How to increase the likelihood of pregnancy
Useful tips on how to quickly become pregnant can speed up the conception of
Every woman who made an important decision to become a mother dreams that the coveted pregnancy will come as soon as possible. After all, it is incredibly difficult to feel disappointment from month to month and to worry anxiously about why it was not possible to get pregnant again and who is to blame for it.
In order to avoid panic and bitter minutes, physicians are advised to begin planning pregnancy in advance and be examined for health problems before attempting to become pregnant.
It's no secret that the probability of quickly becoming pregnant with healthy spouses is much higher than in couples with poor health. For example, pregnancy with hypothyroidism( thyroid disease) may not occur at all until the disease is fully compensated.
Tips on how to get pregnant fast ^
Tips on how to get pregnant quickly are very simple and easy to do, so take them on and be sure to stick with them.
Early withdrawal from contraceptives
Women who are taking contraceptives, doctors advise to refuse their use 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy, so that the normal menstrual cycle has time to fully recover. Therefore, if pregnancy did not occur immediately after their withdrawal, do not panic, perhaps the body is not ready for conception yet.
Weight normalization
Future parents need to bounce back their weight, because obesity greatly reduces the chances of becoming pregnant. No less dangerous is the too low weight of the partner - in this case hormonal infertility occurs and ovulation does not occur. The woman's organism is arranged very wisely and thus protects herself from the onset of pregnancy, which he is not able to endure with insufficient weight.
Therefore, every future mother should understand that, in pursuit of a slender figure, you can break the hormonal balance and get not only persistent infertility, but also more serious reproductive diseases that can not be cured.
Proper nutrition
To quickly become pregnant and bear a child, a woman should eat properly and balanced. In her diet should be a lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs, which are an excellent source of folic acid, without which it is impossible to save a future pregnancy. Very useful cereals from whole-grain cereals as a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber, necessary for normal weight and good bowel work, as well as meat and dairy products.
The production of fast food as a source of dyes, preservatives and carcinogens, as well as coffee, cola and other diuretic caffeinated drinks to future parents should be excluded. Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water to compensate for the physiological loss of the body and prevent dehydration.
Refusal of cigarettes, alcohol and antibiotics
Both spouses should be discarded from cigarettes and alcohol because of their negative impact on the maturation of an egg in a woman and the quality of sperm in a man. When planning pregnancy, you need to keep in mind that fully semen is renewed for a long time, within 2-3 months, so a man needs to prepare for this event in advance, that is, eat normally, do not take alcohol and medications, especially antibiotics, without extreme necessity.
The correct definition of the ovulation period
The most favorable moment for conception is the day of ovulation, when a mature egg is fully ready for fertilization, so a woman needs to be able to determine this period. With a regular menstrual cycle, it is sufficient to take 14 days from the cycle time( for example, with a cycle of 28 days, ovulation is most likely to occur on the 14th day from the onset of menstruation).
With an irregular cycle, rectal temperature can be measured daily in the rectum, which, as a rule, grows when ovulating, or buy an ovulation test-tester in the pharmacy. To begin a sexual life it is necessary not on this day, and for 6 days before ovulation and to continue 6 days after it, considering, that the spermatozoon can live up to 5 days after the sexual certificate or act.
Improve sperm quality
Successful fertilization is greatly influenced by the quality of the sperm of a man, which, contrary to the prevalent myth, does not depend on his potency. A man with a weak potency can have an excellent semen for conception, and the sexual "giant" is infertile.
The quality of sperm can not be determined by eye, for this purpose a special study is carried out in the laboratory - a spermogram that gives an answer about the number of spermatozoa, their viability, mobility and shape. The future dad to increase sperm motility doctors recommend eating fish, nuts and meat, and sweet and flour from his diet to clean
Moderate physical activity and temperature
The quality of sperm directly depends on the health and lifestyle of the spouse. If a man is overweight, smokers and inactive, it is likely to have stagnation and inflammation in the pelvic organs, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization. If he is too active in sports and takes various anabolics to build muscle, then it breaks the hormonal balance in the body, which can also lead to infertility.
The quantity and quality of sperm is adversely affected by wearing tight underwear from synthetic fabrics, long driving and the habit of taking too hot a bath. Doctors also do not advise future dads to carry a mobile phone in the genital area, as some scientific studies have found its harmful effect on sperm quality.
Frequency of sexual acts
Some couples, trying to quickly conceive a child at any cost, have sex every day and use repeated sexual acts, or, on the contrary, specifically extend the intervals between sexual contacts to achieve more sperm.
But such actions only reduce the probability of fertilization, because the second portion of the sperm contains far fewer sperm capable of fertilization, and a more rare ejaculation reduces their mobility. Physicians consider optimal for conception the rhythm of sexual life every other day in the period of possible ovulation.
Also it is not necessary to continue frictions after ejaculation, because from these movements the semen smears as though on the walls of the vagina, and its concentration at the base of the cervix decreases.
Douching with a solution of soda before sleeping
In some cases syringing with soda increases the likelihood of pregnancy, as it changes the acidity of the contents of the vagina, thereby prolonging the period of sperm motility. To prepare the solution, dilute 1/2 teaspoon of soda in a liter of warm boiled water.
Tips on how to get pregnant quickly by a boy or girl ^
Tips for getting pregnant quickly by a girl or a boy are interested in many couples who want to conceive a child of a certain sex. And, although at this stage in the development of medical science, one can not completely program the sex of a future child, there are many folk ways and ways to conceive a boy or a girl.
To become pregnant with a boy:
- You need to eat mainly meat, fish, cereals, pasta, bakery products, and also include in your diet dried fruits, vegetable oil, honey, jam and black chocolate.
- Exclude from the menu all dairy products, ice cream and milk chocolate.
- You have to start having sex on the day you start ovulation, excluding sex 6 days before the alleged onset.
- The best posture for conceiving a boy is a man from behind.
- It is also observed that in women of even age, the boy's pregnancy occurs mainly in odd months( January, March, etc.), and in women of odd age, on the contrary, in even( February, April, etc.).
To become pregnant with a girl:
- include low-fat meat, dairy products, eggs, rice, butter, nuts, juices, berries and fruits.
- Limit salt intake and discard meat and fish products, cheeses, dried fruits, tea, coffee and dark chocolate.
- Sexually, for the girl's conception, lead regularly and stop 2 days before the expected ovulation.
- The recommended pose is a man from the top without a deep penetration.
No stresses
An important factor for the onset of pregnancy is a good psychological situation in the family, so avoid in every possible way quarrels, unnecessary worries and stresses, which, according to scientists, greatly reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.
Strongly prevents this and constant fatigue - to fight against it, start to adhere to the correct regime of the day, organize a full rest, an 8-hour night's sleep, to eliminate the causes of insomnia, make regular nightly walks.
The main reward for your patience and endurance will be the long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby, about which you dreamed.
It is also recommended to watch a video of the video with useful advice from health professionals about products that should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid the threat of interruption: