  • What is better to eat?

    In the time of our grandmothers it was believed that a pregnant woman should eat for two, that is, for herself and her future child. At present, this statement has no force. It is proved that what matters is not the quantity of food, but its quality. The food should be high-grade and contain all the minerals, vitamins necessary for the mother and the fetus. Already during the planning of conception, you need to start eating properly and take special vitamins. This is very important for proper child-bearing and development. So, for the full development of the nervous system of the fetus, especially in the early stages, it is very important that a sufficient amount of folic acid is present in the mother's diet. In ordinary foods it is not enough, so make up for its deficiency can only special vitamins.

    During this period the woman needs more energy. If earlier it consumed about 2000 kcal per day, now its energy costs increase by about a quarter. Thus, at the beginning of pregnancy, the caloric daily volume should be approximately 2500 kcal, and in the last months 2800-2900 kcal. However, in no case should not overeat. Excess nutrients will not benefit your body and the body of a growing baby, but will turn to you for excessive fat deposits. Excess fat prevents good tissue extensibility, which is an unfavorable moment during childbirth. There are studies showing the association of excessive weight gain during pregnancy with the more frequent development of toxicoses.

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    Excess weight will be an additional load for the muscles of the waist and legs. As a result, the lower back begins to ache, varicose veins may develop. The more you get better, the more you have to limit yourself to eating after giving birth to lose weight. Take the rule of weighing on the same scales 2 times a week. If you notice that you quickly gain weight, then be sure to tell your obstetrician-gynecologist. This may indicate an excessive accumulation of water in tissues, hidden swelling. Normally, a pregnant woman for pregnancy will score 8-10 kg, about 300 g per week. This includes: the weight of the fetus, fetal membranes, placenta, amniotic fluid, growing mats,

    ki. Some women fall into the other extreme and do not eat enough. It can very adversely affect the development of the fetus. Children who develop with a lack of nutrients that they need for full development are more often born prematurely, mentally retarded.

    In the first half of pregnancy, you can adhere to the usual diet. In the second half, you need to include more in the diet of milk, fermented milk products. You can also eat eggs, but not more than 2-3 pieces per week. Use of meat should be limited to 3 times a week, and on steel days, replace it with fish. Cheese in small quantities is allowed. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and products from wholemeal flour, they help regulate the activity of the intestines, and are an indispensable source of vitamins of group B. Fats should enter the food mainly in the form of vegetable oils. Do not drink a lot, you need to make sure that the amount of liquid drunk does not exceed 1-1.5 liters per day. By the last weeks of pregnancy, the fluid is further restricted - up to 0.8 liters per day. This allows you to fight with swelling, which often occur in this period, even in healthy women. All food should be salted moderately, but it is better to try to refrain from salt, as it helps to retain water in the body.

    There are better small portions: at the beginning of pregnancy 4 times a day, and in the second half of

    5-6 times a day. In the first months because of toxemia, appetite is often reduced, but despite this, you still need to try to eat fully, avoiding foods that cause unpleasant feelings and vomiting. Help to reduce the nausea can rubbed warm food, taken in small portions throughout the day. After eating, try to actively move, do not lie.

    Bakery buns, products with high sugar content should be, if not completely excluded from the diet, then severely restricted. But sometimes you can pamper yourself. It is useful to periodically arrange unloading days. So, on an apple day, it's necessary to eat 1.5 kg of apples for the whole day, to eat only curd cheese on a curd day, etc. Such days help improve the functioning of the liver, intestines, and help control weight. Eliminate foods with a high content of preservatives. Eat mainly natural products: cereals, vegetables, fruits( except for citrus fruits).

    Remember that on how you eat during pregnancy, depends on the health of your unborn child throughout his life.