  • Breathing during pregnancy

    Rational breathing, which provides the body of a mother and child with oxygen in sufficient quantities, is vital for a pregnant woman. The more attention she pays to the training of breathing, the easier the body copes with the timely excretion of the adherents: kon through the lungs. So, we will help the skin, liver, and kidneys. You do remember the wonderful words of the famous Russian doctor A. Zalmanov!

    There are many different breathing training systems.

    The main goal of any method is training the breathing apparatus and strengthening the diaphragm( the "abdominal heart," as A. Zalmanov aptly put it).

    It is reasonable to remember the basic principles of breathing exercises:

    with fast and vigorous walking, breathing through the nose, while exhaling should always be longer than inspiration;

    should be a feeling of lightness and vigor, because oxygen effectively expels toxins from the body;

    moderation is a prerequisite for breathing breathing in pregnant women: do not make yourself dizzy, pulse quicken, do not make too long breath holds.

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    If you liked the breathing gymnastics of AN Strelnikova, it is necessary to exclude the movements associated with sharp slopes from it. Remember that pregnant women are contraindicated in sudden movements. If you prefer respiratory training by the method of KP Buteyko, it should be dealt with only under the guidance of specialists.

    It is more sensible for pregnant women to take such a system, which has been approved for millennia: this is full yogic breathing.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to how the aperture works. Sit comfortably, put both hands on the diaphragm( under the chest) and inhale, lifting the chest as high as possible. At the same time, holding your breath, relax your shoulders and keep your head straight. When you drop your hands on your knees, the diaphragm is released and the breathing becomes deeper. Note that the chest expands when you inhale, and contracts when exhaled. This movement is central to all physical efforts. You need to train in yourself the ability to breathe smoothly, regardless of whether you exercise or give birth, and this ability will increase when you improve your sense of muscles that help the diaphragm during breathing. Full breath. Place one hand on the abdomen, and the other on the chest, inhale and expand both the chest and abdominal cavity;then exhale. Toward the end of the exhalation, slowly pull the stomach up and inward. Inhale again, first slowly dilating the stomach, and then the chest, then exhale, drawing a slightly belly towards the back. Repeat several times. Balance your breathing for 1-2-3-4 - inhale, 1-2-3-4 - exhale. Inhale with your nose, exhale as you like.

    It's possible that your head will become slightly dizzy or the baby will move, having received an unexpectedly large portion of oxygen. Breathe a little slower, and everything will pass. If not, stop training full breath and breathe, as used. It is necessary to breathe at a speed of 4-6 full breaths per minute.

    Abdominal breathing. Done in full breaths, change your breathing slightly, with exhalation relaxing abdominal muscles. When the abdominal cavity is not involved in the breathing process, the breath will be less deep, and the relaxed abdominal muscles will not react to the exhalation. Put both hands on the lower abdomen to check how relaxed these muscles are. When during the delivery the uterus will contract, the ability to relax the muscles of the abdominal cavity is very useful to you( the uterus will be able to move freely).Exercise to breathe at a speed of 6-10 times per minute.

    Breast breathing .Now try to train the chest breathing using the muscles of the chest only. Place both hands on the ribs under the chest so that the fingers touch the ribs, and the thumb is pointed toward the back. Inhale and sever your fingers so that the ribs expand, exhale - and the fingers will connect. Repeat several times. Keep an eye on the abdominal cavity. It moves slightly, but does not participate in the process of breathing. Now your breathing is more superficial and faster, 12-20 times per minute. The account for inhalation and exhalation should be the same. It is difficult to regulate breathing with unaccustomed use, but these exercises will help you to consciously prepare for the process of birth, because they are extremely important for the relief of labor.

    Superficial breathing. Try to breathe, straining the muscles of the chest even less. Open your mouth so that the tongue relaxes lying, resting on the tip in the front lower teeth and constantly wetting with saliva. Breathe out slightly audibly with a slight push of air outside. Try to keep the air over the moist tongue to avoid dryness in the throat. Gently push the air out again, and you will find that after a little effort for exhalation, a quiet breath takes place by itself. Listen to the rhythm of the sounding breathing: as if the child depicts a moving train. Breathing must be superficial and thus frequent. The body moves slightly in the diaphragm, which in turn will make the stomach and chest move slightly. Try to keep the shoulders relaxed, and the upper half of the trunk moving lightly. It is necessary to breathe so that in one second to produce one exhalation. Let the air also leave unhindered, as it enters. Return to the chest breathing, then to the abdominal breathing, then make a full breath several times.

    Applying this breath training technique, you should exhale at an effort when the muscles involved in the exercise contract. Inhale when the muscles are in a relaxed state. During hard work or exercise or during the most difficult moments of labor during labor, go to the shallow breathing when you feel it necessary. Superficial breathing can help during intense physical exertion or during a violent contraction during childbirth.

    Of course, it is desirable to conduct breathing exercises in the fresh air, or at least with an open window. Of course, it is important not only how to breathe, but also what to breathe. Therefore, the room must be constantly ventilated, at night it is necessary to leave the ventilator open, and if very cold, tighten it with gauze.