
Atkins diet: daily menu, basic principles of protein nutrition

  • Atkins diet: daily menu, basic principles of protein nutrition

    Perhaps the easiest and most convenient of the diets is the diet of Dr. Atkins. She is already about 40 years old and many people, including celebrities, were convinced of its effectiveness. And even in the USSR, women used her interpretation - the Kremlin diet.

    Principles of Dr. Atkins

    The diet almost completely eliminates carbohydrate products, replacing them with protein. The minimum amount of carbohydrates, which nevertheless enters the body, is quickly consumed for energy. And proteins and fats are spent on maintaining the vital functions of the body and building muscles, and affect the accelerated weight loss by burning fat.

    This approach helps to overcome cravings for sweets and flour, which is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Also, the use of products with reduced GI affects the reduction of sugar in the blood, reduces the sharp jumps in glucose in the body.

    Protein products have the property of very long digestion and cleavage on nutrients. It is because of this that hunger is not experienced, well-being and health remain.

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    Phases of the diet

    The diet is divided into phases, each of which is aimed at achieving its goal and eating certain foods.

    Phase one is the cleavage of fats.

    Time: 2 weeks.

    Rules: crushing food, 20 grams of protein per day, excluding flour dishes, nuts, drinking balance, eating before saturation, increasing the consumption of plant foods, taking supplements and vitamins.

    Phase two is a slow weight loss.

    Term: from a week to several years. Appointed by a doctor.

    Rules: control of appetite and consumption of carbohydrates, physical activity, variety in food.

    Gradually, carbohydrates are replaced with protein, increasing its intake by 5 grams every day.

    Phase three - fixing the result.

    Term: up to two months.

    Rules: smooth increase in carbohydrates in the diet, weight control, the predominance of proteins and fats in food.

    If the weight increases during the third phase, then you should go back and adhere to the rules of phase two. Already at this stage, one must feel free from dependence and uncontrollable craving for overeating.

    Phase four - keeping weight.

    Term: all life.

    Rules: normal ratio of food micronutrients, eating before saturation, healthy exercise, weight gain control.

    Exemplary menu of

    The following products are permitted for a diet: any kind of meat and fish, seafood, eggs, vegetable oils, olives.

    Sometimes you can eat: sour-milk products, beans, a certain kind of vegetables( cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant), seeds and nuts.

    Prohibited: sugar and products containing it, bakery products, confectionery sweets, cereals, starchy vegetables( potatoes, beets, carrots), sweet fruits.

    Exactly follow the diet is helped by excellent tables of allowed and forbidden products.

    Protein diet Atkins menu for the day:

    Breakfast: eggs from two eggs, green tea. The second breakfast: cottage cheese. Dinner: boiled beef with green peas.

    Dinner: baked with lemon fish, vegetable salad dressed with sour cream.

    The diet completely changes the thinking and taste habits in addition to the figure.

    For more information, see the diet on video: