  • Do not rush to bring down the temperature!

    Unfortunately, usually very few people know that a fever is a universal protective reaction that has evolved in the course of evolution. Proponents of nonspecific therapy have always stressed that during an acute illness, fever is a defensive reaction of the body. In the heat of the temperature, the very viruses burned, to which the organism declared war.

    In conditions of elevated temperature, protective antibodies are produced faster and in greater quantities, enzymes involved in neutralizing or neutralizing toxins are more active and stronger.

    That's why you should not rush to artificially reduce the temperature for any cold and other common diseases.

    The effect of heat is manifested in two ways: on the one hand, and this is proved - the increased temperature "slows down" the activity of viruses that are almost not active at 39 ° C. At this temperature, the process of their reproduction slows down, toxicity decreases, and during this time antibodies are produced in the body. By isolating the heat-raising substances into the host's organism and thus triggering its response, the viruses in some way become victims of their own attack.

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    On the other hand, the increase in temperature, as it were, spurs the body, stimulates immunological protection, accelerates and increases the production of antibodies.

    With the help of wraps and sudorific tea we gradually reduce the temperature. We keep it as a rugged horse in check, not allowing it to rise above a reasonable limit, where it can already become dangerous. Therefore, we help the body to cope with the cold itself, using the classical commandment of medicine since its foundation: "Do no harm!"

    It is important to emphasize that with all these water procedures the temperature does not decrease as dramatically as when taking potent antipyretic drugs that weaken the immune systemand may have undesirable side effects.

    Of course, 1-2 tablets - it's okay. But remember how often in winter children and adults suffer from colds. Think about the annual flu epidemics, about tons of drugs consumed just like that, just in case. Without the doctor's advice, the people have enough in the pharmacy horrible: "from the head, from the stomach, from a cough, for vivacity"

    , etc. Is it not so?

    And if there are more harmless, more neutral ways to lower the temperature without the help of medicines, it is more reasonable to try their effectiveness during pregnancy, so as not to poison your already living child than horrible.