  • Causes of the appearance of toxicosis

    Psychologists say that early toxicosis is more common in women for whom pregnancy is undesirable. I hope this does not apply to you.

    "The true cause of toxicosis must be sought in violation of physical laws in diet, movement, breathing, clothing of a pregnant woman," stresses the naturopathic physician Alice Stockham.

    Basically, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, indigestion is a protest of the body of a woman who has become more sensitive against unsuitable food. Reduce the amount of fatty, remove excess protein food. Less meat and fish, more lactic acid products. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables, and for those who do not tolerate a large amount of fiber, enter the diet of fresh juices.

    The pressure of the enlarged uterus can also cause early toxicosis phenomena.

    One of the important causes of morning sickness and the feeling of nausea may be too frequent sexual intercourse during pregnancy."They are conditioned by the crowning of the crowns to the productive organs of the nervous system." There would be innumerable beneficial effects if( elasticity were followed in this respect by the animal, and so they would spare all their energy for the benefit of the offspring "(A. Stockham).Sometimes in the beginning of pregnancy there is noise and ringing in the ears. While the appearance may indicate the instability of blood pressure and be an early harbinger of toxicosis.

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    In addition, if a woman is always in a hurry, carries weights, is nervous, overstrained, does not chew as slavedSome experts insist that a vacation during the first months of pregnancy is vital to maintain the health of the baby's future, but if life is such that a woman works during this period, she should try to walkwalk to work and work( at least one stop to pass.) After work, after coming home, dry rubbing, take a warm shower with subsequent dousing with cool water, lie down for at least 5 minutes, relax and then engage inhousehold. Family members must in this difficult period in every possible way to help her and as much as possible to ease her domestic chores.

    Sometimes, nausea and vomiting are accompanied by severe headaches. Migraines are largely associated with the consumption of unsuitable food for the body.