  • Diet Kovalkov: diet menu of Alexei Kovalkov for a week

    Diet Kovalkova: menu for each stage and advice on the correct exit from the diet

    The famous doctor has been treating obesity for more than 10 years. His own technique, he first tested himself, getting rid of more than 50 kilograms of excess weight.

    Dr. Kovalkov's diet is recommended only for people without acute and chronic diseases.


    • before a diet is very important to clean the intestines;
    • tune in to a successful outcome;
    • in the daily diet should always be fresh vegetables;
    • the correct dosage of drinking water;
    • daily drink vitamins and minerals;
    • every day there are sour-milk products;
    • every day eat fresh or frozen berries and fruits;
    • fats replaced with vegetable oils;
    • in the first stage of weight loss replace proteins of animal origin with vegetable proteins;
    • to reduce salt intake to a minimum;
    • do not forget daily small physical exertion.

    Kovalkov's diet, the menu of which is simple and uncomplicated, has a long time and an effective result.

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    The daily ration of the initial stage

    At this stage, the body clears the body and stabilizes the metabolic processes. The body weakens slightly, so heavy loads are not recommended.

    Breakfast should consist of a glass of low-fat kefir, a small spoon of crushed pine nuts and 30 grams of bran.

    A bit later it is desirable to chew on an apple.

    Lunch consists only of a part of the grapefruit.

    One hour later you can eat one apple again.

    In the middle of the day you need to finish eating grapefruit.

    For dinner cut a quarter kilogram of vegetables and sprinkled with a pinch of crushed cheese.

    At night you can eat two chicken proteins and drink 100 grams of low-fat milk.

    Weekly diet for the 2nd stage of weight loss

    At this stage it is desirable to start sports training. The stage lasts from one to six months. Every day the body says goodbye to 200 grams of fat.

    Sample diet menu of Alexei Kovalkov for a week:

    1. A portion of natural low-fat yogurt, several apples, a thick fish soup with greens, half a grapefruit, a couple of lettuce leaves, several radishes and two chicken proteins, poured with olive oil.
    2. Omelet from several eggs and greens, steamed, coffee, herbal tea, baked syrniki from manga, orange, lazy meat cabbage rolls.
    3. Casserole from unsweetened cottage cheese, apple, vegetable salad with greens, chopped chicken cutlets, a portion of kefir, baked fish, lettuce leaves and a couple of pieces of cherry tomatoes. Steamed buckwheat, kefir fat-free, orange, sliced ​​tomato and cucumber, slightly boiled veal, 150 gr.tomato juice, herbal tea, arugula salad, cherry tomatoes and tuna pieces.
    4. A mixture of cottage cheese, kefir and dill, herbal tea, dark boiled rice and chicken cutlet, a small orange, sliced ​​cucumber and bell pepper, sprinkled with cottage cheese and spices.
    5. Cocktail of kefir, berries and fruits, a handful of any nuts, a salad of tomato, greens, large cottage cheese and avocado seasoned with vegetable oil, kefir, vegetable salad and lightly salted salmon.


    It may take a long time to fix the result: from a year or more.

    At this stage little by little in the diet are introduced cereals: buckwheat, rice, barley and wheat. Once a day you can eat a piece of white or otrubnogo bread. Sweets are allowed only on holidays, alcohol is prohibited, except for a glass of dry wine not more than 2 times a month. You can drink any teas, coffee, still mineral water and plain water.

    Such a power system is simple and correct, so it has absolutely no contraindications. This scheme will help to keep the results of the diet and will not give rise to new obesity.

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