  • Rhesus-conflict

    All people have blood divided into groups by content in the red blood cells of certain antigens. It's programmed genetically. The most common division into groups according to the ABO system and Rh factor. If there is a Rh factor in the red blood cells, the blood is called Rh-positive, if not, then Rh-negative. You can transfuse a person with only one-group blood with the same Rh factor. If you do not comply with this rule, then the antigens of the donor in the body of the person who receives blood, antibodies that destroy his own red blood cells are produced.

    A similar situation occurs when a Rh-negative mother is pregnant with a Rh-positive baby. This happens in more cases, if the father of the child is Rh-positive, because the gene responsible for this symptom is dominant-predominant. For placenta injuries, injuries, and other causes that increase its permeability for erythrocytes, fetal blood cells can enter the mother's body and cause antibodies. First, their number is small and does not have a strong damaging effect on the child. Only, he can be born with mild jaundice. But with subsequent pregnancies, the situation is dramatically complicated.

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    If the next child of this woman is again Rh-positive, the amount of antibodies produced is greatly increased, because the mother's body is already ready for such an immune reaction and tries to protect herself. Massive attack of the fetus with antibodies causes destruction of its own red blood cells. This, in the final analysis, has the most unfavorable effect on its intrauterine development. Even fetal death is possible even before delivery. If a child is born, it usually occurs before the term, he has severe jaundice due to the destruction of red blood cells, a lag in physical development. The pigment of bilirubin, formed during the death of red blood cells, damages the subcortical nuclei of the brain. This leads to a lag in mental and mental development, which in the future may not recover to normal levels even with good treatment. To rescue the

    baby's life, an immediate blood transfusion is performed to remove all the red blood cells that damage the erythrocytes.

    To prevent such a situation, and to allow parents with different Rh factors to have healthy children, regardless of the number of pregnancies, a woman who previously had miscarriages, abortions, including artificial ones, conduct special treatment. It is aimed at preparing the organism of the future mother, so that in subsequent pregnancies antibodies to the red blood cells of the fetus are not produced. To do this, antiresus antibodies are introduced, which immunize the woman's blood.