  • Exercises for up to 16 weeks of pregnancy

    Exercises for up to 16 weeks of are aimed at strengthening the heart, lungs, blood vessels, improving their functioning, as well as strengthening the muscles of the back, mainly the loin, and the abdomen. After all, it is to these areas in the future will lay the burden, which will increase more and more with increasing gestational age. All exercises are done slowly, on exhalation, proper breathing is very important, since it relieves part of the load and promotes effective exercise. You can not strain your abdominal muscles too much - this can lead to complications. Do not perform exercises that cause you unpleasant sensations.

    1. Walking around the room in a large circle for 1 minute. It will warm up the muscles and prepare them for other, more complex exercises. Simple walking should be combined with walking on the heels, on the toes, on the outer and inner sides of the foot. These exercises strengthen well the arch of the foot. Then, for 1 minute, combine walking with the swelling of the shins, the heels should reach the buttocks.

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    2. Standing, standing feet, shoulder width apart, hands on waist. Do the head tilt to the right and left, forwards and backwards, the tempo is slow. Feel and stretch every muscle, but be careful not to cause injury. This exercise well kneads the cervical vertebrae and allows you to effectively deal with headaches, fatigue of the neck muscles.

    3. Standing stiff, legs shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Straight arms take him back and unite him in the castle. Try to smoothly lift them as high as possible, and then also smoothly return to the starting position. This exercise well kneads and strengthens the shoulder joints.

    4. Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Try to connect the palms of your hands behind your back, elbows look to the sides. Slowly lift them as high as possible, simultaneously leaning forward. Then also slowly rise up and take the starting position. If you regularly perform this exercise, the lung volume will increase and it will become easier to breathe.

    5. I. p. Standing, legs together, hands on waist. Slowly raise your arms straight up, simultaneously set the straight right leg back, bend over the waist and stretch well. Then repeat the exercise by changing your leg.

    6. I. p. Standing, legs together, hands on waist. Straighten your right hand up. Carry the slopes to the left. Then change your hand and repeat the incline on the right side. You need to make 10 slopes in each direction.

    7. I. p. Standing, legs together, hands on waist. Lean forward, and reach out to the floor with the palms of your hands. Try to lower yourself as low as possible and put your hands on the floor with the entire surface. Hold in this position for 20 seconds, return to the starting position.

    8. Standing still, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you. Do deep squats. At the exhalation they sat down, on the inhale the initial position. Repeat 10 times.

    9. Standing still, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you. On exhalation, stand on your toes and sit down as deeply as possible, hands in front of you. On inhalation, return to the starting position. The main thing in this exercise is maintaining the balance, because of which several muscle groups train at once.

    10. I. p. Standing, legs together, hands on the waist. On exhalation tilt down to the right leg, right between the legs, to the left leg. On exhalation the initial position. Repeat 10 times.

    11. I. p. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. Feed the pelvis slightly forward, then back, to the right, to the left. Each time increase the range of motion. Complete the exercise with slow circular motions of the pelvis. A smooth music helps to do it.

    12. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, palms folded on chest. Slowly crouch down to a level where the thighs are parallel to the floor or even lower, then slowly ascend. To increase the effect, try squats while standing on your toes. Number of repetitions 7.

    13. I. n. Sitting on the floor, feet to the sides. Place the palm of your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath and feel how your right palm moves. The hand on the abdomen should remain fixed. Just repeat 10 times. This exercise well trains the chest breathing.

    Now we will work on the abdominal muscles, on which the serious load is borne at the time of delivery:

    1. The lap lying on the floor, the waist is pressed to the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, hands behind the head. On exhalation, lift the upper half of the body from the floor, stretch upward. On inspiration take the starting position. Repeat 2 times. In the next lesson, increase the number of repetitions by one time, and gradually bring it up to 8 times.

    After this exercise, stand up, stretch properly, make slopes to the sides, and then proceed to the next exercise.

    2. AI lying on the floor, low back pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. On exhalation, simultaneously slowly lift the upper half of the body from the floor, stretch your elbows to your knees and lift the pelvis together with the knees. On inhalation, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 times. With each lesson, increasing the number of repetitions by one time, bring up to 8 times.

    Perform breathing exercises, stretch.

