
What pills help to lose weight, how much they cost, what effect they give

  • What pills help to lose weight, how much they cost, what effect they give

    About a fifth of the world's population suffers from obesity. And very many of them, not having enough strength of will for diets and sports, choose a medicamentous way of losing weight. In the hope of a "magic" tablet that will solve all their problems. Let's find out which pills help to lose weight quickly and really.

    Separation of drugs into groups

    According to the effects on the body, all substances in the preparations for weight loss can be divided into several groups:

    1. Group of anorectics. These substances are related to the means with a central effect, that is, they directly affect the brain, including saturation centers. This group is represented by substances Phentermine and Sibutramine.
    2. The group of parapharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals is represented by countless drugs, so-called dietary supplements. In general, the difference between them is only in the quantitative content of the active substances. According to the producers themselves, these are natural preparations, balanced by vitamins and microelements, thereby triggering the process of losing weight. What is a blatant lie, since all the tabletted vitamins are synthetics.
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    3. Group of laxatives and diuretics. The decrease in mass occurs as a result of active excretion of urine and stool liquid. This is very dangerous, because the body is dehydrated, while losing electrolytes and useful intestinal microflora. As a rule, these drugs have senna and diuretics in their composition.
    4. Cellulose-containing preparations. Their action is due to cleansing the intestines, but at the same time, these drugs can not be taken if there is inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, which is a common problem in obesity.
    5. Group of fat burners. This is a very common, diverse group of substances, but also with the most incomprehensible mechanism of action. From the explanation given by the manufacturers, it can be assumed that the fat breaks up due to the acceleration of metabolism. But that's what makes this exchange accelerate - it's unclear.
    6. Sibutramine hydrochloride - refers to psychotropic drugs, affects the parts of the brain.
    7. Rimonabant - causes mental disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies.
    8. Phenytoin - a drug that leads to a decrease in nerve conduction, is taken with epileptic diseases.
    9. Phenolphthalein is a toxic, carcinogenic substance.

    Pharmacological properties of essential medicines

    Consider the most common drugs for weight loss, and try to find out which pills really help to lose weight.

    Goldline and Redoxin

    The active ingredient of both drugs is sibutramine. Prolonging the action of norepinephrine and serotonin on the hypothalamus, a person feels hungry.

    But these two hormones negatively affect the cardiovascular system. Therefore, drugs are strictly contraindicated to hypertensive people, people suffering from coronary heart disease, strokes, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands. In addition, the simultaneous administration of these drugs with neuroleptics, hypnotics, hypotensive, tranquilizers is contraindicated.

    Orthosen, xenical

    These preparations are active substance orlistat. The main function of which is the blocking of the digestive enzyme of lipase, thereby preventing the absorption of fats in the body.

    Adverse events are manifested by spasmodic pains and swelling in the intestines, with a liquid, involuntary stool. Contraindications for use are diseases of the intestine and gallbladder.


    The drug LiD from the Chinese manufacturer, is a dietary supplement. It is declared as a preparation of exclusively plant origin, but judging by the side effects, most likely, the drug sibutramine was added to it.

    Thai fat-burning tablets

    The composition of the drug is difficult to determine, but judging by its effect, the main substance is Phentermine. It causes irreversible mental changes, dependence, is toxic to the myocardium.

    Tablets with microcrystalline cellulose

    The preparation is made of natural cotton fibers. The drug creates a feeling of satiety as a result of mechanical swelling in the gastrointestinal tract. Possesses absorbing properties.

    But at the same time causes spasms of the intestine and is contraindicated in inflammatory processes, neoplasms, bleeding.

    There are a lot of drugs for weight loss: what are inexpensive pills, which are very expensive, but all of them to some extent negatively affect the health status. Without a doctor's advice, do not take them yourself. The best ways to lose weight are proper nutrition, normal sleep, physical activity and then no pills you will not need. Video selection