  • Vitamin( calciferol)

    Properties: it is necessary for the prevention of rickets in a child. Pediatricians in Moscow argue that virtually all modern urban children have rickets. This is due to the fact that in fact, the prevention of rickets should be carried out before the birth of the child.

    Possible symptoms of lack: a lack of vitamin in a pregnant woman leads to improper development of bones in children( they later start walking, they are predisposed to tuberculosis and epilepsy).Women with vitamin deficiency are very weak during pregnancy.

    Sources: provitamin( ergosterol) is widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, especially in the embryos of cereals, green leaves, spinach, cabbage, yeast. His animal sources: butter, eggs, whole milk, brewer's yeast, shrimp. Mushrooms, avocado and dark green leafy vegetables are also good plant sources of vitamin.

    The main source is sunlight, under the influence of which the body synthesizes the vitamin. Therefore, pregnant women from the earliest spring, when the sun is already shining brightly, but does not yet warm( "spring of light" - according to M. Prishvin), should be exposed to the sunbeams naked chest and stomach, opening the window and sowing from it at a safe distance(not to blow).Read more about this in the next article( section on sunbathing).

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    In cases where pregnancy occurs during the winter months, when there is little sun, quartz is desirable. Naturally, quartz movement should take place only in a polyclinic under the supervision of a physiotherapist, because the slightest overdose can lead to a miscarriage.

    From time immemorial, Zemstvo doctors in Russia recommended pregnant and lactating women and young children to take vitamin in the form of natural fish oil in winter and early spring. Carefully read the annotation: it is desirable that it is fish oil in capsules. Choose a preparation that has undergone a cold treatment( with hot treatment, enzymes or enzymes that make up the biologically active value of the drug are destroyed).Fish oil from river fish( for example salmon) is better than from sea cod, since ocean water is environmentally more dangerous and toxic due to excessive radiation as a result of atomic tests.

    Vitamin antagonists are hormonal drugs - corticosteroids( cortisone), insufficient amount of time spent in the sun, mineral oils, laxatives, antacids( acid-reducing drugs), aflatoxins.