair you will get steep curls.

    Hair straighteners contain strong chemicals, and although there is no evidence of their danger to pregnancy, there is no information about their absolute harmlessness, so it is better to avoid such agents.


    The larger volume of blood circulating in your body - by the time the baby is born it is 50% larger - in combination with a certain temperature rise, you can give your skin a characteristic "blush" of pregnancy and soft velvety because the skin swells and retains more moisture. However, do not be surprised if the skin becomes somewhat unpredictable - it may have spots and acne.

    Other changes can be noticed, for example arachnid hemangioma( burst blood vessels) on the cheeks and chloasma( known as the "pregnancy mask") on the nose and cheeks. Most of these "tags" will disappear after giving birth, and the skin will return to normal, but if you want to level the color of your skin, use good quality masking agents, not clarifying fluids that contain bleaching agents and can damage the skin.

    Sun protection

    Hormones make the skin more susceptible to sun exposure, so it can sunbathe much faster than before. Daily apply a cream base or moisturizer containing sunscreen, and before leaving the house, cover the sun-protected skin with a suntan cream with a protective factor of at least 15. Do not forget about the lips. They may seem drier than usual, so use moisturizing balm regularly( both separately and under lipstick) to prevent dryness.

    Facial care

    With daily face care, consider any changes that occur to it, and be prepared to make some changes in your actions with an increase in the gestation period. In all cases, follow the rules below that will give you a healthy appearance:

    Purge the face at least once a day. Use soap-free products suitable for your skin type. Soap can be too rough for the face and remove natural lubrication from it. If you have spots, then even more scrupulously observe the requirements of hygiene.

    Use astringent mild action agents They tonify the oily skin and clean the clogged pores.

    Apply a moisturizer to dry skin Allow it to soak and moisturize the face. If the dryness of the skin appears only in some places, treat the face as a combination skin: apply more moisturizer to dry areas. If regular use of facial masks is part of skin care procedures, there is no reason to stop it during pregnancy. This is a great way to relax the face. The cosmetic mask will not worsen the condition of the skin caused by pregnancy, but it can become more sensitive, so always try to find the right remedies.

    Anti-wrinkle creams

    Although it is believed that creams with vitamin A do not create problems, it may be necessary to abandon them during pregnancy, since it is likely that this nutrient can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream. There is reason to believe that vitamin supplements and medicinal substances containing vitamin A can lead to congenital defects. If you doubt the safety of this or that cosmetic remedy, discuss this with your doctor.


    During pregnancy, it is very important to ensure good oral hygiene. The hormones produced during pregnancy may be the cause of some swelling of the gums and a greater tendency to bleed during tooth cleaning and use of dental floss. Hormones also make the gums more sensitive to the appearance of plaque, tartar and bacteria on the teeth.

    Daily dental care

    Even if you have not done this before, start brushing your teeth at least twice a day, ideally after every meal. This means that the toothbrush should always be with you.

    Seals Although there is no exact data, many experts believe that during pregnancy, the amalgam should not be placed and removed. A seal from an amalgam contains mercury, which can be dangerous for the child. If removal is unavoidable, consult a dentist, and if a new seal is required, put an amalgam free. You can put a temporary seal, and then a permanent one. There is no evidence that confirms the danger to the child from already supplied amalgams.

    Use a soft toothbrush It is less likely that it will lead to bleeding from the gums. Gently massage the gums with the pads of your fingers after brushing your teeth to stimulate blood circulation.

    Use floss daily. Use it gently and discard your toothbrush as soon as signs of wear appear on it.

    Chew the chewing gum If after eating you can not brush your teeth, chew a sugar-free chewing gum that will help get rid of the plaque.

    Visit the dentist regularly During pregnancy, you should do this more often than usual, at least once every six months. Inform the doctor that you are pregnant to avoid the use of X-rays and other forms of extensive treatment, postponing them for a while after the birth of the child.

    Whitening teeth

    Although no serious research has been done on whitening systems( many of them use hydrogen peroxide or ultraviolet light), it is better to avoid them during pregnancy.


