  • Placenta previa

    Normally the placenta should be attached to the uterus in a strictly defined place, namely in the body of the uterus. With placenta previa, the fetal egg is attached and develops in other parts of the uterus, more often in the lower uterine segment. Such an arrangement is abnormal and will prevent the normal ejection of the fetus during childbirth. Depending on how much the placenta covers the inner cervical canal, several forms of placenta presentation are distinguished( see the figure).10):

    1) with central, full presentation, which is the most unfavorable, the

    of the placenta completely covers the inner opening of the cervical canal;

    2) with partial presentation of the placenta only partially closes the internal pharynx;

    3) there is still a cervical presentation, when the placenta with one edge comes down into the cervical canal. This is the most unfavorable form, since it often causes massive bleeding.

    Rhys Forms of placenta previa

    max, lack of sex hormones, numerous births in the past, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity. All these reasons lead to the fact that the endometrium in the body of the uterus is thinned. Fruit egg, going down to the uterus, can not fix it, and is forced to descend below, into the lower uterine segment, where the placenta develops later. Another reason for the placenta is the scar on the uterus, which is formed after removal of the myomium or caesarean sections. In the scar area, the endometrium is also thinned and can not be a good basis for attaching the fetal egg.

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    The main and only symptom of placenta previa is bleeding. Before his appearance, the woman does not bother. Usually bleeding begins after physical exertion, sexual intercourse, act of defecation. It appears suddenly and can be of different strength. With full placenta previa bleeding occurs during pregnancy, and in partial - to its end or with the onset of labor. In any case, the loss of blood leads to the development of anemia, and this leads to intrauterine oxygen starvation of the fetus. With complete presentation and massive bleeding, urgent delivery with a caesarean section is performed. Partial presentation often also resorts to caesarean section, but if the placenta slightly covers the internal pharyngeus, then

    is possible that doctors will decide to lead births naturally.