  • About the dangers of smoking

    "The US Chief Surgeon warns that smoking pregnant women can lead to prenatal injuries, premature birth and reduced weight of newborns."( Marlboro cigarette label).

    One of the innumerable harmful effects of smoking on the body is the change in the heredity factor: in chromosomes in women who smoke, changes occur twice as often.

    Almost every smoking woman during pregnancy had severe toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage increased. The number of premature births was twice as large, the frequency of the appearance of dead children from drinkers and women smokers was twice as high."Tobacco" children had abnormalities of development - superfluous fingers on hands, an incorrect cut of eyes, low set ears, congenital heart disease, etc. The frequency and severity of heart defects in children were directly dependent on the intensity of smoking of their mothers and its duration. The most frequently observed severe deviations in children, whose mothers not only smoked, but also consumed alcohol. The incidence of malformations in these newborns reached 74%.

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    In the first and second years of life, children who smoke mothers die 2.5 times more often, they are many and seriously ill.

    The mechanism of the effect of smoking on fetal fetal development is thoroughly studied. It is shown that in the process of smoking, nicotine, carbon monoxide and various resins affect the child, causing vasospasm, disrupting blood circulation, reducing the number of red blood cells, the main carriers of oxygen.1China suffocates, develops poorly, dengen develops, labor becomes more complicated. Children grow weak, short, "zamoryshami."Trying to look older in adolescence, poisoned from the moment of intrauterine development of poison, they, in turn, become malicious smokers. The vicious circle closes.

    If the mother has a dysfunctional background in the form of any swelling, then such an "additional" negative factor as smoking can in general lead to the death of the child.

    A study in 12 US medical centers 50 000 pregnancies( !) Confirmed earlier findings that smoking during pregnancy leads to spontaneous abortion, the birth of premature, inferior and dead children.

    Smoking before pregnancy can have a negative effect on the subsequent pregnancy. Smoking women are characterized by cases of very low attachment of the placenta in the uterus, leading to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Dying out of large areas of the placenta occurs twice as often. Although it has not been established exactly how long it is before the conception of a child should quit smoking, it is better to stop smoking as early as possible, or even better not to smoke at all. At a minimum, it would be good to quit smoking one year before conception.

    According to the latest data, smoking of a future mother is one of the causes of the "sudden death syndrome" of newborns. The addiction of the future mother increases the danger of death by 52%.Other often fatal consequences of smoking a future mother for a developing infant include premature separation of the placenta from the uterus, blood disease, irregular heart and other organs.

    A group of American doctors from Boston discovered a direct link between the addiction of women to cigarettes and the incidence of their children with asthma.