  • Hydrotherapeutic procedures

    With a nonspecific, systemic approach to improving the work on the skin during an acute condition, the most active attention is paid. Remember the wonderful words of A. Zalmanov "The skin is the second liver, the third lung, the third kidney."Since it is now difficult to find people who have all these organs in order, during the cold, work on enhancing the functions of the skin - the largest organ that is susceptible to our effects - is vital.

    If you choose the specific measure of hydrotherapy that will cause sweating, you must remember that there are neutral ways that are completely safe for pregnant women, for example a cool breast wrap. In addition, there are "sharp": dousing with cold water, a cold shower, a cold bath, swimming in the winter in the ice hole and other risky procedures that can only be applied to those adults who are already accustomed to these harsh measures on health days. It is hardly worth mentioning here more about them.

    Remember that water procedures must be strictly individualized. They should be used depending on the general condition of the pregnant woman at the moment.

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    Instead of taking potent antipyretic drugs, along with sweatshops, you can use a simple cold wrap that will help reduce the fever without any side effects. This is an ancient, undeservedly forgotten remedy as it is impossible, by the way, is useful for pregnant women. It is harmless, accessible in any conditions, it can be made even without assistance from any improvised materials. By the way, it does not require any costs, which is important at the current cost of drugs.

    Wrapping is done as follows: a woolen blanket or handkerchief is laid out on the bed, a dry terry towel is placed on top, and a piece of canvas wraps around the belly, a plain kitchen towel or a piece of old sheet pre-soaked in cold tap water and welldepressed. And the higher the body temperature, the more cold water should be. On top of a wet towel wrap dry, on top of a woolen shawl and fasten. The child can be dressed in a shirt and a sweater over the wraps so that he can play in bed.

    The feet are put on cotton socks, also soaked in cold water and wrung out, on top - woolen socks. You can use stockings. To the feet it is good to put a warm water-bottle( but in no case is it hot).If you were not pregnant, I would allow a second warmer under the kidneys. But we will not risk it.

    If there is no towel, you can wet a regular T-shirt or shirt( always cotton).If you do not have a woolen shawl, you can put a woolen sweater or ski jacket on top, and pinch both towels. It is important to wrap yourself up properly.

    If you have a sore throat, you can make the third part of the wrap: wet in cold water and squeeze out another kitchen towel folded along the width of the neck and wrap it around the neck and tie a woolen scarf on top. Thus, the wrap consists of three parts: neck, trunk, legs. When such a cold wrap is held for one and a half hours, the body temperature is reduced by one degree. At an elevated temperature, this wrap can be done twice a day.

    Yes, do not forget immediately, after making a wrap, to have a drink of hot sudorific tea, this will help you sweat faster.

    In cases of severe influenza with high fever, you can make a general wrap: spread the wool blanket, top the dry sheet, then the "working" sheet, soaked and wrung out, quickly undress and lie down on the cold sheet and wrap up all the layers. You can whistle a little, it will be easier. In fact, it will literally be hot in a minute, I assure you.

    Imagine, you lie, wrapped up like a doll, and a caring husband pisses from a spoon with fragrant sweatshop tea. Try for now, and ask for more jam, honey and lemon, do not forget!

    If you get sick while on vacation, in a village, on a business trip or on a hike, and the closest doctor at the far end of the earth, it does not matter! You can wet and squeeze the cotton training suit and socks, put on all the warm( that you will find), woolen socks on your feet and climb into the sleeping bag. Sugary tea is good to drink in advance. You can drip a few drops of tea tincture of propolis, eucalyptus or calendula, dilute the mummy( 0.5 g) - that is at hand.

    You can make a so-called three-quarter wrap, i.e.wrap the body from the armpits to the groin, everything else is the same. This wrap is more effective and is also used to gradually reduce the fever in acute colds. This wrap can be done 2-3 times a day. Children are best placed to do it during the daytime sleep.

    After wrapping in an hour and a half you have to go to the bathroom. There to unroll and quickly take a warm shower. But if you fell asleep, give a strict order - do not wake you up.

    It should be remembered that just as a patient can not recover from a single tablet of aspirin, so also from one wrapping there can not be an instant "miraculous" effect. The temperature will drop a little, it will become easier to breathe, the condition will improve, especially if the wrap is combined with a diaphoretic tea and a warm shower. However, in the evening, especially if you do not follow other recommendations used in a nonspecific approach, the temperature may again rise.

    Try to do one or two more( 2-3 hours to rest) three-quarter wrap, take a warm shower after him, rub it, go to bed and drink our unchanging sudorific tea with honey or raspberry jam.

    You can wipe the body with a sponge or a linen towel soaked in cold water before wrapping, and then apply a cold wrap to the wet body.

    The main thing, remember: the higher your temperature, the lower the temperature of the water.

    If you are indifferent to the smell of vinegar, you can add natural apple cider vinegar( in case you do not use vinegar essence!) At the rate of 1-2 st.spoon of vinegar for 0.5 liters of water. But if the smell irritates you, you can safely do without vinegar.

    For any form of wrapping, the following rules must be observed:

    is heat-wrapped;

    do not forget about the warmer under your feet;

    must drink a sudorific tea with honey or jam;

    pi by no means to awaken, if the patient falls asleep and wraps, which, by the way, very often occurs;

    must take a shower after wrapping and

    still at least half an hour to rest;

    not go out after wrapping;

    not wait for the "miracle", and patiently continue wrapping for several days in a row, improving each time their health and health.

    If you try the non-medicinal ways to reduce the temperature with cold wraps on your own, then make sure they are safe and effective. You will feel that the compress quickly becomes warm. This is explained by the fact that the capillaries contract immediately from cold water and then reflexively expand. After all, if they are pulled in one line, these smallest blood vessels will stretch for 100,000 km! The blood begins to flow through them faster, and with it, the accumulated slag waste arrives to the skin cover, which are released outward with sweat.