
Develop a program of training during pregnancy

  • Develop a program of training during pregnancy

    Choose an exercise program that you like, and try to integrate it into your daily routine. Once you feel good from your workouts, you will immediately want to practice regularly.

    The best source of information about exercises performed during pregnancy will be the doctor watching you. If you are regularly engaged in pre-pregnancy and are currently feeling healthy, he might advise you to just continue. However, remember that you will have to pay attention to the intensity of the and training duration.

    If you have not done much before pregnancy, before starting the program, consult your doctor. You may need to postpone the new regimen before the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage and overheating is reduced and you will have more energy. Once you start implementing the program and begin to deal with it, you can gradually increase the number of exercises performed. However, regardless of the level of your training during training, carefully watch for the appearance of warning signs.

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    The ideal components of the training are: warm-up;aerobic exercise;exercises for muscles;relaxation. A good warm-up prepares you for training. Performing aerobic exercises makes the heart and lungs work. Muscular strength and stamina can be increased by performing repeatedly repeated training exercises for individual isolated muscle groups. Careful stretch marks and breathing exercises are a good decision to get your body back to normal at the end of your workout.

    Warm-up and relaxation

    These two phases are important before and after any motor activity, even when performing light exercises, such as walking, as they prevent the appearance of pain in the muscles and their stiffness. Be sure to include in any set of exercises a short( 5-15-minute) warm-up.

    A good warm-up is a non-intensive rhythmic movement, such as walking on the spot or working on a stationary bike, followed by slow controlled stretches. Initial relaxed movements increase the flow of blood to the hands and feet, warming up the muscles, thereby reducing the risk of injury when doing stretching exercises.

    Similarly, , as and is a slow start, relaxation is the best way to finish training. To effectively complete, stretch all muscle groups in turn. Cautious strengthening exercises will be safe.

    . ... .. ... .... FIRST OF ALL - SAFETY

    Signs that you should stop training If any of these problems occur during the class, immediately stop and seek medical help:

    ♦ Bleeding from the vagina.

    ♦ The flow of any fluid from the vagina( a possible sign of rupture of membranes).

    ♦ Incompatible abdominal pain.

    ♦ Persistent headache or visual impairment.

    ♦ Unexplained weakness or dizziness.

    ♦ Noticeable fatigue, severe palpitations or chest pain.

    ♦ Sudden swelling of the ankles, face, or hands.

    ♦ Swelling, pain, or redness of the calf or part of the arm.

    Stretching during pregnancy

    Stretching is an integral part of a good workout exercise. Stretching can help relieve some of the usual complaints of pregnancy, such as cramps in the legs and feet. However, before performing stretch marks, be sure to warm up the muscles with light exercises and take care not to over-strain.

    Stretching of the shins Stand upright, legs apart. Right leg, take a step back.1. Bend the left leg in the knee so that the knee protrudes beyond the ankle, squat, leaning slightly forward and pointing the knee of the right foot to the floor.2. Hold your foot until you feel a stretch in the right shin, then relax. If you do not feel the stretching, leave your right foot farther back. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

    Extension of the front hamstrings of the hip Stand upright, legs wide by the hips, lean with one hand on the back of the chair. Slightly bend the left leg. Raise the right knee right in front of you, holding on to the lower leg.1. Move the right knee back until it is right under the thigh next to the left knee. Pelvis move a little forward.2. Hold until you feel a stretch, then relax. Repeat the exercise for your left foot.

    Side extension Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Put your hands on your waist. Pull your right arm up and lean to the left, pointing your arm through your head to the left. Hold in this position until you feel the tension, then relax. Repeat the exercise with the slope to the right.

    Forearm Extension Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch the abdomen, raise your right arm up.1, Bend the right hand and guide the fingers between the shoulder blades. Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently move it down.2. Hold until you feel a stretch in the right arm, then relax. Repeat the exercise for the left hand.

    Stretching buttocks and thighs in sitting position Sit on the floor, legs pull forward. Place the right foot on the left thigh just behind the knee.1. Gradually bend the left leg, so that the right foot moves towards you. The abdominal muscles are in tension 2. Hold in this position until you feel a stretch in the right thigh and right buttock, then relax. Repeat the exercise for the other side.

