  • Relaxation Technique

    On the floor or a hard sofa, lay a carpet or blanket, try to lie on your back, a pillow is not needed. Take a deep breath of your nose.

    Tighten only the legs, pulling the socks with all their might( remember how the girls played ballerinas in childhood), count to 5, the socks should be stretched and slightly spread apart, then relax your legs, now they should be soft, like cotton. Practice several times, you can alternate legs.

    Then, keeping your legs relaxed, squeeze your hands into a fist and tense them up with all your might to score 5, and then relax. Repeat this procedure several times, then simultaneously strain your arms and legs and relax, counting to 5.

    Further, keeping your arms and legs relaxed, take a deep breath, lift up your shoulders and strain your chest and stomach, then exhale and relax, lower your shoulders.

    Keep your arms, legs, chest and stomach relaxed, tighten your neck and turn your head( as far as possible)( start in one direction at the expense of 5, relax, then in the other.)

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    Close your eyes with all your might, count to 5,relax, wrinkle your forehead, count to 5, relax, watch for your teeth to not be squeezed in.

    Now mentally perform a "revision." Check whether you are relaxed, soft and cottony: legs, hands, shoulders, whole body, head,neck, your eyebrows are not frowning, your teeth are not clenched. You should look like a rag cookielie down in such a demagnetized, relaxed state, thinking of something beautiful: the blue sky, the flying seagull, the green meadow, the bubbling brook, you can add to it the music( the works of Bach or Mozart). These five minutes for you are a flight into eternity, avoiding mortal fuss, think about what a wonderful kid is growing, mentally caress and kiss him

    After lying for 5-10 minutes in a relaxed state, stretch with relish and get up - you will marvel at the amazing feeling of lightness and relaxation.

    This technique is valuable in that it helps to notice when you are tense and quickly relax, relieve nervous tension. It is especially important to engage in stress-relaxation exercises during maternity leave with active preparation for childbirth. The ability to relax will help to fully relax during a break between contractions, provided, of course, that the relaxation did not begin to train the day before the birth. By the time of delivery, this should be obtained automatically. Even if because of the threat of miscarriage the doctors recommended the woman to lie, she can train the tension-relaxation, so as not to lose muscle tone.

    It is very useful to train relaxation in the morning and in the evening, in the bath and before going to bed.

    Over time, when you can catch and fix the difference between tension and relaxation, you can reduce the voltage time. You can immediately begin to relax, but do not be too hasty. The more often you train, the less you will have to strain. After a while it will be enough to give yourself an internal command: "I rest and relax for 5 minutes".

    Yogis say: learning to relax is like climbing mountains - the higher, the harder;the deeper the relaxation, the more difficult it is for him to learn.

    Therefore, do not worry that first it will not work, the main thing is to try and train. Being persistent, you will learn to relax even when sitting in the subway, saying to yourself: "I rest, it's convenient for me and sit well, rest all my body, rest hands, feet, eyes, back, baby and calmly and well with me and even thatKindly affectionate and gentle tell your little one.

    Modern emancipated moms only "educate" their children, forgetting how important it is to be gentle with them, just to be glad that they have such wonderful children. It is necessary to learn to love your child in advance, no matter what it will be. Love unconditional, unconditional love. The time of rest and deep communication with the baby in a state of relaxation is the best suited for self-education of this love.