  • Anemia in Pregnancy

    Anemia while waiting for a child is quite common. The diagnosis of "anemia" is made at a hemoglobin level below 110 g / l in the first and third trimesters and below 105 g / l in the second trimester of pregnancy. With mild severity, anemia can be asymptomatic, the woman feels well, nothing disturbs her. When severe - fatigue, weakness, pallor, decreased appetite, dyspnea and swelling may occur. More about the symptoms, see here.

    The main cause of anemia is the lack of iron in the blood. During pregnancy, the body's need for iron increases. Iron deficiency can be associated with:

    1) with insufficient intake of food, lack of the necessary amount of raw vegetables and fruits, milk, meat, fish in the diet;

    2) improper heat treatment of food;

    3) bleeding during pregnancy;

    4) multiple pregnancies;

    5) a violation of absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of diseases of the stomach and intestines;

    6) loss of appetite.

    There are three degrees of severity of anemia during pregnancy:

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    1) I degree. The content of blood hemoglobin level is 90-100 g / l;

    2) II degree( 70-90 g / l);

    3) III degree( less than 70 g / l).

    Severe anemia is a dangerous condition for a pregnant woman. At the same time, the risk of complications, spontaneous abortions, premature birth, birth of a small child and fetal death are increased, and labor is more difficult.

    Anemia in a pregnant woman adversely affects the growth and development of a child. There is intrauterine oxygen starvation of the fetus.

    Prevention of serious complications in the mother and fetus can be prevented by timely prevention of the disease. Treatment of anemia is carried out after a thorough examination and establishing the cause of its development. Deficiency of iron is eliminated by ingestion of iron-containing preparations, which are presently present in large quantities. Correctly to pick up a preparation and a dose the doctor will help.

    Treatment can be carried out at home. How to treat this disease with folk remedies. But with severe forms of the disease, it is necessary to send the pregnant woman to the hospital, especially on the eve of childbirth.