
"Food for two": the weight of the mother and the health of the child

  • "Food for two": the weight of the mother and the health of the child

    Most women waiting for a child do not realize how harmful the habit of "eating for two" during this crucial period. Excess weight affects the health during pregnancy, the health of the child itself, the process of childbirth. M. Ya. Studenikin emphasizes that "the excess diet of a pregnant woman causes her obesity, which often complicates the course of pregnancy and can cause a weak labor activity."On average, a woman should recover for nine months by 6-8 kg.

    On average, the child should weigh about 3 kg, amniotic fluid - about 0,8 kg, placenta 0,5-0,7 kg, uterus enlargement - 0,9-1,0 kg, enlargement of the mammary glands and blood volume - 0,5kg - total, 6.5-7 kg. All the rest is the extra weight of the mother and unnecessary harm for the child.

    If the fetus in the pregnant woman becomes too large, it is necessary to check the blood sugar( but not a one-time analysis, but a two-hour sugar curve), since a large child can sometimes indicate a hidden diabetes in the mother. However, not always large children are born to mothers with diabetes. In some cases, this is simply a heredity and a propensity for the birth of large children. Heredity is a serious matter, but do not let yourself be eaten up. It is better to eat often and gradually.

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    It is statistically certified that children born with a weight over 4 kg in the first weeks of life grow worse and less recover, so that children with small birth weight soon catch up with them. Children with obesity are more sick, slower and worse develop, and fat cells they retain for life, so obesity in adulthood they are most likely. At weight of the child above 4-4,5 kg pulse at it below norm on 50-60 impacts, there are no many reflexes, testicles at boys do not fall, there is no tonus of muscles.

    Children with a weight of up to 2 kg, born prematurely, but physiologically mature, can survive rather than physiologically immature with a weight of 3 kg.

    As we have already stressed, the question of physiological maturity is extremely important because such children, as a rule, do not get sick in the first year, while physiologically immature suffer often and develop worse. Restriction in the food of a pregnant woman should occur at the expense of "empty" calories in the form of buns, cakes, white bread and other products from refined flour and refined sugar, as well as by limiting consumption of vitamins and all kinds of snacks.

    Do not let the feeling of hunger occur neither during pregnancy, nor during the whole period of breastfeeding.

    If you really want something to chew, let it be apples, a handful of nuts, a banana, a grapefruit, crackers from doctor's bread, crackers with cheese. If you really want something to drink, let it be a sachet of juice, a glass of cranberry juice or a natural lemonade: lemon juice with a spoon of honey in a glass of hot or cold water.

    A simple rule formulated by the well-known Russian physiologist Academician AA Bogomolets: "We must leave the table, experiencing an easy feeling of hunger," or, as the witty French say, "I wanted to eat another crust of bread."

    Remember that the feeling of satiety can be true and false. The true sense of satiety depends on the level of sugar in the blood: food should be split, and sugar should be absorbed into the blood. This will happen only after 20-30 minutes after eating. A false sense of satiety immediately after a meal, which is accompanied by the pressure of a crowded stomach on the uterus, heavy breathing, drowsiness, means an overload of the gastrointestinal tract, which will inevitably adversely affect the health of the mother and child.