    Increased blood flow is likely to create a feeling of increased heat, resulting in faster sweating. Choose the time for a daily one- or two-time bath or shower( better with warm water than with hot water, as the latter will expand the pores and promote even more sweating).If you feel dry skin, as a substitute for soap, you can use a light moisturizer, which is used after washing, until the skin is still wet.

    Sweating can also be prevented by wearing cotton, not synthetic underwear, and if you wear tights, try to purchase them with a cotton gusset. It is better to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, they provide a great coolness.

    Preserving the softness and elasticity of the skin

    Special attention should be paid to the skin of the abdomen and chest, where it extends considerably, so that you will feel the dryness of and itching. Massage the belly with a moisturizer or oil is a great way to communicate with a growing baby, as well as the opportunity to let yourself relax. If you have dry skin of the chest,

    1 Reasonably eat and try not to gain excess weight. If you have gained too much weight in a short time, your skin does not have the ability to adjust to the extra pounds and it will stretch to fit the new body shape.

    2 During pregnancy, wear a suitable size bra. Provide proper support to the increasing in size and weight of the breast.

    3 If you have a big chest, wear a bra at night. Breast needs care not only during the day, but also at night.

    4 Maintain an elasticity of the skin and no irritation.

    For elasticity of the skin rub the breast and stomach cream. For some women, coconut oil or almond oil extract, which can be found in many pharmacies, is effective.

    5 To moisturize the skin in some places, use an oil solution of vitamin E.

    also use a moisturizer. However, try not to wet your nipples, because if they become too soft and wet, it can hurt you. Feeling some discomfort in the nipple, from time to time, make air baths for the chest during relaxation.

    In addition to the hips, the most likely stretch marks are the abdomen and breasts. There is no definite way to prevent from their appearance, as there is no miracle cure to get rid of stretch marks when they appeared, but you can reduce the likelihood of this.

    Like many women, you can enjoy the massage procedures and during pregnancy, they are excellent in promoting relaxation if you use aromatic oils. Many masseurs offer a special massage for pregnant women, using tables with a cutout in the center so you can lie on your stomach without too much stress on it.

    Hair removal

    Paraffins for bikini, legs or face that are hot on the skin, cool on it, and then removed with unwanted hair. This means of local action, do not contain substances harmful to the growing baby, so there is no reason to refuse hair removal in this way during pregnancy.

    Although the degree of risk to the child caused by depilatories or bleaching agents is unknown, your skin may react poorly to their use, and it is possible that the chemicals contained in them can enter the bloodstream. Also electrolytic epilation is not recommended, despite the fact that there is no confirmation of the danger of this procedure for the child. Shaving and plucking unwanted hair are safer alternatives.

    Tattoos and piercing

    Even if you obtained the address of a trustworthy tattoo parlor, during pregnancy, you should not tattoo and do piercing because of the high risk of infection in the body.

    Breast Implants

    If you have those changes that occur in your body, pregnancy is not the time to install the implants for the first time. In any case, most doctors will not be ready to operate a pregnant woman. Pregnancy can affect the breast with silicone or salt implants. In some women, breast sensitivity increases with the growth of the breast tissue itself, and this growth in combined with the increased size of the breast from implant use stretches the skin around the breast to discomfort.


    During pregnancy, you may find that the nails on the hands are stratified and become more fragile. If this happens, trim them shorter, and during the washing and homework wear rubber gloves. Their should also be worn when working in the garden to protect their hands and prevent infection from the soil. Regularly apply on the hands of the cream, and on the nails - a strengthening agent.

    When pregnant, the legs carry an additional load both due to the additional weight, and because of the possibility of swelling. The night foot baths and massage with cream with peppermint after a bath or shower will help ease the situation. Cut your nails on your legs straight and short, but not so much that they grow into your fingers. If during the last period of pregnancy you can not reach your toes, you will have to ask someone about it or make a pedicure. It makes sense to visit a good beauty salon, where the equipment undergoes proper processing.

    Semi-surgical procedures Because they use concentrated chemicals that are not known to affect the unborn child, during pregnancy and, probably, when breastfeeding, chemical peeling, injections of botox and collagen are not recommended.