    Stretching of the chest in a sitting position

    Sit on the floor, cross-legged. Put your hands on your buttocks. Tighten the abdominal muscles, stretch the spine and take your elbows back, bringing the shoulder blades together. Hold in this position until you feel a stretch in the chest. If necessary, repeat.

    We train the heart and lungs

    Regular aerobic exercises stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph and improve the performance of the lungs. Aerobic exercises, also known as cardiovascular, involve large groups of muscles( mostly the hands and feet) in movement for about 15-30 minutes. To work effectively during this time, your muscles need more oxygen than when they are at rest, and to meet these requirements, the pulse and respiration rate should increase. Thanks to repeated repetition of exercise, the heart and lungs start to work better.

    Whether you choose to walk energetically in the local park, swim or join the prenatal fitness group, the introduction of some exercises in the complex is necessary for your well-being, they will help to overcome physical stress during labor and delivery and recover faster after them.

    Strengthening and training of muscles

    Pregnancy in itself is akin to weightlifting. Since you are wearing extra weight, it is now important that your muscles are strong and toned. To develop strength and endurance of muscles( that is, their ability to repeatedly repeat the exercise), it is necessary to isolate a group of muscles and work with it in the form of resistance, for example, to raise dumbbells in the gymnasium or to overcome the pressure of water when practicing water aerobics. Before starting such training, consider the following:

    Use the correct technique of Make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly in a group or using the weights or weights of the machine correctly. If you are not sure, then contact the instructor to show you how to do it correctly - improper lifting of weights is worse than not doing the exercise at all.

    Never lift heaviness during pregnancy. The main rule to follow is to use a weight that you comfortably raise 12-15 times. If you can not do the named number of repetitions, reduce the weight to an acceptable one. Set the task to perform two or three approaches( 12-15 repetitions each) on each muscle. But do not overexert yourself.

    Train within your capabilities If you are in a group using weights or simulators to overcome resistance, do not go beyond your abilities, determined by the pulse rate. Change the exercises so that doing usually performed on the back - standing, sitting or on the side.♦ Follow the breath When using weights or simulators to overcome resistance, it is important not to hold your breath. Learn to use breathing to perform the exercise: exhale with muscle tension and breathe in when they relax.



    An easy way to decide how often and for how long you should practice, especially aerobic exercise, is to follow a principle that takes into account factors such as frequency, intensity, duration, and type of exercise.


    If there are no medical contraindications to occupations, then according to the latest studies pregnant women should try to engage in an average of at least 30 minutes a day, preferably daily. However, at the peak of your enthusiasm, do not strive to run five kilometers a day or play tennis, if you have not done this before, strengthen your health gradually. If you regularly exercise before pregnancy, then you can continue to do this until there are no complications, but pay attention to the level of exercise.

    The minimum required at the beginning of physical training is three workouts a week, less often, you will not notice improvements in the heart and lungs. Then try to gradually increase the number of workouts. If you find yourself getting very tired at this frequency, return to three workouts a week.


    The amount of effort that you apply to implement activity is called intensity. During pregnancy, the main thing is moderation, because the

    is too small. A good indicator that you are exercising too hard or that the load is insufficient is the heart rate, which is measured by the number of beats per minute. The ideal level of effort is shown in the diagram. Find your age on the horizontal axis and look at the highlighted band. During training, try to keep the pulse rate between the maximum and minimum. If you exercise regularly, you can approach the upper border of the pulse zone, if irregularly, then try to keep it at the lower border. But always listen to your body: if you are too tired, lower the intensity.

    If you are in the gym, cardiovascular fitness equipment is useful, such as exercise bikes and treadmills, which measure the pulse rate with metal pads or a pinch on your thumb. In sports stores, portable devices are also sold to control the

    at the pulse rate, worn on the chest. If you do not have the opportunity to use such instruments, you can control your pulse during the classes themselves. To find the pulse on the wrist, place the index and middle fingers of one hand on the inside of the wrist another, just below the big-finger. If you find it difficult to detect the pulse in this way, try to find it on the neck, where it is stronger. To do this, place the index and middle fingers around the neck about three fingers wide below the chin.

    After feeling the pulse, calculate the number of beats within 10 seconds, then multiply the number by six, and you will get the heart rate per minute.

    will be inefficient, and too much can tire you and even prove dangerous. The intensity should be carefully monitored in order not to be overexcited. Since your heart is already beating with a frequency of about 15-20 beats per minute more than usual, it is important that the voltage is not large. Learn to determine the pulse and make sure that it does not go beyond the permissible.

