  • Alcohol abuse

    The dangers of alcohol abuse and its effects on offspring are well known. But, unfortunately, well-known truths are not brought to the attention of young people at that age, when they are still receptive to it.

    Any boy who aspires to become a man faster should know that alcohol abuse leads to impotence - at best, and at worst - to an anomaly of development of the unborn child. Alcoholism of the father determines the underdevelopment of the child's brain. Pregnancy from a man who abuses alcohol, as a rule, is very difficult even for a perfectly healthy woman. In such pregnant women, early and late toxicoses are more common, complications become more common in childbirth.

    In women who abuse alcohol, children lag behind in growth, suffer from heart defects, they have abnormalities in limb development, and a low level of mental abilities. Even Aristotle claimed that a woman drunkard gives birth to drunkards.

    Scientists have established that alcohol entering the blood of a pregnant woman, easily bypassing the placental barrier, passes into amniotic fluid. There it circulates for about two hours, poisoning the fruit. The consequences of alcohol intoxication largely depend on the point at which it developed its fetus.

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    It is proved that the human fetus is the most vulnerable and sensitive to various damaging factors during the first three months. It is during this period that an intensive process of laying down the most important organs and systems is underway. And alcohol intoxication at this time can lead to various developmental anomalies, severe deformities.

    But in later terms of pregnancy the fetus is defenseless before alcohol. All of its organs and systems are not mature, including those that are designed to withstand toxic substances. Therefore, their neutralization is not fully implemented, and the decay products are very slow to disintegrate.

    It should be emphasized that "not only long-term alcohol abuse, but also a relatively moderate dose of alcohol, taken just before conception, can lead to the birth of a sick child"( Muchiev G. Care for Women's Health).Especially dangerous is the use of a large amount of alcohol by parents during conception, as emphasized in the work of M.Ya.( Denikin's book The Book on Children's Health.) Serious scientific studies show that alcohol intoxication is unacceptable within two weeks of

    before conception in a woman and inDuring the half-year of months, the man has the right sexual matrices to ripen in. When the corresponding sex cells mature,

    In Russia, the bride and groom do not have to drink wine, even diluted, for 40 days before and after the wedding, and especially on the day of the weddingThe description of the wedding in A.N. Tolstoy's novel "Peter the First".)

    Few people know: if the nutrition of a young woman is full from the point of view of saturation with natural products, with a large number of different vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, the need for such artificial stimulants, like alcohol and smoking, is sharply reduced

    If the woman basically eats "lifeless" food( coffee, donuts, cakes, sausages), is it any wonder that she has to "spur" her fading tone with the help of artidents stimulants).