  • You and your partner during pregnancy

    Pregnancy should be considered as a great opportunity to strengthen communication between yourself and your partner. Adapting to the changes that pregnancy brings to life, you are together preparing for the fulfillment of parental duty.

    The appearance of the first child is a major milestone in the life of each family. Until then, your partner was probably the person who took the first place in your life, and you, no doubt, spent a lot of time together. At some point, you have led, as it were, a parallel existence - being at work, earning money for a joint life, solving life problems and everyday issues. In the evenings, you shared the events of the passing day and rejoiced at the support that was found in each other. It was possible at any time to go somewhere, sit in a restaurant or spend time with friends in a bar.

    The appearance of the child is likely to affect almost all aspects of your life, and some changes will begin to occur already during pregnancy. You probably already noticed that your roles are now divided into male and female. With the increase in the period of pregnancy a woman can no longer perform hard physical work, she will get your partner. The woman leaves her job, becomes more attached to the house and is engaged in cooking and household matters. Perhaps both of you will like this division, but it is also likely that it will be difficult to adapt to some aspects of a changed life.

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    There are other changes on the horizon. The future appearance of the child has made you and your partner closer to each other or has been an invasion of your personal life as a couple? What losses and acquisitions do maternity and paternity bring to you? Happiness of pregnancy is easy to share, but what about negative feelings? By discussing these issues, you will achieve greater mutual understanding, openness and trust among themselves, which will help both and rally to fulfill the parental duty.

    Changes in the financial position

    In addition to sex, changes are possible in the family budget. The approaching appearance of a child can mean a reduction in the amount of incoming funds - you or your partner will quit your job, in addition, some new items of expenditure will inevitably appear. It's good to think about the upcoming expenses before they hit on your pocket.

    Assess your income

    One of the most important things to think about is when you plan to quit your job, but remember that uncontrolled circumstances related to your health can affect the situation. You may want to assess the material losses associated with maternity leave and the benefits that you will gain.

    Although this will happen in a fairly long time, you should think about the possibility of returning to work - when this happens, you can already make an informed decision. You have the right to compare the cost of the child with the payment of his labor or think about an alternative to regular work.

    Approach to save creatively

    There is no need to spend all your fortune on a child. The furnishings of his room can be an expression of love, but for this it is not necessary to tear or close the bank account. Although the child needs love, attention and encouragement, he is not too concerned about the supermodern children's. If you have the time and energy to resist the calls of catalogs and shops, turn your eyes to the market of second-hand clothes and things. Children grow from many things before they become unusable, so it is possible to fill the child's wardrobe and the child's wardrobe with almost new things. However, some items, such as a seat in the car and a mattress in the crib, should always be bought new.