  • Air baths

    Air baths are one of the important elements of a healthy skin culture. Since in our conditions of a temperate climate with a cold winter, the possibility of taking air baths in pregnant women( but at least unoccupied!) Is limited, the more it is necessary to use the time when the heat. But in general to be afraid of a cold, living in Russia, - last business.

    If a woman wants to have a healthy child, she must temper it in advance, tempering herself. Air baths - one of the effective ways of gradual hardening. A wonderful way of hardening is to run barefoot on the morning dew. The feeling of joy of life is inexpressible. Just in case, take with you woolen socks and put on wet feet.

    In winter, if you have already got used to running barefoot, try running in the snow - naturally, starting literally from seconds, and then rubbing your feet and warmly dressing. The main feeling after walking barefoot on the cold dewy grass and on the snow - then it should be hot to the feet.

    When my son first began to snow in the very baby, he was delighted: "Mom, snow is hot!"

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    If possible, it would be good if only for a few minutes every day to strip the chest, to accustom pampered nipples to temperature contrasts. If there is no way to go naked, then you can walk around at home in a cotton robe on your naked body, because cotton lets in air.

    It is very useful to sleep without any nightwear, as at night the dermal breathing intensifies. When feeling cold, it is better to cover for one more blanket. Naturally, the room should be well ventilated, and the ventilator is open, except that very strong frost will prevent.

    It is very useful to nude to do gymnastics in front of an open window, balcony or even better - in the open air, it strengthens skin breathing.

    "Primitive Peoples", as we know, differing in their strongest health, preferred air baths. They almost all the time walked almost without clothes and, most importantly, barefoot. We now go on the asphalt, in uncomfortable shoes, nylon pantyhose, synthetic blouses, almost all the time we spend indoors - all this does not allow the body to breathe, worsens sweating, complicates capillary blood circulation.

    Whenever possible, try to dump this airtight shell! If the skin is breathing properly, it greatly facilitates the work of the kidneys, which can not cope with the extra load, if they are not helped. Especially need air baths to those who do not suitable dry grinding( in particular, with dermatitis, eczema, etc.).