  • The right of the child to be desired

    The main condition for a safe pregnancy and kid's health: the child should be welcome! His future health is inseparably linked with the emotional and mental state of the pregnant woman.

    The main precept: in the family where the child is expected, joy and calm confidence in a successful outcome should prevail. Unfortunately, there are such vital vicissitudes when a woman does not immediately adjust positively to the future child: quarrels with her husband, difficulties at work, poor housing conditions, excruciating lack of money, lack of help - all this affects the vulnerable psyche of a pregnant woman and sometimes causesfeeling of irritation, sadness, rejection of the future child. Be patient, his smile will be your best reward!

    The sounds of the wedding march have died down, the shouts have died down "bitterly", the intoxicating happiness of the honeymoon comes, and with it the hopes for a new life that you, the young woman, will present to the world. And maybe there is no holiday, and you, all alone, clenching in a ball and swallowing tears, listen to the mysterious tremors under your heart, not yet realizing to the depths of your soul that this is knocking the New Life that will connect you to the future, will bring joy anddifficulties, will fill your existence with meaning.

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    You are a woman, the keeper of Life and Domestic Fire, you are a bridge between the past and the future, do not you want to make our world a little better? The most wonderful gift to the world will be a healthy child, in the upbringing of which you will put all your heart and soul.

    Now that the world is talking about the rights of the child, they forget its first and inalienable right: the right to be desired and the right to be born healthy. Dets should not be an accidental, undesirable consequence of the rash hasty relations between a man and a woman. Children, without whom life is boring and colorless, deserve to be prepared in advance, consciously and patiently for their arrival, so that they will be welcomed and expected with joy.

    Let each child be a welcome guest, who is welcomed in the family with joy and the arrival of which is carefully cleaned "home", i.e.the mother's body. And if it so happened that a woman did not prepare for the conception in advance, then the more carefully she should monitor her health from the very beginning of pregnancy.