  • Cleansing of the intestine and enema

    Its purpose is to more completely remove the slag waste, so that the toxins are not absorbed back into the blood through the walls of the intestine. Therefore, for a cold disease, when the patient's temperature rises sharply, first of all, it is necessary to make a cleansing enema with the help of Esmarch's mug.

    Use should be warm boiled water, where to add:

    strained broth of mint or chamomile( with inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract) 0,5 st.0.5 liters of water;

    decoction of flaxseed( especially with a tendency to constipation and colitis) 0.5 tbsp.0.5 liters of water;

    juice of 1 / z of lemon for greater efficiency.

    Generally, I do not recommend pregnant women to do enemas without extreme necessity. And if you do, then small, only 0.5 liters of warm boiled water, which is added a decoction of flaxseed or juice of half a lemon. Do enemas only if there is no inclination to miscarriage, and only in the first half of pregnancy.

    Cleansing the bowels with enemas is especially important at high temperatures, as well as in cases where high fever is accompanied by a headache. It must be remembered that an enema is not a medical measure, but an emergency one, so it should not be abused.(It is dangerous to make an enema with an "acute" abdomen: suspicion of appendicitis, perforation of an ulcer, dysentery.)

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    Most people are terribly nervous if they need to use outside help if necessary to make an enema. This is one of the most psychologically painful moments for hospital patients. That's why we will offer a method in which you can do without outside help.

    It is best to hang an enema in the bathroom on a nail at the level of an outstretched hand, squat down on the mat at the knee-elbow position( on your knees and elbows, face and stomach down), gently turn clockwise the tip that you previously smeared with petroleum jelly, open the cock. Lower your head on crossed, bent and elbows hands and breathe deeply with your belly until water enters. Such a knee-elbow position allows you to let in more water without pain, especially if you breathe with your stomach. It is not necessary, although it is desirable to introduce all the water, it is much more important that this procedure does not bring unpleasant sensations.

    At the first signs of water pressure and colic, gently remove the tip. It is desirable to hold water a little and to be like, but if it does not succeed, do not be scared.