    Another simple test of the fact that you are not overstrained is a "test for conversation".If during the class you can continue the conversation without interrupting your breathing, then the load is normal, that is, your pulse is within the permissible range. If you find that it is difficult and you convulsively grab the air, then the tension should be reduced to a level where you feel calm, even if the pulse is below the minimum.


    The first workout should be short;if you start immediately to practice for a long time it can lead to muscle pain and exhaustion. During the first few weeks, do 15 minutes of aerobic exercise, while keeping the pulse within the acceptable range. Once at this level you will feel comfortable, increase each session for a couple of minutes until you reach a half-hour duration. Thoughtful and regular training can last no more than 30 minutes, but then do not forget about the pulse.

    Even if you trained before pregnancy, do not increase the duration of training until the 14th week. The best time to increase the duration of training Pellet Muscle Compression The pelvic floor muscles form a supporting "hammock" that covers the urethra, vagina and rectum. Exercises for the pelvic muscles, called kegels, named Arnold Kegel, who singled them out, will help strengthen these hard muscles so that they can support the weight of the growing baby and ensure that the fetus is ejected outward during labor. Maintaining these muscles in a state of readiness will help them to recover more quickly after the birth of the child and to prevent problems such as urinary incontinence during stress.

    To train the pelvic floor muscles, first determine the right muscles. With the closest urination, try to interrupt the flow of urine for a while, but so that it does not leak. Remember your sensations - the muscles, through which you stopped the flow of urine, and are the muscles of the pelvic floor. Once you have identified them, do not repeat this experience again during urination. If your bladder is not completely emptied,

    can infect the urethra.

    Exercises for the pelvic floor muscles can be done almost anywhere - sitting in the car, watching TV, even standing in line. Just strain them, count to five and slowly relax. Imagine that these muscles work like an elevator. When he rises the floor by floor, gradually tighten the muscles until they are completely tight. When the "elevator" descends, gradually relax them until complete relaxation. Repeat the exercise five times.

    At first it may seem difficult enough, even just to count to five, as these muscles easily get tired, but repeating the exercise several times a day, you will soon be able to perform it repeatedly.

    is the second trimester, when you may have more energy. In the third trimester, if you quickly get tired, you may again want to reduce the load.

    Listen to your body and reduce the number of lessons if you become too tired. Try to do exercises for strength development after aerobic exercises and always remember that in training you need to include a good workout and easy relaxation.


    Regardless of whether you prefer to be engaged individually or in a group, physical activity that is useful in pregnancy( both in terms of aerobic exercise and muscle strength development) includes

    swimming, walking, walking on stairs, training onexercise bikes, as well as special prenatal aerobics and water gymnastics. Walking and swimming are so safe that most women can practice these types of physical training until the time of delivery. A good choice is Tai Chi and Yoga, as they help to relax and increase the body's readiness for childbirth. However, some yoga postures should be avoided during pregnancy, so always consult an instructor or choose special prenatal groups. Having found out that the selected exercises increase the load on joints( femoral, knee, ankle), already carrying extra weight, try to replace them with those that provide weight maintenance, for example, cycling or water exercises.


    Pelvic muscle disorientation Before exercises for abdominal muscles, check to see if you have a disease in which the vertical abdominal muscles begin to separate( separate).To do this:

    ♦ Lay down on your side, bending your knees.

    ♦ Holding your chin to your chest, pull your knees out with your arms outstretched.

    ♦ If the abdominal muscles are divided, a bulge appears in the middle of the abdomen.

    If you think you have a similar condition, consult a doctor, you may need to change a set of exercises for the abdomen.

    Muscle-holding muscles

    Several muscle groups stretch from the ribs to the pelvis. If these muscles are strong, they help maintain good posture and push the child out during childbirth.

    Although exercises for training abdominal muscles usually should be lying on the back, they should not be performed after the fourth month of pregnancy. Instead, perform this exercise sitting, standing or lying on its side. Place your hands on the outer side of your thighs or behind your head and slowly tilt your body to your knees, straining your abdominal muscles. Relax and repeat. Do the exercise until you are tired.