    3. The laying is lying on the floor, the loin is pressed to the floor, the legs are bent at the knees, the heel of the right leg lies on the knee of the left leg, hands behind the head. On exhalation, lift the upper part of the trunk from the floor and with the elbow of the left hand, reach for the right knee. On inhalation, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise at a slow pace 2 times. Then change your legs and do the exercise 2 more times. Gradually, the number of repetitions should be increased to 8 times. This exercise well strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles.

    Take a few deep breaths and exhale, stand on your toes and stretch your arms upward.

    4. AI lying on the floor, loin pressed to the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. On exhalation, lift the bent legs up, at the same time raise the shoulders and upper body from the floor and straight-arm forward. On inspiration take the starting position. Start with 2 times, with each lesson increasing the number of repetitions and bringing them up to 8 times.

    Between the main exercises it is useful to perform several exercises that improve breathing and flexibility: 1. The lumbar laying on the floor, the legs are straight, the arms are stretched along the trunk. On inhalation, raise the straight arms up and behind the head, on exhalation - take the original position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    2. AI lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands straight behind the head. On exhalation, put your hands on the right side, and your knees in the left. On inspiration, take the initial position. Repeat the exercise at a slow pace the other way. You need to complete the exercise 10 times.

    3. AI lying on the floor, straight legs are raised upwards, hands are holding on to the hips. On exhalation, spread your legs apart, as wide as possible. You can help yourself with your hands. On inhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    4. AI squatting, back straight, arms along the trunk. Pull the left leg to the side and transfer the weight of the body to the right leg. Then do the exercise the other way. Beat, therefore, for 30 seconds. This exercise stretches the internal muscles of the thigh well, strengthens the pelvis.

    5. The stance lying on its side, resting on the elbow of the right arm, the legs are straight. On exhalation, lift the straight left leg up, not very high above the floor. Watch your feelings: if you feel discomfort, then immediately reduce the amplitude. On inhalation, take the starting position. Turn over to the left side and repeat the exercise for the left leg. On each side you need to do 10 repetitions.

    6. AI sitting on the floor, the trunk is supported by a straight right arm, legs are stretched out. On exhalation, lift the straight left leg as high as possible, helping yourself with your left arm. Hold this position for a few seconds. On inhalation, return to the starting position. Turn to the other side and repeat the exercise for your right foot. It is necessary to perform 10 repetitions with each leg.

    7. AI sitting on the floor, the back is straight, the soles of the feet are connected together, the hands are on their knees. On exhalation, lower your knees as low as possible to the floor, helping yourself with your hands. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds. On inspiration take the starting position. It is necessary to feel well how the internal muscles of the thigh stretch. Repeat the exercise 10 times. After a while you will feel the visible result, your flexibility will increase much. To perform the following exercises, you will need the help of your beloved man:

    8. AI sit on the floor facing each other, grip your arms and straddle each other, your legs should be widely spaced. On the exhalation, bend back, simultaneously pushing the heels, and feeling the resistance. On inhalation, take the original position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    9. AI sit on the floor facing each other, hold hands and heels rest against each other, legs should be widely spaced. On exhalation, perform circular motions with the body, leaning on each other's hands. On exhalation, take the starting position. Then repeat the rotation with the body in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 10 times in each direction.

    After completing these exercises, you can move on to the final stage of the session, which should help the muscles relax:

    1. The stitching is sitting on the heels, the back is straight, the arms are stretched down. Perform rotational movements in the shoulder joints first forward, then back for 1-2 minutes.

    2. AI standing on his knees, back straight, right arm at the waist, left straight above his head. Perform tilts to the right side. Then change your hand and execute the slopes to the left. It is necessary to make 10 slopes.

    3. Get up off your knees and slowly walk around the room. You can do breathing exercises: raise your hands as high as possible, inhale deeply, stretch, lower your arms and exhale.

    Watch your pulse, do not let its upper limit rise after lessons above 160 beats per minute.

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, the tasks of gymnastics become somewhat different. The fetus develops, and good blood supply is necessary for this. Growing by leaps and bounds, the uterus squeezes the lower vena cava, which causes the future mother to develop a varicose veins. This complicates the course of pregnancy and can cause many serious complications, for example, pulmonary embolism, so exercise at this time should help improve blood flow to the fetus and strengthen the walls of the veins. Also, the future mother continues to learn how to breathe and relax.

    To ensure that the muscles of the back and waist are not overextended, all exercises are performed from standing, lying, on the knees, on all fours. Exercises performed lying on the stomach are excluded from the exercises. At this time, you can still do exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.